This topic explains configuration options for using HTTP 1.1 transport in Client tools.After selecting HTTP 1.1 from the Transport menu within the Transport tab of an appropriate tool, the following options are shown in the left pane of the Transport tab:


General page options include:

  • Router Endpoint: The endpoint is the URL of the service endpoint. 

  • Method: Specifies which method is used to processes the request. This field is disabled if Constrain to WSDL is enabled.The method to invoke can be specified as a fixed value, parameterized value, or scripted value.

    For details about parameterizing values, see Parameterizing Tools with Data Source Values, Variables, and Extracted Values.

    With fixed values, you can access data source values using ${var_name} syntax. You can also use the environment variables that you have specified. For details about environments, see Configuring Virtualize Environments.

    For details about scripting values, see Extensibility and Scripting Basics.

  • Message Exchange Pattern: Expect Synchronous Response: Specifies whether a response body is expected. An HTTP response header is always expected. If this option is disabled, the product sends a one-way message and waits for a notification header (typically "HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted").

  • HTTP Chunking: Sends HTTP messages in chunks. Rather than sending the entire message from memory, SOAtest and Virtualize read the message a block at a time, then sends the block. A number is added before each block so that the receiving end knows how many bytes to expect.
  • Redirect Settings: (for messaging clients only, for example, REST, SOAP, Messaging, EDI clients) Specifies whether to automatically follow HTTP redirects. Disable this option if you want to perform an action or validation on the original request/response traffic (instead of working only with the final request/response pair).
  • Compression Settings: (for messaging clients only, for example, REST, SOAP, Messaging, EDI clients) Specifies whether to compress requests and decompress responses.
    • Gzip request payload: Gzips the request payloads being sent over the network. Data sent to attached tools will not be compressed. Note that compression does not apply to SOAP Clients configured to send attachments or in MTOM mode.
    • Decompress gzip-encoded response payload: Decompresses response payloads that have "Content-Encoding: gzip" as a header field. Attached tools will receive the uncompressed data.

URL Parameters

URL Parameters page options include:

  • URL Parameters: Allows you to add parameters to the URL for a GET request. After clicking Add, you can specify Parameters/Value pairs in the dialog that opens. If a data source is available, you can parameterize the values as well.


Going to Security > Authentication allows you to select an authentication method for the tool. By default, the default authentication method set up for the test suite is selected, but you can change it by selecting Custom from the first menu and choosing the desired option from the next dropdown. Options include:

  • One of the shared authentication methods created for the test suite. You can also create an authentication method for the test suite from here by clicking New

  • Global Preferences, which uses the global authorization preferences set in Parasoft > Preferences > Security (if you have set them; see "Security Settings" on the Additional Preference Settings page for more information about global security preferences).
  • No Authentication, which is particularly useful for things like negative tests.

Security > Client-side SSL options include:

  • Use Client Key Store: Specifies the key store used to complete the handshake with the server.

HTTP Headers

HTTP Headers page options include:

  • Add: Click to add a custom HTTP header.
  • Modify: Click to modify the selected HTTP header. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to modify the Name and Value of the header. If the tool is using a data source, values for the header can be accessed from the data source.
  • Remove: Click to delete the selected HTTP header.

These controls are used to override header fields. For example, you can override the Content-Type header field by specifying the desired name and value via these controls. 

The following header fields, which are added by default, can be overridden via these UI controls.


The value will contain the host name and port number from the HTTP endpoint or resource URL.


The media type of the outgoing message. This header is only sent if the outgoing message contains a body which is controlled by the HTTP method. A body is sent for POST, PUT, and DELETE methods and not for GET, OPTIONS, HEAD, or TRACE.

The default value is determined based on the type of message being sent. The content-type of a SOAP message will vary depending on the SOAP version, "text/xml" for SOAP 1.1 or "application/soap+xml" for SOAP 1.2. Other XML messages will use "text/xml" by default. JSON messages will use "application/json". A message configured using the Table view will use "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". A message sent with MIME attachments will contain a "multipart" content-type with "start" and "boundary" parameters. Messages belonging to EDI, Fixed Length, CSV, or Custom message formats will have the media type for the message format.


The size of the outgoing message in bytes. This header is not sent if "chunked" transfer encoding is enabled.

The following HTTP headers are configured conditionally. They are configured outside of this table or have values that must be dynamically generated.


This HTTP header is sent for SOAP 1.1 only. It is set in the SOAPAction field of the General page.


This header is constructed automatically based on the Authentication and OAuth settings specified in client options (HTTP Options > Security > Authentication). The value for NTLM, Digest, and Kerberos authentication will vary depending on various factors, including dynamically generated challenge responses and security tokens. 


This header is added to the message with the value of close if Close connection is enabled. This header is not sent if Keep-Alive connection is enabled (this is the default). Keep-Alive must be enabled for NTLM and Digest HTTP authentication.


This header is constructed based on the Proxy Authentication settings in the preferences and whether the server indicated that proxy authentication is required.


Cookies page options include:

  • Reset existing cookies before sending request: Allows you to clear the current cookies so that next HTTP invocations start a new session.

  • No labels