In this section:
This topic explains how to import results into the IDE from DTP, Team Server or an XML file. Choose Parasoft> Import to specify where you want to import findings from. You can also import findings from the Quality Tasks view menu or use the Import from DTP toolbar button:
If C/C++test is connected to DTP, team developers/testers can import test results into their IDEs. If project-wide/team-wide tests are run automatically each night on a central server machine and the results published to DTP (see Generating Reports for information how to send results to DTP), each developer or tester can import his or her assigned findings on their desktop and then review and respond to them in the Quality Tasks view.
Findings from DTP file, are imported according to the Import Settings configuration, see Configuring Import Options.
You need to ensure that:
To import findings from DTP:
The import will begin immediately. An alert will tell you how many findings were imported.
The import will begin immediately. When finished, an alert will tell you how many findings were imported. The imported findings will be loaded into the Quality Tasks view.
If the imported findings are associated with a file that has been modified, a message appears specifying the file(s) that are out of sync. The markers associated with these findings (including the line numbers) may not match the location in the local resource files or may indicate findings that have already been resolved.
Findings associated with resources missing locally are not imported and the displayed message lists the files that are unavailable.
To access Parasoft DTP reports based on information from C/C++test tests and other sources:
Choose Parasoft> Explore> Report Center Reports or open the reports as described in your DTP User’s Guide.
To import findings from an XML file:
Any team member whose C/C++test installation is connected to Team Server will be able to import the results stored on Team Server. When tasks are imported, test results are shown in the GUI as if the test were run in the GUI. After the import, you can drill down into findings in the normal manner, double-click task messages to open and edit the related line of source code, use any applicable "Quick Fixes" to correct reported problems, and so forth.
You can import a specific category of tasks, tasks for specific goals, or all tasks. You can only import results for projects that are currently in your workbench. If the tested project files were modified in your workbench since the test was run, the results will not be reported because they might not correspond to your modified version of the project files.
To import tasks from Team Server:
Note that the imported results are a static "snapshot" of the results at the time the test completed. They do not reflect changes were made since that test run (e.g., if tasks were reassigned or suppressed). If you want these updates to be propagated across the team, do one of the following:
In determining which tasks to recommend, C/C++test considers:
When importing results, C/C++test loads the latest report for each session tag and downloads the tasks related to files that are in open projects. The tag is set through the session tag setting — either in Parasoft> Preferences> Reports, or with the |
Here’s an alternative way to import all tasks:
By default, C/C++test is configured to import tasks from tests performed within the past 2 days. If your team doesn’t run tests frequently and you try to import tasks more than 2 days after the test has run, nothing will be imported—unless you change the default settings. To change the default test import settings:
Any team member whose C/C++test installation is connected to Team Server will be able to view and download the report files that are available on Team Server.
To download a report file:
If you want to delete reports stored on Team Server (for example, if you want to clear all old reports from Team Server or remove the report for a failed test run):
If you want to keep the related test data on Team Server (for example, if you are cleaning out old reports, but you still want data from these tests used for graphs that show historical trends), enable Keep summary data for report graphs. |
Any team member who can access the Team Server’s Web server can directly browse to the report files that are available on Team Server. This allows team members to access reports outside of the C/C++test GUI. Moreover, in the reports available on Team Server, all links (for instance, links to Category) are active. All links are not active in emailed reports.
To directly access a report available on Team Server, choose Parasoft> Explore> Team Server Reports in the C/C++test GUI.