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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SVC2022.1


  • Use DTP settings: Enable this option to use the connections settings specified in DTP. See Connecting to DTP
  • Server Name: Specifies a name for the server you are connecting to CTP. This is the name that will be used to identify this server within CTP.
  • CTP URL: Specifies the location of the CTP to which you are connecting (e.g., http://emdemo:8080).
  • Notify CTP of virtual asset deployment: Determines whether the  server notifies Parasoft CTP when virtual assets are first deployed.

  • Username: Specifies the username for logging into CTP.
  • Password: Specifies the password for logging into CTP.


    If OpenID Connect authentication is enabled, the Username and Password fields do not appear. Instead, you will see a notice that OIDC authentication is in use with a button to test that connection.

Global Data Source Settings

Global data sources can be reused and shared outside of a single SOAtest project and across Virtualize deployments. The Global Data Source panel lets you determine how information about global data sources is saved. For information on how to configure global data sources, see Adding a Data Source at the Responder Suite, Project, or Global Level and Adding a Data Source at the Test Suite, Project, or Global Level.


  • Default timeout (milliseconds): Allows you to enter the length of delay (in milliseconds) after which SOAtest should consider your FTP, telnet, or HTTP requests to be “timed out.” The default is 30000 milliseconds.
  • Report each duplicate error that occurs on the same line: Tells SOAtest to show only the first instance of duplicate errors that occur for the same line of code.
  • Reset Cookies: Allows you to clear the current global cookies so that next HTTP invocations start a new session.
  • Enable the Automatically backup project files option and specify a file size threshold for .tst and/or .pva files in the Warn on file size large than (MB) field to be notified when the size of the file exceeds the threshold. You can then reduce the size (and prevent performance problems) by dividing it into smaller files.

Proxy Settings

OpenID Connect

The OpenID Connect panels allows you to configure the application to authenticate users via your OpenID Connect server.

  1. Go to Parasoft > Preferences and select OpenID Connect.
    Image Added
  2. Check Enable.
  3. Configure the following options:
    • Issuer URI: The URI of your OpenID Connect server.
    • Client ID: The ID registered on your OpenID Connect server.
    • Callback host: The local callback host required to communicate with the OpenID Connect server. The following options are available:
      • localhost: The localhost address will be used for communication.
      • The loopback IP address will be used for communication.
    • Callback port: The callback port number for communication with the OpenID Connect server. The following options are available:
      • Automatically select an open port: Automatically selects an open port (recommended).
      • Use port: Allows you to manually specify the port number.
    • Callback timeout: Specifies, in seconds, the maximum time the browser will wait for user credentials.
  4. Click Test Authentication or Apply to open the OpenID Connect authentication page in your browser.
  5. Provide your credentials in the browser window that opens.
  6. Close the browser window when the authentication confirmation appears and continue in the application.
  7. Click Apply to apply the changes.

The Status panel shows the current OpenID Connect authentication status.


Azure Active Directory users: Enter the redirect URL configured above under "Mobile and desktop applications" in Azure AD. For example, if Callback host is set to "localhost" and Callback port is set to "Automatically select an open port" (the default values), you would enter "http://localhost/oauth2_callback" for the callback URL in Azure AD.

Proxy Settings

The Proxy panel controls how SOAtest and/or Virtualize works with proxy servers. It does not control the separate intermediary proxy used for web scenarios (for The Proxy panel controls how SOAtest and/or Virtualize works with proxy servers. It does not control the separate intermediary proxy used for web scenarios (for details on this other proxy, seeProxy Configuration Details). 


The Scripting panel allows you to specify properties used for custom scripts.

    • Java: For Java, you can specify the Java home directory and the path to the javac compiler. You need to specify these parameters if you want to compile Java methods in the editor.   


      The javac compiler is not included.

      • Java home: Specifies the Java installation directory.
      • Javac classpath: Specifies the Java classpath.
    • JavaScript: If you create scripts using
  • Jython or
    • JavaScript, you can specify a script template in the Script Template field.
      • Script Template: Whatever code is specified in this field will be used as the default code for inlined scripting in the language with which the field is associated. This is primarily useful for setting default inputs and common global variables. Script templates apply to scripts used in Extension tools; they do not apply to JavaScript that runs in a browser context.
    • Jython:

  • For
    • If you are using Jython scripts, you can specify the

  • jython.home and jython.path variables. Both variables are used to locate Jython modules. Jython code that does not import any Jython modules can use the Jython scripting support without setting either variable. If you set the jython.home and jython.path variables, you need to restart SOAtest or Virtualize before the changes will take effect.
    • Jython Path variable. Jython scripting support can be used without setting this variable by specifying a script template in the Script Template field.

      • Jython Path: Specifies a list of directories to search for python modules that are not already included with Jython. Separate multiple directory paths using the OS default path separator (";" for Windows and ":" for Linux and macOS). If you set the Jython path then you need to restart SOAtest or Virtualize for the change to take effect.
      • Script Template: Code specified in this field sets a default template for Jython scripts used in the tool
  • Jython Home: Specifies the Jython installation directory. This must be a single directory. Use a forward slash (/) or backslash (\) to escape special characters.
  • Jython Path: Used to add to your path modules that are not in your jython.home/Lib directory. Multiple paths can be listed. Use a forward slash (/) or backslash (\) to escape special characters.
  • Script Template: Jython code that does not import any Jython modules can use the Jython scripting support without setting either the jython.home or jython.path
      • .
    • Timeout Settings: Specify how many minutes SOAtest or Virtualize should wait before attempting to stop an unresponsive script and log an error message.

Security Settings

You can configure default security settings for clients and Responders used in your projects. In most cases, the security settings can be overridden by configurations set locally in your suites:


Configure global HTTP authentication properties that can be used when configuring HTTP protocols within an applicable tool.

  1. Enables Enable the Perform Authentication option and enter the Username and Password to authenticate the request
  2. Choose the authentication type from the drop-down menu. Supported types are Basic, NTLM, Kerberos, or Digest.
  3. If you are using Kerberos authentication, enter the Service Principal to authenticate the request. If the correct username and password, or the correct service principal, are not used, the request will not be authenticated.
    1. Kerberos realm: Specify the Kerberos realm associated with your network. By convention, this is typically your domain name in all caps (e.g. PARASOFT.COM).
    2. KDC server: Specify the hostname of your Key Distribution Center (e.g.
    3. Check Ticket: This will execute a simple test to locate a cached Kerberos TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) to grant access to the service. SOAtest and/or Virtualize will not be able to communicate with the service if it cannot first locate a valid TGT. For more information about Kerberos, see Configuring Kerberos Authentication.


titleAvoiding Common Kerberos Errors

For tips on common Kerberos errors and how to solve them, see

Configuring Kerberos Authentication for Tools

  1. Select the tool for which you intend to use Kerberos authentication.
  2. Select the Transport tab and select Security from the left pane of the Transport tab. 
  3. Configure the following options from the security panel of the Transport tab:
    1. Perform Authentication: Select this option to activate authentication.
    2. Use Global Preferences: Select this option if you have authentication properties setup in Security Preferences.
    3. Type: Select Kerberos to perform Kerberos Authentication.
    4. Service Principal: Specify the name of the service/server as defined in the Kerberos database (e.g. HTTP/


  1. Click the Add button beneath the OASIS XML Catalog Locations section of the Schema Locations tab. The Location dialog box displays.
  2. Type in the OASIS XML Catalog Location or Browse to it by clicking the Browse button.
  3. Click OK after you have added all of the necessary locations.




There are two ways to define localsettings settings files:

  • Enter them manually in a simple text file simple text file. There are no name or location requirements. Each local setting should be entered in a single line.
  • Export your GUI preferences, then adjust or extend them as needed. To export, choose Parasoft> Preferences, select Parasoft (the root element in the left tree), click the Share link, specify which settings you want to export.

Localsettings Settings files can specify the following settings.

Licensing Settings


Some of the settings described in this section have been deprecated.

virtualize.license.use_network=true|falseDetermines whether the current installation retrieves its license from LicenseServerLicense Server.[host]

Specifies the machine name or IP address of the machine running LicenseServer License Server Configuration Manager.


If your server uses the HTTPS protocol, prepend https:// to the hostname.

This setting is[port]

Specifies the LicenseServer License Server port number.

Example: setting is deprecated[username] 

Specifies the username for authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the and optionsurl option.

This options requires the and options to be set to true.


Specifies the password for authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the options. url option.

This option requires the and options to be set to true and the the to be configured.

We strongly recommend encoding your password to ensure successful authentication and a secure connection. You can encode your password by running virtualizecli  with the -encodepass flag. 


virtualizecli -encodepass mypassword 

The command line tool will generate an encoded string that you can use in the configuration file. string that you can use in the configuration file.[url]

Specifies the License Server URL. Include the protocol and host name or IP address and, if appropriate, the port number and context path.


Specifies the path to the DTP License Server. The context path is a relative path from the host name specified with the setting. This setting should only be configured if DTP is deployed to a location other than the root of the host server, which may be the case if your organization uses a reverse proxy.

Configuring the context path is not supported for standalone License Server.

Refer to the DTP documentation for additional information about reverse proxy server configuration and context path configuration. 

This setting is deprecated.|false 

Enables or disables authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the and optionsurl option.

This option requires the option to be set to true.[true|false]

This option enables Virtualize to connect to either DTP and License Server, or two instances of DTP simultaneously.

Set to false if you want to retrieve a license from the DTP server specified with Parasoft DTP Settings

Set to true and specify a license network connection type with the setting. If set to true, Virtualize will retrieve a license from the server specified with the and settings.url option.[edition_name]

Specifies the type of license that you want this installation to retrieve from LicenseServer.

[edition_name] can be server_edition. To use a custom edition, do not set anything after the "="; simply leaving the value empty.


virtualize.license.autoconf.timeout=[seconds]Specifies the maximum number of seconds this installation will wait for the license to be automatically configured from LicenseServer. Default is 10.
Specifies the local license that you want this installation to use.
virtualize.license.local.password=[password]Specifies the local password that you want this installation to use.
virtualize.license.wait.for.tokens.time=[time in minutes]

Specifies the time that this installation will wait for a license if a license is not currently available. 

For example, use virtualize.license.wait.for.tokens.time=3 to configure Virtualize to wait three minutes for a license token to become available. 


server.startupDetermines whether the server is automatically started upon Virtualize startup.
server.port.httpSpecifies the port that the Virtualize Server uses for HTTP.
server.port.httpsSpecifies the port that the Virtualize Server uses for HTTPS.
server.port.monitoringSpecifies the port that the Virtualize Server uses for monitoring.
path=[path1];[path2];[path3] ...

Specifies which jar files and class folders are in the classpath. 

For example:\:\\myjars\\myLib1.jar;C\:\\myjar s\\myLib2.jar

scripting.timeout.minutesSpecifies the number of minutes after which Virtualize will attempt to stop an unresponsive script and log an error message.scripting.jython.homeSpecifies the Jython installation directory. This must be a single directoryerror message.
scripting.jython.pathUsed to add to your path a list of directories to search for python modules that are not in your jython.home/Lib directory. already included with Jython. Multiple paths can be listed using the OS default path separator (";" for Windows and ":" for Linux and macOS). the port number for the event monitor. Add this setting to the JVM arguments. If you don't set this property, port 9617 is used by default. If the default number is being used by another application, the even monitor will scan for open ports incrementally starting with the default. the port number for the server statistics collector. Add this setting to the JVM arguments. If you don't set this property, port 9618 is used by default. If the default number is being used by another application, the statistics broker will scan for open ports incrementally starting with the default. a CCSID to connect ot he MQ queue manager. Contact your MQ administrator for additional information.
datasources.jdbc.classpath=[path1];[path2];[path3] ...

Specifies the location of JDBC driver jar files and class folders.

Special characters (spaces, slashes, colons, etc.) must be escaped; for instance:

%20 = SPACE

%3A = :

%5C = \

%7B = {

%7D = }

%24 = $

If listing multiple jars, use \n as a delimiter.

For example,


C%3A%5Ctemp%5Cwith%20space%5C$2 4%7Bexample%7D%5Cjar.jar\n


Lets you globally indicate that you want certain values (such as times-tamps) ignored whenever:

  • you are creating parameterized .pvas from traffic, and
  • request body correlations are configured automatically.

Exclusions are specified in the format

traffic.wizard.xpath.ignores=[element name 1]:[value pattern 1];[element name 2]:[value pattern 2];[element name 3]:[value pattern 3]

For example:

traffic.wizard.xpath.ignores=*:[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0- 9]{2}:[0-9]{2}([.][0-9]{1,3})?(([+-][0-9]{2}:[0- 9]{2})|Z)?;uuid:[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}

Note that when the backslash character (\) is used in the regular expression, it needs to be escaped.  For example, the regex [\d], which represents a single digit, would be entered as  [\\d].



Specifies the location of the CTP server. Required

Example: env.manager.server=http://em_hostname:8080/

Specifies the name that will be used to label this server on CTP. You can use whatever value will help you identify this server. Optional



Determines whether the Virtualize server notifies Parasoft CTP when virtual assets are deployed. Optional

Example: env.manager.notify=true


Specifies the username for logging into CTP. Optional

Example: env.manager.username=me


Specifies the password for logging into CTP. Optional

Example: env.manager.password=12345

Miscellaneous Settings


Some of the settings described in this section have been deprecated.


Enables autoconfiguration with Parasoft Test settings stored on the DTP server.

Default: false


Determines whether the current Parasoft Test product is connected to DTP.

Default: false: false

dtp.url=[url]Specifies the URL of the DTP server. Include protocol and host name or IP address and, as appropriate, port and context path.
dtp.server=[host]Specifies the host name of the DTP server. This setting is deprecated.
dtp.port=[port]Specifies the DTP server port. This setting is deprecated.

Specifies the verbosity level for the Console view. Available settings are:

low: Configures the Console view to show errors and basic information about the current step’s name and status (done, failed, up-to-date).

normal: Also shows command lines and issues reported during test and analysis.

high: Also shows warnings.


Determines which of the following modes is active:

  • Auto: Allows the product to control parallel processing settings.
  • Manual: Allows you to manually configure parallel processing settings to suit your specific needs.
  • Disabled: Configures the product to use only one of the available CPUs.

Specifies the maximum number of  parallel threads that can be executed simultaneously. The actual number of parallel threads is determined based on the number of CPUs, available memory, and license settings.

parallel.free_memory_limit=<percentage>Specifies the amount of memory that should be kept free in low memory conditions (expressed as a percentage of the total memory available for the application). This is used to ensure that free memory is available for other processes.
parallel.no_memory_limit=true|falseIndicates that you do not want to place any restrictions (beyond existing system limitations) on the memory available to the product.
tasks.clear=true|falseClears existing tasks upon startup in cli mode. This prevents excessive time being spent "loading existing results." The default is true.|falseTells Virtualize that you want it to accept any certificate. This is useful if you want to load pages whose certificates are not "trusted."|falseTells Virtualize that you want it to accept only certificates from the standard list of Java trusted certificate vendors.

Manually Adding the License to



To add or change license settings via settings vialocalsettings:

  1. If you will be using a custom edition license, define the appropriate license features in the localsettings settings as follows:
    [product].license.custom_edition_features= All enabled features
    Note that license feature settings apply only to custom edition licenses.
  2. Define the main license settings in the localsettings settings as follows:

    Code Block [Type of license edition] 
    virtualize.license.use_network= [Value (true or false)] Host name Port numberurl=[URL]

    If your server uses the HTTPS protocol, prepend https:// to the hostname.

Here are several examples of properly-configured license settings in localsettings settings file:

Virtualize network license - desktop edition

Code Block 

Virtualize network license -custom edition with various features

Code Block
virtualize.license.custom_edition_features=Virtualize, Server, Message Packs, Unlimited Million Hits / Day

Virtualize network license -custom edition with various features
