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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SOAVIRT_9.10.6_CTP_3.1.2


  • JNDI Properties: Allows you to configure the properties for the remote directory from a JNDI Query. The following options are available:
    • Initial Context Factory: Specifies the context factory, such as org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory.
    • Provider URL: Specifies the location of the JNDI query, such as Also specify the User and Password.
    • Object Name: Specifies the name of the object in the JNDI directory, such as ejb/CartHomeRemote. This object should be an instance of the class that you enter in the Class field of the EJB Remote Object panel. You can find the JNDI names of the EJB objects bound to the JNDI directory in your J2EE server configuration.

      titleThe Initial Context Factory Class Should be Included in SOAtest's Classpath
      For more information on adding class files to SOAtest, see System Properties Settings.
  • EJB Remote Object: Allows you to configure the properties for invoking a remote method for the EJB Remote Object. The following options are available:
    • Class: Specifies the class of the Object that is expected to be returned from either the JNDI query or the Object Data Bank. For instance: com.parasoft.soatest.bookstore.cart.CartRemote. If the class is in SOAtest's classpath, the Method selection box will be automatically populated with public methods of this class.

    • Method: Specifies the method you would like to invoke. If the class specified in the Class field is found on SOAtest's classpath, the Method combo box will be automatically filled with available methods.

    • Method Arguments: If the selected method takes arguments, the Method Arguments sub panel will prompt you to specify the Input Type and Parameter Input for each of the arguments of the remote method.
      • For Java primitive types (java.lang.String and java.util.Date), the following input types are available:
        • Literal: Specifies the input value as a string. If for example the Parameter Type is Java primitive type int, the following will be a valid input 10, 12345. For Java float type: 7.62, 105.3, etc.
        • Parameterized: This input will be available if there is at least one Data Source “visible” to this tool. Select the desired data source column as input.
        • Scripted: Specifies the parameter as a return value of a custom method.
      • For the rest of the Java types, the following input types are available
        • Interpreted: Allows use of tabular input (CSV, Excel, etc.) to instantiate a Java Object that will be used as a remote method parameter. For more information, see Using Interpreted Data Sources.
        • Scripted: Specifies the parameter as a return value of a custom method.


  1. Use the Sun Initial Context Factory (com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtxFactory):  This setting should be configured in the EJB Client's JNDI properties. This setting requires that Sun's j2ee.jar is on the SOAtest classpath. This .jar file is available from the Oracle Java site. For more information on adding class files to SOAtest, see System Properties Settings.

  2. In the EJB Clients's JNDI properties, use a provider URL in the form of corbaloc:iiop:WAS:2809 where WAS is the location of your WebSphere Application Server.(for example, corbaloc:iiop:bison:2809)
  3. In the EJB Client's JNDI properties, specify the Object Name in the following format: cell/nodes/[node]/servers/[server]/YOUR_EJB_OBJECT_NAME (for example, cell/nodes/bisonNode01/servers/server1/ejb/BasicCalculator)
