Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SVC2022.1


  • Java: For Java, you can specify the Java home directory and the path to the javac compiler. You need to specify these parameters if you want to compile Java methods within Load Test’s Editor. 


    The javac compiler is not included in the Load Test installation.

    • Java Home: Specifies the Java installation directory.
    • Java Classpath: Specifies the Java classpath.
  • Java Script: If you create scripts using Jython or JavaScript, you can specify a script template in the Script Template field.
    • Script Template: Whatever code is specified in this field will be used as the default code for inlined scripting in the language with which the field is associated. This is primarily useful for setting default inputs and common global variables. Script templates apply to scripts used in Method tools; they do not apply to JavaScript tests that run in a browser context.
  • Jython: For If you are using Jython scripts, you can specify the jython.home and jython.path variables. Both variables are used to locate Jython modules, and Jython code that does not import any Jython modules can use the Jython scripting support without setting either variable. If you set the jython.home and jython.path variables, Jython Path variable. Jython scripting support can be used without setting this variable by specifying a script template in the Script Template field.
    • Jython Path: Specifies a list of directories to search for python modules that are not already included with Jython. Separate multiple directory paths using the OS default path separator (";" for Windows and ":" for Linux and macOS). If you set the Jython path then you need to restart Load
    Test before the changes will
    • Test for the change to take effect.
    • JythonHome: Specifies the Jython installation directory. jython.home must be a single directory.
    • Jython Path: Used to add to your path modules that are not in your jython.home/Lib directory. Multiple paths can be listed in jython.pathLoad Test
    • Script Template: Jython code that does not import any Jython modules can use the Jython scripting support without setting either the jython.home or jython.pathScript Template: Code specified in this field sets a default template for Jython scripts used in the tool.


You can set the following setting in the Start-up panel:
