If you have used DTP's embedded database and would like to switch over to an external database while preserving your current data, you can do so in a few easy steps. Your new, external database must be compatible with DTP's embedded database (see "Database Requirements" on the Database Settings page for more information) and, as a best practice, it is recommended that the external database be installed on a different machine than DTP.

  1. Stop all DTP services that are using the DTP Console. See Stopping DTP Services for more information.
  2. Back up the embedded database. See Backing Up the Embedded Database for more information.
  3. Install a MySQL database to use as the external database. To ensure compatibility with the embedded database, use the latest version of MySQL 5.7.
    • Be sure to set up a root account, which you will need for the next step.
    • It is recommended that you install your database on a different machine than DTP.
  4. Create the DTP database, "dtp" user, and schema using a root account for the new external database.

    mysql -u root -p < <DTP_HOME>/grs/db/dtp/mysql/create.sql
  5. When the process finishes, import the data from the embedded database backed up in Step 2 using the new "dtp" user. The default password for the "dtp" user is U%Cew2d6.

    mysql -u dtp -p DTP < <DTP_DATA>/db/backup/dtpDbExport_<TIMESTAMP>.sql

    For more information about restoring data from an embedded database into an external database, see "Restoring the Embedded Database to an External Database Server" on the Backing Up the Embedded Database page.

  6. Download the MySQL JDBC driver for your external database's version of MySQL and save it in the <DTP_DATA>/lib/thirdparty directory. It is recommended that you use the latest version of MySQL Java Connector.

  7. Edit the <DTP_DATA>/conf/PSTRootConfig.xml with the following changes:
    • Set "embedded-db enabled" to false.

      <embedded-db enabled="false"/>
    • Set the "url" value under "dtp-db-connection" to the URL, with both host and port, where the MySQL service is running.

  8. In the DTP console, restart the DTP Server service and all other necessary services (for example, Data Collector and/or DTP Enterprise Pack). Do not restart the Embedded Database service.
  9. Once the DTP Server service is running again, log into DTP and verify DTP is working and that all data has persisted.
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