You may want to send messages to a specific email account using SMTP. 

  1. Complete the WSDL test creation wizard as normal (see Creating Tests From a WSDL for details).
  2. Double-click the node for the test that will be using SMTP.
  3. In the right GUI panel, select the Transport tab and select SMTP from the Transport drop-down menu.
  4. Configure the following options:

Once the test is set up, the email is automatically sent every time the test is run.

It is also proven helpful for SOAtest to alert users via email of specific test failures by combining Test flow logic with an Messaging Client that uses SMTP. To do so, complete the following:

  1. Create an Messaging Client by right clicking on the Test Suite node and select Add Test> Standard Test> New Tool> Messaging Client.
  2. In the Messaging Client tool select SMTP as the transport, and fill in the receiver’s email information within the Transport Properties.
  3. In the text area of the Messaging Client enter a message (to alert the users).
  4. Configure the test flow logic by selecting the test suite node and click on the Test Flow Logic button.
  5. Now create test dependency for the Messaging Client. (e.g. run Messaging Client only when Test 2 succeeds)