要启用测试多线程应用程序的功能,请在【构建】设置的【编译器】选项(如 设置项目和文件选项中所述)中添加以下选项:
此选项将激活 C++test 的运行时库中的多线程支持,并禁用对线程相关例程使用安全桩函数
C++test 默认的运行时库具有对测试多线程应用程序的内置支持。除非您要构建具有多线程支持的自定义运行时库(例如,用于嵌入式测试),否则无需执行其他操作。如果您需要使用多线程支持来构建自定义运行时库,请将 "- DCPPTEST_THREADS_ENABLED=1"
运行时库的实现可以使用以下类型的线程 API:
如果需要使用其他线程 API(或自定义的 API),则必须实现以下类型和例程。
注意,C++test 运行时源中的 CppTestThread.c 文件包含线程支持例程的定义;它可以用作示例或更改的基础。
typedef IMPLEMENTATION_DEPENDENT_TYPE CppTestThreadKey; /** * Creates key for thread local storage data * Returns 0 on success */ extern int localThreadKeyCreate(CppTestThreadKey* key); /** * Deletes key for thread local storage data * Returns 0 on success */ extern int localThreadKeyDelete(CppTestThreadKey key); /** * Returns a thread specific value associate with a key */ extern void* localThreadGetSpecific(CppTestThreadKey key); /** * Associate a thread specific value with a key * Returns 0 on success */ extern int localThreadSetSpecific(CppTestThreadKey key, void* value); |
注意:C++test 运行时假设互斥对象可以静态初始化。
typedef IMPLEMENTATION_DEPENDENT_TYPE CppTestThreadMutex; #define CPPTEST_THREADS_MUTEX_STATIC_INIT <IMPLEMENTATION_DEPENDENT_STATIC_INITIALIZER> /** * Initializes mutex * @return 0 on success */ extern int localThreadMutexInit(CppTestThreadMutex* mutex); /** * Destroy and release resources used by mutex * @return 0 on success */ extern int localThreadMutexDestroy(CppTestThreadMutex* mutex); /** * Lock mutext and return when calling thread becames is owner of it. * @return 0 on success */ extern int localThreadMutexLock(CppTestThreadMutex* mutex); /** * Releases mutex owned by calling thread. * @return 0 on success */ extern int localThreadMutexUnlock(CppTestThreadMutex* mutex); |
/** * Exits calling thread * (never returns) */ extern void localThreadExit(); /** * @return non-zero if threads already finished execution */ extern int localThreadFinished(CppTestThread* thread); /** * @return non-zero if threads are supported in current build * (proper macros, libraries, compiler options were used). */ extern int localThreadsSupported(void); /** * Initializes given thread structure */ extern void localThreadInit(CppTestThread* thread); |