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This topic refers to testing services over the IBM WebSphere MQ Java API, not the standard JMS API. If you intend to send and receive messages from IBM WebSphere MQ using the JMS API, select the JMS transport option and refer to JMS.

Adding Necessary Jar Files to the Classpath 


  • connector.jar

For WebSphere MQ 6 and earlier, the required jars are:

  • connector.jar


  • MQPutMessageOptions.options: Controls the action of MQQueue.put(). Any or none of the following values can be specified.
    • MQPMO_SYNCPOINT: The request is to operate within the normal unit-of-work protocols. The message is not visible outside the unit of work until the unit of work is committed. If the unit of work is backed out, the message is deleted.
    • MQPMO_NO_SYNCPOINT: The request is to operate outside the normal unit-of-work protocols. The message is available immediately, and it cannot be deleted by backing out a unit of work. If neither this option nor MQPMO_SYNCPOINT is specified, the inclusion of the put request in unit-of-work protocols is determined by the environment, see MQPMO_SYNCPOINT. Do not specify MQPMO_NO_SYNCPOINT with MQPMO_SYNCPOINT.
    • MQPMO_NO_CONTEXT: Both identity and origin context are set to indicate no context. This means that the context fields in MQMD are set to:
      • Blank, for character fields
      • Null, for byte fields
      • Zero, for numeric fields
    • MQPMO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT: The message is to have context information associated with it. The application specifies the identity context in the MQMD structure. Origin context information is generated by the queue manager in the same way that it is for MQPMO_DEFAULT_CONTEXT.
    • MQPMO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT: The message is to have context information associated with it. The application specifies the identity and origin context in the MQMD structure. For more information on message context. 
    • MQPMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING: This option forces the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call to fail if the queue manager is in the quiescing state.
    • MQPMO_NEW_MSG_ID: The queue manager replaces the contents of the MsgId field in MQMD with a new message identifier. This message identifier is sent with the message, and returned to the application on output from the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call.
    • MQPMO_NEW_CORREL_ID: The queue manager replaces the contents of the CorrelId field in MQMD with a new correlation identifier. This correlation identifier is sent with the message, and returned to the application on output from the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call.
    • MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER: This option tells the queue manager how the application puts messages in groups and segments of logical messages. It can be specified only on the MQPUT call; it is not valid on the MQPUT1 call. See WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference for more information on this option.
    • MQPMO_ALTERNATE_USER_AUTHORITY: This indicates that the AlternateUserId field in the ObjDesc parameter of the MQPUT1 call contains a user identifier that is to be used to validate authority to put messages on the queue. The call can succeed only if this AlternateUserId is authorized to open the queue with the specified options, regardless of whether the user identifier under which the application is running is authorized to do so.
    • MQPMO_RESOLVE_LOCAL_Q: Use this option to fill ResolvedQName in the MQPMO structure with the name of the local queue to which the message is put, and ResolvedQMgrName with the name of the local queue manager that hosts the local queue.
  • Put Queue open options for MQQueue.access():
    • MQOO_OUTPUT: Open the queue to put messages. The queue is opened for use with subsequent MQPUT calls.
    • MQOO_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT: This allows the MQPMO_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT option to be specified in the PutMsgOpts parameter when a message is put on a queue. This gives the message the identity context information from an input queue that was opened with the MQOO_SAVE_ALL_CONTEXT option. The MQOO_OUTPUT option must be specified.

    • MQOO_PASS_ALL_CONTEXT: This allows the MQPMO_PASS_ALL_CONTEXT option to be specified in the PutMsgOpts parameter when a message is put on a queue. This gives the message the identity and origin context information from an input queue that was opened with the MQOO_SAVE_ALL_CONTEXT option. This option implies MQOO_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT, which need not therefore be specified. The MQOO_OUTPUT option must be specified.
    • MQOO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT: This allows the MQPMO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT option to be specified in the PutMsgOpts parameter when a message is put on a queue. This gives the message the identity and origin context information contained in the MsgDesc parameter specified on the MQPUT or MQPUT1() call. The MQOO_OUTPUT option must be specified.
    • MQOO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT: This allows the MQPMO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT option to be specified in the PutMsgOpts parameter when a message is put on a queue. This gives the message the identity context information contained in the MsgDesc parameter specified on the MQPUT() or MQPUT1 call. This option implies MQOO_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT, which need not therefore be specified. The MQOO_OUTPUT option must be specified.

    • MQOO_ALTERNATE_USER_AUTHORITY: The AlternateUserId field in the ObjDesc parameter contains a user identifier to use to validate this MQOPEN call. The call can succeed only if this AlternateUserId is authorized to open the object with the specified access options, regardless of whether the user identifier under which the application is running is authorized to do so.
    • MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING: The MQOPEN call fails if the queue manager is in quiescing state. This option is valid for all types of object.
  • A report message about another message. This field enables SOAtest & Virtualize sending the original message to specify which report or response messages are required, whether the application message data is to be included in them, and also how the message and correlation ID in the report or reply are to be set. It comprises one or more constants from the MQC class.

    You may select one type from each of the following:

    • Exception:
      • MQRO_EXCEPTION: A message channel agent generates this type of report when a message is sent to another queue manager and the message cannot be delivered to the specified destination queue. For example, the destination queue or an intermediate transmission queue might be full, or the message might be too big for the queue.
      • MQRO_EXCEPTION_WITH_DATA: This is the same as MQRO_EXCEPTION, except that the first 100 bytes of the application message data from the original message are included in the report message. If the original message contains one or more MQ header structures, they are included in the report message, in addition to the 100 bytes of application data.

      • MQC.MQRO_EXCEPTION_WITH_FULL_DATA: Exception reports with full data required. This is the same as MQRO_EXCEPTION, except that all the application message data from the original message is included in the report message.
    • Expiration:
      • MQRO_EXPIRATION: This type of report is generated by the queue manager if the message is discarded before delivery to an application because its expiry time has passed. If this option is not set, no report message is generated if a message is discarded for this reason.
      • MQRO_EXPIRATION_WITH_DATA: This is the same as MQRO_EXPIRATION, except that the first 100 bytes of the application message data from the original message are included in the report message. If the original message contains one or more MQ header structures, they are included in the report message, in addition to the 100 bytes of application data.

      • MQRO_EXPIRATION_WITH_FULL_DATA: This is the same as MQRO_EXPIRATION, except that all the application message data from the original message is included in the report message.

    • Confirm on arrival:
      • MQRO_COA: This type of report is generated by the queue manager that owns the destination queue when the message is placed on the destination queue. Message data from the original message is not included with the report message. If the message is put as part of a unit of work, and the destination queue is a local queue, the COA report message generated by the queue manager can be retrieved only if the unit of work is committed.
      • MQRO_COA_WITH_DATA: This is the same as MQRO_COA, except that the first 100 bytes of the application message data from the original message are included in the report message. If the original message contains one or more MQ header structures, they are included in the report message, in addition to the 100 bytes of application data.
      • MQRO_COA_WITH_FULL_DATA: This is the same as MQRO_COA, except that all the application message data from the original message is included in the report message.
    • Confirm on delivery:
      • MQRO_COD: This type of report is generated by the queue manager when an application retrieves the message from the destination queue in a way that deletes the message from the queue. Message data from the original message is not included with the report message. If the message is retrieved as part of a unit of work, the report message is generated within the same unit of work, so that the report is not available until the unit of work is committed. If the unit of work is backed out, the report is not sent.
      • MQRO_COD_WITH_DATA: This is the same as MQRO_COD, except that the first 100 bytes of the application message data from the original message are included in the report message. If the original message contains one or more MQ header structures, they are included in the report message, in addition to the 100 bytes of application data.
      • MQRO_COD_WITH_FULL_DATA: This is the same as MQRO_COD, except that all the application message data from the original message is included in the report message.
    You can specify how the message ID is generated for the report or reply message:
    • MQRO_NEW_MSG_ID: This is the default action, and indicates that if a report or reply is generated as a result of this message, a new MsgId is generated for the report or reply message.
    • MQRO_PASS_MSG_ID: If a report or reply is generated as a result of this message, the MsgId of this message is copied to the MsgId of the report or reply message.
    You can specify one of the following to control how to set the correlation ID of the report or reply message:
    • MQRO_COPY_MSG_ID_TO_CORREL_ID: This is the default action, and indicates that if a report or reply is generated as a result of this message, the MsgId of this message is copied to the CorrelId of the report or reply message.
    • MQRO_PASS_CORREL_ID: If a report or reply is generated as a result of this message, the CorrelId of this message is copied to the CorrelId of the report or reply message.
    You can specify one of the following to control the disposition of the original message when it cannot be delivered to the destination queue:
    • MQRO_DEAD_LETTER_Q: This is the default action, and places the message on the dead-letter queue if the message cannot be delivered to the destination queue. An exception report message is generated, if one was requested by the sender.
    • MQRO_DISCARD_MSG: This discards the message if it cannot be delivered to the destination queue. An exception report message is generated, if one was requested by the sender.
    • MQRO_PASS_DISCARD_AND_EXPIRY: If this option is set on a message, and a report or reply is generated because of it, the message descriptor of the report inherits:
      • MQRO_DISCARD_MSG if it was set.
      • The remaining expiry time of the message (if this is not an expiry report). If this is an expiry report the expiry time is set to 60 seconds.
  • Expiry: Enter the expiry time (in tenths of a second). It is set by the application which puts the message. After a message's expiry time has elapsed, it is eligible to be discarded by the queue manager. If the message specified one of the MQC.MQRO_EXPIRATION flags, then a report is generated when the message is discarded.
  • Correlation ID: Enter the correlation ID to use for the correlationID field in the message
  • Message sequence number: Enter the sequence number of logical message within group.
  • Reply queue manager name: Enter the name of the queue manager to which reply or report (response) messages can be sent.
  • Reply queue name: Enter the name of the queue to which a reply can be sent.
  • Put application name: Enter the name of the application that put the message.
  • Originating application data: Enter data about the originating application. This can be used to provide additional information about the origin of the message.
  • User ID: Enter the user ID. It is part of the identity of the message and identifies which user originated it.


  • MQGetMessageOptions.options: Options which control the action of MQQueue.get() that is internally invoked by SOAtest & Virtualize.

    Any or none of the following values can be specified.

    • MQGMO_WAIT: SOAtest or Virtualize waits until a suitable message arrives. The maximum waiting time is specified in WaitInterval.

    • MQGMO_NO_WAIT: SOAtest or Virtualize does not wait if no suitable message is available. This is the opposite of the MQGMO_WAIT option, and is defined to aid program documentation.

    • MQGMO_SYNCPOINT: The request is to operate within the normal unit-of-work protocols. The message is marked as being unavailable to other applications, but it is deleted from the queue only when the unit of work is committed. The message is made available again if the unit of work is backed out.
    • MQGMO_NO_SYNCPOINT: The request is to operate outside the normal unit-of-work protocols. The message is deleted from the queue immediately (unless this is a browse request). The message cannot be made available again by backing out the unit of work.
    • MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST: When a queue is opened with the MQOO_BROWSE option, a browse cursor is established, positioned logically before the first message on the queue. You can then use MQGET calls specifying the MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST, MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT, or MQGMO_BROWSE_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR option to retrieve messages from the queue nondestructively. The browse cursor marks the position, within the messages on the queue, from which the next MQGET call with MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT searches for a suitable message.

    • MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT: Advance the browse cursor to the next message on the queue that satisfies the selection criteria specified on the MQGET call. The message is returned to SOAtest or Virtualize, but remains on the queue. After a queue has been opened for browse, the first browse call using the handle has the same effect whether it specifies the MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST or MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT option.

    • MQGMO_BROWSE_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR: Retrieve the message pointed to by the browse cursor nondestructively, regardless of the MQMO_* options specified in the MatchOptions field in MQGMO. The message pointed to by the browse cursor is the one that was last retrieved using either the MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST or the MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT option. The call fails if neither of these calls have been issued for this queue since it was opened, or if the message that was under the browse cursor has since been retrieved destructively. The position of the browse cursor is not changed by this call.
    • MQGMO_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR: Retrieve the message pointed to by the browse cursor, regardless of the MQMO_* options specified in the MatchOptions field in MQGMO. The message is removed from the queue. The message pointed to by the browse cursor is the one that was last retrieved using either the MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST or the MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT option.

    • MQGMO_LOCK: Lock the message that is browsed, so that the message becomes invisible to any other handle open for the queue.
    • MQGMO_UNLOCK: Unlock a message. The message to be unlocked must have been previously locked by an MQGET call with the MQGMO_LOCK option. If there is no message locked for this handle, the call completes with MQRC_NO_MSG_LOCKED.

    • MQGMO_ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG: If the message buffer is too small to hold the complete message, allow the MQGET call to fill the buffer with as much of the message as the buffer can hold.
    • MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING: Force the MQGET call to fail if the queue manager is in the quiescing state. On z/OS, this option also forces the MQGET call to fail if the connection (for a CICS or IMS application) is in the quiescing state.
    • MQGMO_CONVERT: Requests SOAtest or Virtualize data to be converted. The conversion conforms to the characterSet and encoding attributes of MQMessage, before the data is copied into the message buffer.

  • MQGetMessageOptions.matchOptions: Selection criteria which determine which message is retrieved. The following match options can be set:
    • MQMO_MATCH_CORREL_ID: The message to be retrieved must have a correlation identifier that matches the value of the CorrelId field in the MsgDesc parameter of the MQGET call. This match is in addition to any other matches that might apply (for example, the message identifier).
    • MQMO_MATCH_GROUP_ID: The message to be retrieved must have a group identifier that matches the value of the GroupId field in the MsgDesc parameter of the MQGET call. This match is in addition to any other matches that might apply (for example, the correlation identifier).
    • MQMO_MATCH_MSG_ID: The message to be retrieved must have a message identifier that matches the value of the MsgId field in the MsgDesc parameter of the MQGET call. This match is in addition to any other matches that might apply (for example, the correlation identifier).
    • MQMO_MATCH_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER: The message to be retrieved must have a message sequence number that matches the value of the MsgSeqNumber field in the MsgDesc parameter of MQGMO the MQGET the MQGET call. This match is in addition to any other matches that might apply (for example, the group identifier).
    • MQMO_NONE: Do not use matches in selecting the message to be returned. All messages on the queue are eligible for retrieval. MQMO_NONE aids program documentation. It is not intended that this option be used with any other MQMO_* option, but as its value is zero, such use cannot be detected.
  • Get Queue open options for MQQueue.access():
    • MQOO_BROWSE: Open the queue to browse messages. The queue is opened for use with subsequent MQGET calls with one of the following options: MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST, MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT and MQGMO_BROWSE_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR. This is allowed even if the queue is currently open for MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE. An MQOPEN call with the MQOO_BROWSE option establishes a browse cursor, and positions it logically before the first message on the queue.

    • MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF: Open the queue to get messages using the queue defined default. The queue is opened for use with subsequent MQGET calls. The type of access is either shared or exclusive, depending on the value of the DefInputOpenOption queue attribute.
    • MQOO_INPUT_SHARED: Open the queue to get messages with shared access. The queue is opened for use with subsequent MQGET calls. The call can succeed if the queue is currently open by this or another application with MQOO_INPUT_SHARED, but fails with reason code MQRC_OBJECT_IN_USE if the queue is currently open with MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE.
    • MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE: Open the queue to get messages with exclusive access. The queue is opened for use with subsequent MQGET calls. The call fails with reason code MQRC_OBJECT_IN_USE if the queue is currently open by this or another application for input of any type.
    • MQOO_ALTERNATE_USER_AUTHORITY: The AlternateUserId field in the ObjDesc parameter contains a user identifier to use to validate this MQOPEN call. The call can succeed only if this AlternateUserId is authorized to open the object with the specified access options, regardless of whether the user identifier under which SOAtest or Virtualize is running is authorized to do so.

    • MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING: The MQOPEN call fails if the queue manager is in quiescing state. This option is valid for all types of object.
  • Wait Interval: Enter the maximum time (in milliseconds) that an MQQueue.get() call waits for a suitable message to arrive. It is used in conjunction with MQC.MQGMO_WAIT. This has no effect if MQMO_WAIT is not selected. Value -1 is equivalent to having MQGMO_NO_WAIT selected.
