The Build Audit Report shows all test and analysis artifacts and metadata associated with a build so that you can understand how well the build is tested. You can archive builds from the repost to prevent test and coverage from being removed during normal database procedures, as well as lock builds so that they can be used as baselines in widgets and explorer views. For more information about the concepts covered in this report, see DTP Concepts

Click on a build from the Build Administration page (see Build Administration - Statistics) to access the report. The Build Audit Report has the following sections:


The Summary table provides an overview of the test and analysis data associated with the build. Any descriptive tags added on the build administration page are shown in parentheses next to the build ID in the header. You can also archive and lock the build by clicking the icons. See Locking and Archiving Builds for additional information.


The Tests table shows the number of tests passed, failed, and incomplete organized by test type, such as functional or unit tests, associated with the build. The number of passing tests are also represented as a percentage. Test data is automatically merged so that overlapping tests do not affect the totals reported.


The Coverage table shows the code coverage associated with the build organized by coverage image (see DTP Concepts to learn about coverage images, builds, and other concepts). 

DTP supports up to five coverage images per build. The run configuration associated with the coverage image displays in parentheses. The following coverage images are included by default:

  • All: Image that includes coverage for all tests.
  • Unit Tests: Image that includes coverage for unit tests, such as tests executed with C/C++test, dotTEST, or Jtest.
  • Functional: Image that includes coverage for functional tests, such as tests executed with Parasoft SOAtest.
  • Manual Tests: Image that includes coverage for unit tests, such as tests run using the Parasoft Coverage Agent.
  • Other: Image that includes coverage for unit tests, such as tests run by third-party tools.

See Associating Coverage Images with Filters for additional information.

Static Analysis 

The Static Analysis table shows the number of violations and suppressed violations reported in the build. 


The specific run information associated with the build is displayed in an interactive Runs table.

You can perform the following actions:

  • Click on a table header to sort the data by that column.
  • Drag a column header to the area specified in the table to create views based on groups of data.

  • Click on a link in the Reports column to download the report associated with a specific run. You can download the report in XML or PDF format, as well as view an HTML version in your browser.
  • Click the Download Archive menu and choose an archive type to download all the data associated with the build. See Downloading Reports.

Understanding Setup Problems

The Setup Problems column lets you know if the report contains irregularities related to the analysis and test execution tool configuration. Setup problems are organized by severity into the following categories:

  • Error: Severe setup problems
  • Warn: Moderate setup problems
  • Info: Light setup problems

The Build Audit Report shows setup problems in the following format:

<total problems>[<number of errors>, <number of warnings>, <number of infos>]  

You can hover over a link in the Setup Problems column for a quick overview.

Click on a link to open the Setup Problems report, which provides detailed information.

See the documentation for your code analysis and test execution tool for additional information.

Downloading Reports

Builds must be locked and archived before you can download a report associated with the build. See Using Build Administration for more information. You can download a complete Build Audit Report archive, which includes reports for all run IDs, or download individual reports for each run ID. You can download reports in XML, HTML, or PDF format. 

Downloading Complete Archives

  1. Choose a format from the Download Archive menu.
  2. Specify your report preferences when prompted and click Generate. The data will be collected into a report and automatically downloaded when ready.

Downloading Individual Reports

  1. Click on a report format in the Reports column.
  2. Specify your report preferences when prompted and click Generate. The data will be collected into a report and automatically downloaded when ready.

Report Preferences

The information presented in the report is dependent on the type of run (static analysis, test execution, and so on) and the report settings configured for code analysis and test execution tool. As a result, some preferences may not be applicable to the report data. See the documentation for your tool for details. 

Detailed report for developers

Enable to generate customized detailed reports for each team member. These reports contain tasks assigned to the specific team member.

Overview of findings by authorsEnable to include an overview of the number and type of tasks assigned to each developer.
Overview of checked files and executed tests

Enable to include details about all checked files and executed tests.

For static analysis, the report will include a list of all the files that were checked. For each file, the report lists the number of rule violations and the number of suppressed violations. If the file has a violation, it also lists the line number, rule name, and rule ID for that violation.

For test execution, the report will include a list of all executed test cases and their outcomes (pass or fail). For each test suite, the report lists the total number of test cases and the number of passed test cases. If a task is reported for a test case, additional details (stack trace, outcome, and so on) are presented.

For code review, the report will include a list of all pending issues with messages between author - reviewer - monitor (filtered by session tag by default).

You can also enable Requirements/defects details, which specifies whether the report shows requirements, defects, tasks, and feature requests that are associated with a test.

Findings detailsEnable to include details about static analysis findings.
Suppression detailsEnable to include information about suppressed static analysis violations.
Active rulesEnable to include a list of the rules enabled during analysis.
Highlight coverage belowSpecify a percentage threshold for highlighting test coverage.
Setup problemsChoose an option for viewing setup problems.
  • No labels