In this section:


  • Added support for ESLint 9.8.0, JSHint 2.13.6, and AndroidLint 34.
  • Users must now explicitly agree to the End User License Agreement (EULA) to use the application. See Multi-Language Pack for more information about accepting the EULA.
  • Resolved important OWASP A6 security issues.


Updated third-party, internal technical libraries.


Multi-Language Pack now supports ESLint. See ESLint Support for details.

Support for the following analyzer versions have been added to Multi-Language Pack:

  • Android Lint 31
  • OCLint 21.10
  • PMD 6.40.0
  • SonarQube 9.1
  • SwiftLint 0.45.0
  • JSHint 2.13.1
  • PHPMD 2.10.2
  • Pylint 2.11.1
  • RuboCop 1.23.0


Support for the following analyzer versions have been added to Multi-Language Pack:

  • Android Lint 26.1.1
  • GoReporter 3.0.2
  • JSHint 2.12.0
  • PHPMD 2.9.1
  • PMD 6.28.0
  • RuboCop 0.92.0
  • SwiftLint 0.40.3
  • TSLint 6.1.3

Multi-Language Pack is updated as new versions of analyzers become available. Support for analyzers not mentioned above remains the same as the previous release. Refer to the documentation for individual analyzer integrations for supported versions.

10.4.2 - Initial Release

Parasoft Multi-Language Pack is a collection of tools that enable you to integrate your third-party code analysis tools with Parasoft DTP. Multi-Language Pack replaces the functionality delivered by the Parasoft Custom Analyzer system of tools that included the Parasoft Analyzer package and separately-installed plug-ins. This release of Multi-Language Pack supports the following third-party analysis tools:

  • Android Lint (includes Kotlin language analysis)
  • GoReporter
  • JSHint
  • OCLint
  • PMD (includes Apex language analysis)
  • Pylint
  • RuboCop
  • Scalastyle
  • SonarQube
  • SwiftLint
  • TSLint

Upgrade Notes

This release includes significant changes from previous versions, including execution commands, configurations, and deployment structure. If you are upgrading from Parasoft Customer Analyzers 10.3.4 and older, you should account for the following changes. 

Previous Analyzer(s)Multi-Language PackNotes

multilanguage-pack.shThis is the primary script for executing the Multi-Language Pack on non-Windows systems
parasofttestcli.batmultilanguage-pack.batThis is the primary script for executing the Multi-Language Pack on Windows systems
etc\ This file contains general configuration settings, such as connecting to DTP and licensing.
Settings for specific analyzers (e.g., etc\ Specific analyzers now use the main file.
-Ddata.dir=[path]-source.dir [path]This parameter specifies the location of the source code analyzed by the third-party tool.
–Dresults.file=[path]-results.file [path]This parameter specifics the location of the code analysis execution results output by the third-party tool.
-Dsettings=[path]-settings [path]This parameters specifies the location of the file.
N/A-toolThis property specifies which extension to execute. Refer to the documentation for the specific extensions for details.

CSV Importer

The syntax used in the CSV Importer extension has changed. If you were using an older version of the CSV Importer extension (previously available in the Parasoft Marketplace) you should make the following modifications:

Static Analysis Rule Description Format 

  • analyzer_name column no longer needed
  • header column no longer needed

Violation Results CSV Format

  • language column no longer needed
  • package column no longer needed

Metrics Analysis Rule File Format

  • analyzer_name column no longer needed
  • category column no longer needed
  • ruleid column name renamed to metricid
  • ruledoc_url column no longer needed

Metrics Results CSV Format

  • language column no longer needed
  • ruleid column name renamed to metricid

  • No labels