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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SVC2020.2


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Actual Response Time

Note that Performance Profile delay is added to the responder processing time. In most cases, the actual response time will exceed the Performance Profile response delay by the time of the “zero delay” response. 


Responders that can share a single performance profile should be aggregated into a specific performance group. When the associated virtual asset is deployed, you (or your team members) will be able to map which performance profiles t.o to apply to which performance groups.


  1. Click the Import button in the Performance tab of the .pva’s root Responder Suite. An Import Performance Profiles dialog will open.

  2. From APM System, select the APM system from which you want to import data. Systems cur-rently supported "out-of-the box" are:
    • AppDynamics
    • dynaTrace
  3. In the Query Properties table, set the appropriate query properties for your APM system. For details, see:

    The default property values are populated from the Performance Profile Importer deployment descriptors (described in Modifying Performance Profile Importer Deployment Descriptors). To modify the values in the Query Properties table, click the appropriate row in the Value column and edit the value. The values will be saved in the Responder Suite configuration after the Performance Profiles Importer dialog is closed with the OK button.
  4. Click Reload (at the bottom of the dialog) to import performance data from the APM system. The available performance profiles will be displayed.
  5. From the Create Profiles of Type combo box, select the profile types you would like to create.

    The following options are available:
    • Fixed: For each entry selected in the Import dialog, the importer will create a Fixed Response Delay performance profile. The profile’s delay value will be set to the Avg. Delay (ms) value as it appears in the Performance Profiles table of the importer dialog. The importer will append a _Fixed suffix to the names of the imported performance profiles.
    • Range: For each entry selected in the Import dialog, the importer will create a Range Response Delay performance profile with a delay range of Min. Delay (ms) and Max. Delay (ms) as they appear in the Performance Profiles table of the importer dialog. The importer will append a _Range suffix to the names of the imported performance profiles.
    • Fixed and Range: For each entry selected in the Import dialog, the importer will create a pair of Fixed and Range performance profiles as described above.
  6. Select the profiles you want to import. You can use the Select All / Deselect All right-click commands in the Performance Profiles table to make multiple selections.
    If you selected performance profiles that do not have Max. or Min. delay values (because these values were not provided by the APM system), the Create Profiles of Type selection will be set to Fixed. Only profiles with Max. and Min. delay values can be used for a tange range delay type.

  7. Click the OK button to import the selected profiles into the .pva’s Responder Suite performance configuration.
    If any profiles with the selected names and types already exist in the Responder Suite performance configuration, a warning and confirmation dialog will be displayed:

    If any profiles in the Responder Suite performance configuration have the same name as (but different type than) the profiles that are being imported, the import operation will be canceled and the following dialog will be displayed. For example if there is an existing Performance Pro-file named “Calculator-Doc-Literal.subtract_Fixed” with a Response Delay of type Range, then importing “Calculator-Doc-Literal.subtract_Fixed” with Response Delay of type Fixed will not be allowed:


The default values which appear in the Query Properties table of the Import dialog can be customized by modifying the appropriate Performance Profile Importer deployment descriptor files. These files are located in the apm-integration/performance-profile-importers folder or the root directory (<virtualize_install_dir>/eclipse<INSTALL>/plugins/com.parasoft.xtestptest.libs.web_<version><VERSION>/root).

Modify the value attributes of the AppDynamics.xml and dynaTrace.xml Performance Profile Importer deployment descriptors as you see appropriate for your environment. 
