In this section:

General Procedure

Before you can test code with C/C++test, it must be available in a C/C++test project within the workbench (a temporary work area—unique for each user). This involves:

  1. Creating or importing a project:
  2. Configuring build settings within the C/C++test project options.

These two tasks need to be performed only once. After one team member creates and configures a project, it can be checked into source control, then reused by all developers working on the code as described in Sharing Projects.

Working with C/C++test Projects

C/C++test projects define a group of source and header files that are built to a single binary library or executable. Each project maps to a directory in the file system. All files and folders from this directory are a part of the project and are visible as the project subtree. Additionally, projects may contain linked folders that point to external locations in the file system. All files and subfolders of such locations are visible as a part of the project.

Choosing a Project Location

Projects can be created in the root directory of the source files structure. In this case, all source files will be visible as part of the project. 

Creating a project in the root directory of the source files structure is recommended if the project will be shared and if C/C++test files/folders can be added to the project root directory.

If C/C++test files cannot be added to the original file structure, then the project should be created in the workspace/external location and linked folders should be created to include the source/header files locations in the project.

Projects can also be created in other location, such as in the workspace directory. In this case, linked folders pointing to the source/header directories will need to be created.

Sharing Projects with Linked Resources

Linked folders are defined as absolute paths in project definition (.project) files. To make it easier to share projects containing linked resources, linked folders can also be specified relative to Path Variables. To define a Path Variable, choose Window> Preferences from the main menu and go to General> Workspace> Linked Resources.

About the Eclipse-based Standalone Distribution

The C/C++test Standalone GUI is built using Eclipse. Consequently, some of the general Eclipse capabilities for creating and organizing projects are used in C++test. For more details about these Eclipse capabilities, see the relevant topics in the Eclipse Workbench User Guide (available by choosing Help> Help Contents, then opening the Workbench User Guide book). Some Eclipse functionality is not available for C/C++test projects because they are not complete Eclipse projects. For example, C/C++test projects will not support Build or Run options from the Eclipse menu.