This topic explains how to create and configure C/C++test projects for code that is designed to be compiled/built using ARM compilers and/or written with the aid of the DS-5 IDE.

C/C++test integrates with ARM DS-5 projects. Both managed and static makefile build types are supported

  • CDT-managed make projects should not require additional setup activities.
  • Static make projects may require the  C++test> Build Settings> Option Source project properties to be reconfigured. For more information please refer to Creating a Project Using an Existing Build System.


When testing a project that uses the ARM C/C++ Compiler to build an ARM Linux application or  library (e.g.using the armcc --arm_linux_configure --arm_linux_config_file=path command), you must manually change the linker executable from armlink to armcc in the project compiler settings. Choose Project Properties> Parasoft> C++test > Build Settings to edit the compiler settings. Changing the linker executable allows the behavior of ARM C/C++ toolchain to be mimicked in ARM Linux mode.

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