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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SVC2022.1

You can configure the report settings in the GUI or from the command line interface (using localsettingssettings). In addition to generating local reports, you can also send reports to Parasoft DTP. Sending reports to DTP enables you to apply sophisticated analytics to better understand the risk associated with the application under test and your overall development and testing processes.


The settings specified in the UI can be fully or partially overwritten by those specified via localsettingssettings.

To specify reporting settings from the GUI:


Add absolute file paths to XML dataSpecifies whether absolute file paths are added to XML data. This needs to be enabled on the Server installation if you want to relocate tasks upon import to desktop installations (as described in Relocating Tasks During Import: Requirements and Limitations). 
Session TagSession tags are unique identifiers for test runs and are used to distinguish specific runs from similar runs in DTP. The results from each of the team’s regular test runs should have a unique tag. Variables can be used as described in Using Preference Settings for Command-Line Execution. For instance, if your team runs static analysis, unit testing, and code review, you might use the session tags Static, Execution, and Code Review. Or, you might use variables such as session.tag=${config_name} or session.tag=${analysis_type}
Build ID

Specifies a build identifier used to label results. It may be unique for each build but may also label more than one test sessions that were executed during a specified build.

The default is ${dtp_project}-${time}.




See Reporting Settings for details. 

Legacy Report Format
Legacy Report Format
Legacy Report Format


There are some limitations in the default reports produced by desktop installations from the GUI or command line. See the list below for details.

  • Static analysis results are not included in the default XML/HTML reports.
  • Change impact results are not included in the default XML/HTML reports.
  • Configuration of report contents via Goals is not applied to the default XML/HTML reports.
  • Publishing generated reports to Team Server (deprecated) is not supported for the default XML/HTML reports.
  • The default XML/HTML reports do not link to individual URLs that were configured for associations between tests and development artifacts in versions prior to 2021.2. A URL template for each type of association must be defined for the links to appear in reports. To see links to the individually defined URLs, enable the legacy report format as described below.

These limitations can be addressed by enabling the legacy report format. To enable the legacy report format, set the system property to true. This can be done in desktop installations by configuring the following command line argument:


  1. Create an XSL file that specifies how you want to transform the XML data.
  2. In the Preferences panel’s Reports page, specify the location of this XSL file, as well as the extension that should be assigned to the resulting file.
    • Alternatively, you can specify this information in a localsettings settings file via the settings
      (results.)report.custom.extension and (results.)report.custom.xsl.file.


report_type=disk_report|email_reportDetermines if the generated report will be sent by email or saved on the local disk drive. 

The command line that was used to start the product that generated this report.


Code Block
soatestcli -config team://^
 -localsettingssettings /home/nightly/^
 -publish -report /home/nightly/reports/report.html^
 -resource myproject^
 -dtp.autoconfig [email protected]:8080

The name of the Test Configuration that was executed to produce this report.
Example: Parasoft's Recommended Rules


The directory where the report is created. This can be used to generate developer reports.


<xsl:value-of select="concat($output_dir,$dev_reports_prefix,$authid,'.csv')"/>


The directory where rules documentation is saved. This can be used to generate rule popups/links.


<xsl:value-of select="concat('javascript:openWin(',$qt,$rules_dir_path,$id,'.html',$qt,')')"/> 

dev_errors=true|falseThe value of the "Task details" option. See Report Configuration Settings  for details.
dev_reports=true|falseThe value of the "Detailed report for developers" option. See Report Configuration Settings  for details.
show_active_rules=true|falseThe value of the "Active static analysis rules" option. See Report Configuration Settings  for details.
associations=true|falseThe value of the "Requirement/defect details" option. See Report Configuration Settings for details.

The prefix used to name developer reports.


<xsl:value-of select="concat($output_dir,$dev_reports_prefix,$authid,'.csv')"/>


The value of the "Detailed report for" option. See Report Configuration Settings  for details.

attachments=true|falseThe value of the localsettings settings key report.mail.attachments. See Configuring LocalsettingsSettings for details.

The value of the localsettings settings key report.test_suites_only. See See Configuring LocalsettingsSettings for details.

test_cases_details=true|falseThe value of the "Test case details" option. See Report Configuration Settings for details.
failed_tests_only=true|falseThe value of localsettings settings key report.failed_tests_only. See Configuring LocalsettingsSettings for details.
authors_details=true|falseThe value of the "Overview of tasks by authors" option. See Report Configuration Settings for details.
contexts_details=true|falseThe value of the "Overview of checked files and executed tests" option. See Report Configuration Settings for details.