You can assign violations to other violation authors or members of the Project associated with the Filter.

  1. Select violation(s) in the search results area; the file name appears in the code view panel.
  2. Click the Prioritization tab and click the Assigned To field.
  3. Enter an assignee's username. The form will auto-fill based on the users in the system.
  4. Make any other changes and click Apply. The Apply to All Branches option is enabled by default. Disable this option if you want to apply changes to only the selected instance of the violation; see Applying Changes to Violations.

About Assignees and Authors

When DTP receives a violation for the first time, the value of the Assignee field is copied from the Author field. The value of the Author field is determined from either the authorship settings configured in the tool's .properties configuration file or from the source control management (SCM) system. If authorship is not configured, then the Author is set to the user logged into the machine that executed the analysis. Refer to your tool documentation for additional information.

Authorship may be changed when another developer modifies the code containing the violation and the analysis is sent to DTP. The value of the Assignee field, however, remains consistent unless the violation is reassigned manually in the Violations Explorer view.

The Assignee can also be reset to null using the DTP REST API. Resetting the Assignee enables DTP to automatically set a new assignee it receives a new report containing the violation.

Resetting Violation Assignee with the REST API

Send a POST request to the /resetViolationMetadata endpoint to reset all prioritization metadata fields for a build to their default values. Authentication is required to use the API endpoint. The user must also have administrator privileges. The following cURL example shows how to call the endpoint:

 curl -X POST -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> "<PROTOCOL>://<HOST>:<PORT>/grs/api/v1.5/admin/staticAnalysis/resetViolationMetadata?buildId=<BUILD_ID>"

The Assignee field for violations in the build will be set to null in the database. You will not be able to make changes in the Prioritization tab until a user has been assigned to a violation. Users will automatically be assigned the next time Data Collector loads a report for the violations.  

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