In this release, we've focused on enhancing code analysis capabilities and extending support for environments. Extended Support Compilers- Support for Green Hills Software Compiler for PPC 2017.1.x
- Support for Windows Server 2016
Enhanced Flow AnalysisYou can now configure Flow Analysis to analyze a list of functions and files from outside the scope (see Configuring Flow Analysis). New Code Analysis RulesRule ID | Header |
GLOBAL-UNIQUETYPE | A class, union or enum name (including qualification, if any) shall be a unique identifier | GLOBAL-UNUSEDFUNC | Every defined function with external linkage shall be used at least once | MISRA2008-0_1_10_b | Every defined function with external linkage shall be used | MISRA2008-2_10_41 | A class, union or enum name (including qualification, if any) shall be a unique identifier |
Anchor |
| removed_rules |
| removed_rules |
| 1 The following rules have been removed and replaced with the new rule MISRA2008-2_10_4: MISRA2008-2_10_4_a, MISRA2008-2_10_4_b, MISRA2008-2_10_4_c
Updated Code Analysis RulesRule Category | Rule IDs |
Flow Analysis | BD-SECURITY-TDENV, BD-SECURITY-TDCONSOLE, BD-PB-CHECKRET | Coding Conventions | CODSTA-10, CODSTA-11, CODSTA-61,CODSTA-67, CODSTA-112, CODSTA-CPP-02, CODSTA-CPP-11, CODSTA-CPP-66, CODSTA-MCPP-10_a, CODSTA-MCPP-10_b, CODSTA-MCPP-14, CODSTA-MCPP-16_b, CODSTA-MCPP-16_c, CODSTA-MCPP-16_d | Comments | COMMENT-05 | Exceptions | EXCEPT-17 | Formatiing | FORMAT-26 | Initialization | INIT-06 | Joint Strike Fighter | JSF-051_a, JSF-071_b, JSF-081, JSF-082, JSF-117_b, JSF-127, JSF-132_a, JSF-142_a, JSF-163, JSF-164, JSF-185, JSF-186_h, JSF-194, JSF-202 |
| MISRA-030 | MISRA 2004 | MISRA2004-2_4, MISRA2004-5_4_a, MISRA2004-5_4_b, MISRA2004-5_4_c, MISRA2004-9_1, MISRA2004-10_1_g, MISRA2004-12_8, MISRA2004-13_3, MISRA2004-16_9 | MISRA 2008 | MISRA2008-0_1_10, MISRA2008-2_7_2, MISRA2008-2_7_3, MISRA2008-3_9_1, MISRA2008-5_2_4, MISRA2008-5_8_1, MISRA2008-6_2_2, MISRA2008-6_4_3_c, MISRA2008-6_4_6, MISRA2008-8_4_4, MISRA2008-8_5_1, MISRA2008-15_3_6 | MISRA 2012 | MISRA2012-DIR-4_4, MISRA2012-RULE-5_7_a, MISRA2012-RULE-5_7_b, MISRA2012-RULE-12_2, MISRA2012-RULE-18_8 | Memory and Resource Management | MRM-45 | Naming Conventions | NAMING-05 | Object Oriented | OOP-34 | Optimization | OPT-30 | Possible Bugs | PB-23, PB-25, PB-47 | Security | SECURITY-02, SECURITY-05, SECURITY-14, SECURITY-15, SECURITY-28, SECURITY-37 |
Resolved Bugs and FRsBug/FR ID | Description |
CPP-40199 | Support for GHS PPC 2017.1 compiler | CPP-39947 | Support for Windows Server 2016 | CPP-31853 | Add MISRA2008-0_1_10_b: Every defined function with external linkage shall be used | CPP-36719 | PB-47 does not report a violation if an argument contains unary minus ('-a') of an unsigned type | CPP-36964 | SECURITY-14 does not check scanf() variants | CPP-38107 | CODSTA-10 does not support "auto" type | CPP-38218 | COMMENT-05 may not report violation for variables defined in macros | CPP-38234 | MISRA2012-RULE-12_2 (MISRA2004-12_8) should check conditions for loops in the same way as for 'if' | CPP-38339 | SECURITY-05 may not report violation when passing function parameter to printf() | CPP-38588 | PB-25 reports incorrect violation on std::initializer_list | CPP-38592 | MISRA2004-10_1_g may not report violation on implicit conversion of function arguments from and to plain char types | CPP-39416 | CODSTA-11 doesn't report violations for its example code | CPP-39489 | RuleWizard property 'Kind' for 'cast' node doesn't work correctly for functional casts | CPP-39494 | MRM-45 reports false positive when memory allocated by malloc() is assigned to a pointer with multiple levels of indirection | CPP-39534 | Compilation error C2059 for d3dx10math.h(449) | CPP-39548 | Rename STRINGIZE macro in C++test runtime | CPP-39581 | Make MISRA2008-2_10_4 global rule | CPP-39758 | qcc: add support for enabling c99 mode via '-Wp' option | CPP-39804 | Parse error: type name is not allowed | CPP-39834 | NAMING-05 reports false positive for range-based 'for' loops | CPP-39835 | INIT-06 repors false violation if member initialization is performed in different translation unit | CPP-39838 | FORMAT-26 reports false positive on Rvalue References | CPP-39839 | NAMING-05 reports false positive for range-based 'for' loops | CPP-39892 | [Docs] Incorrect property for C++test Engine custom rule directory | CPP-39919 | MISRA2012-DIR-4_4 causes problems on multiline comments | CPP-39925 | JSF-081(OOP-34) and JSF-082(CODSTA-CPP-02) report false positives when an assignment operator is explicitly defined as default | CPP-39973 | CLLOCRIT ignores comments in functions defined outside class body | CPP-40040 | CODSTA-67 reports false positive when member variable declaration contains 'constexpr' [c++11] | CPP-40086 | [C++test Engine] runtime shall use proper syntax of include directive | FA-5764 | Errors building CFGs for C++ code | FA-5623 | No/bad handling of no throw allocators | FA-5783 | BD-PB-MODSTR rule may include '$tmp_.....' in the message, making it inconsistent between runs | FA-5672 | BD-PB-PTRARR does not report violations if the pointer arithmetic is done on an address of the member field | FA-5760 | Update BD-TRS-DLOCK to not report when the 2nd lock is done using pthread_mutex_trylock (or any other functions with similar functionality) | FA-5077 | BD-MISC-DC not found / duplicate violations | FA-4779 | Java graph elements do not contain information about implicit casting | FA-4830 | PB.ARRAY false positives due to missing model for String.Length property | FA-5836 | Preanalysisbrokenby exceptions | FA-5091 | Simulation state missing info about connection between pointer and array values | FA-5905 | BD-PB-OVERFWRpossibly false positive - incorrect determining out-of-bounds for last struct field of type char[0] | FA-5883 | Incremental analysis cache compactization does not work. | XT-10181 | Value input for hours drops by one causes unable toborrowlicense. | XT-34419 | Importing findings from IDE by project doesn't work. | XT-34610 | Default different than what isindocumentation. | XT-34642 | Parasoft Jenkins plugin gets stuck when being executed as partofpipelineproject. | XT-34944 | Calculating different session tags for the subsequent builds | XT-34960 | DTP highlights incorrect line for the violation. | XT-34977 | Incorrect session tag was included in the report - no scBranchparameter | XT-34985 | SVN server port is not properly passed to the engine. | XT-34995 | Possible issues with metadata processor. |