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Test configurations define how DTP Engines test and analyze code, including which static analysis rules are enabled, which tests to run, and other analysis parameters.

C/C++test DTP Engine  ships ships with built-in test configurations, but users can create and store their own test configurations in the DTP server. You can access the DTP server via the DTP plug-in. If you have administrator-level access in DTP Report Center, you can also create test configurations directly in DTP (administration> Engines> Test Configurations). 


You can specify which configuration will be run in one of the following ways:

  • Run cpptestcli with the -config switch and specify a built-in, user-defined or DTP-hosted test configuration:

    Code Block
    -config "builtin://Recommended Rules"
    -config "user://Foo Configuration"
    -config "dtp://Foo Team Configuration" 
    -config "dtp://"

    You can also provide a path or URL to the test configuration .properties file:

    Code Block
    -config "C:\Devel\Configs\"
    -config ""

    For example, your command line may resemble the following:

    Code Block
    cpptestcli -config "builtin://Recommended Rules" -compiler gcc_3_4 -input cpptest.bdf
  • In the .properties file, specify the default configuration that will be run when the -config option is not used:

    Code Block
    cpptest.configuration=user://Configuration Name


Use the -listconfigs switch to print the available test configurations. Use the -listconfigs switch to print the available test configurations. Use arguments to filter configurations; the use of "*" expresssions is supported

Built-in Test Configurations
