This video provides an example of how to extract values from XML responses and reuse them in other tests using the XML Data Bank. Widget Connector |
width | 600 |
url | |
height | 400 |
Adding Targeted Assertions for Values in JSON ResponsesThis video provides an example of using the Diff tool to set regression controls and validate a response using the JSON Assertor tool. Vimeowidget |
Heightwidth | 405600 |
Widthurl | 800 | URL | |
height | 400 |
Adding Targeted Assertions for Values in XML ResponsesThis video provides an example how to validate a response using the XML Assertor tool. Vimeowidget |
Heightwidth | 405 |
Width | 800 |
600 | urlURL | |
height | 400 |
Generating Tests for Operations Defined in a WSDLIn this video, we show you how to automatically generate tests for the operations defined in a WSDL. Vimeowidget |
Heightwidth | 405 |
Width | 800 |
600 | urlURL | |
height | 400 |
Creating Tests from an OpenAPI/Swagger DefinitionThis video describes how to automatically create tests from an OpenAPI/Swagger service definition file in SOAtest. Vimeowidget |
Heightwidth | 405 |
Width | 800 |
600 | urlURL | |
height | 400 |
Manually Creating REST ClientsThe SOAtest REST Client tool is a general-purpose client for interacting with RESTful service endpoints. This video shows you how to manually create a REST Client. If you do not have access to an API definition or capture traffic (4:12). Vimeowidget |
Heightwidth | 405600 |
Widthurl | 800 | URL | |
height | 400 |
Running Tests from the Command LineThe command line interface makes it possible to automate SOAtest jobs. This video shows you how to run .tst files from the command line. Vimeowidget |
Heightwidth | 405 |
Width | 800 |
600 | urlURL | |
height | 400 |
Introduction to Load TestThis video demonstrates how Parasoft Load Test allows you to reuse your SOAtest functional tests to verify application performance and functionality under heavy load (2:10). Vimeowidget |
Heightwidth | 405600 | Width | 800
url | URL | |
height | 400 |
Configuring Load TestThis video provides an overview of the configuration options in Load Test (1:42). Vimeowidget |
Heightwidth | 405600 | Width | 800
url | URL | |
height | 400 |