In this section:

What's New

Support for the following systems was added: 

  • Windows 10
  • Fedora 26
  • Ubuntu 17
  • Gentoo

See Requirements for additional support information.

Known Issues

This section describes known issues in this release.

All Platforms

The system may attempt to instrument lambdas inside of templates. This will cause a crash. Such lambda functions should be ignored.


  • Insure++ needs one TLS slot to track threads. This slot must be in the minimum supported range, (usually 1-64). If an application uses too many of the "guaranteed" TLS slots, then Insure++ won't function. We've seen this with Intellicad.
  • Running Insure++ from Visual Studio without elevated privileges may see INSURE_ERRORs regarding .gus files. The workaround is to run with elevated privileges once.
  • The Suppressions Panel will not work properly unless you run Insure++ with elevated privileges or the Enable user specific options is enabled in the Insure++ Control Panel.
  • Session zero isolation prevents user interaction with insra when injecting system services. The workaround is to use a report file.
  • On Windows 7, user code may be missing from USER_ERROR message stack traces. These are often due to Microsoft using undocumented aspects of Windows interfaces and may be safely ignored.
  • C# executables built with /platform:anycpu (the default) fail to run under the Insure++ Debugger. The workaround is to build with /platform:x86 or /platform:x64.
  • AutoCAD plugins are incompatible with Insure++. Consider C++Test with BugDetective.

Visual Studio 2010 and Later

The following known issues are specific to Visual Studio 2010 and later:

  • Visual Studio does not use the VS Debug API when debugging managed executables. As a result debugging managed executables is not supported. This only applies to debugging--executing such applications is still supported.
  • The Insure++ Build function does not rebuild anything when header files are changed. This issue is a Microsoft dependency tracking bug. The workaround is to use Instrument File, Insure++ Rebuild Selection, and/or Insure++ Rebuild Solution when necessary.
  • When only the Visual C++ component is installed, the Insure++ toolbar is ineffective. After restarting Visual Studio, the buttons work, but the Tools->Insure++ menu remains unavailable. Visual Studio 2015 may crash during startup if the C++ components are not installed.

Additional Updates

  • Support for MSVC++-10.0 (VS 2010) is deprecated and will be dropped in the next release. 
  • Machine ID generation has been updated to be consistent with other Parasoft tools.

PRs and FRs

The following PRs/FRs were addressed in this release:

INS-4244Alternative to PATCHED_LD_SO
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