You can configure DTP to generate widgets and reports that help you demonstrate traceability between the requirements stored in Polarion and the test, static analysis, and build review data sent to DTP from Parasoft tools (C/C++test, dotTEST, Jtest, SOAtest). 

If you want the Traceability Report to include code review and static analysis information, you must associate your source code files with work items in Polarion. See Associating Requirements with Files for instructions on enabling this optional feature.

DTP interfaces that display and track traceability are enabled by deploying the External System Traceability Report artifact shipped with the Traceability Pack. The Traceability Pack also includes the Sending Test Data to External System flow, which automates part of the requirements traceability workflow. Refer to the Traceability Pack documentation for additional information about the pack.

Use DTP Extension Designer to deploy the External System Traceability Report and the Sending Test Data to External System flow to your environment. Verify that DTP is connected to Polarion as described in the Connecting DTP to Polarion ALM Server section before deploying the artifact.

Installing the Traceability Pack

The first step is to install the Traceability Pack. The artifact is a collection of configuration files and assets that enable traceability.  

  1. Choose Extension Designer from the settings (gear icon) menu.
  2. Click the Configuration tab to open Artifact Manager.
  3. Click Upload Artifact and browse for the traceability-pack-<VERSION>.zip archive (also see Downloading and Installing Artifacts).
  4. Click Install and a collection of assets and configuration files for enabling traceability will be installed. 

Deploying the External System Traceability Report

Deploy the External System Traceability Report after installing the Traceability Pack. 

  1. Open Extension Designer and click on the Services tab.
  2. Choose an existing service to deploy the artifact or create a new service in the DTP Workflows category. Refer to Working with Services for additional information on organizing services and artifacts.
  3. If you are adding the artifact to an existing service, add a new Flow tab (see Working with Flows) and choose Import from the ellipses menu.
  4. Go to Local > Flows > Workflows > Traceability Pack > External System Traceability Report and click Import.
  5. Click inside the Flow tab to drop the nodes into the service and click Deploy

Deploying the External System Traceability Report adds new widgets to Report Center, as well as a drill-down report. See Viewing the Traceability Report for instructions on adding the widgets and viewing the report.  

Deploying the Sending Test Data to External System Application Flow

This artifact sends test data to Polarion when DTP Data Collector retrieves test results from a Parasoft tool. This artifact ships with the Traceability Pack, which must be installed as described in Installing the Traceability Pack before deploying the flow.

  1. Open Extension Designer and click on the Services tab.
  2. Choose an existing service to deploy the artifact or create a new service in the DTP Workflows category. Refer to Working with Services for additional information on organizing services and artifacts.
  3. If you are adding the artifact to an existing service, add a new Flow tab (see Working with Flows) and choose Import from the ellipses menu.
  4. Go to Library > Workflows > Traceability Pack > Sending Test Data to External System Application and click Import.
  5. Click inside the Flow tab to drop the nodes into the service and click Deploy
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