Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SOAVIRT_9.10.8_CTP_3.1.4


AmberPoint Management System


  • Functional tests for the messages captured in a specified plain text traffic log/trace file.
  • Regression controls that validate whether each request continues to have the expected response (the response captured in the file) when the messages are replayed.
Creating Tests From AmberPoint Management System
BEA Aqualogic repository


  • The types of tests specified in the ALER repository (for example, functional tests, WSDL tests).
Creating Tests From Oracle Enterprise or BEA AquaLogic Repositories


  • BPEL semantics tests.
  • WSDL tests.
  • BPEL process tests.
  • BPEL partner tests.
Creating Tests From BPEL Files
Java Message Service (JMS)

Configures SOAtest to:

  • Monitor transactions that pass through the a JMS system.
  • Generate functional test cases that replay and check the monitored messages.

Creating Tests From JMS System Transactions



  • Functional tests for the end-points found in a RAML description.
Creating Tests From a RAML Definition
Record from traffic

Records HTTP, JMS, or MQ traffic. You can later create the following from the generated traffic file:

  • Functional tests for the messages captured in the specified traffic file.
  • Regression controls that validate whether each request continues to have the expected response (the response captured in the file) when the messages are replayed.

Creating Tests From Recorded HTTP, JMS or MQ Traffic記録した HTTP、JMS、MQ Traffic からのテスト作成

Sonic Enterprise Service Bus

Configures SOAtest to:

  • Monitor transactions that pass through a Sonic ESB system.
  • Generate functional test cases that replay and check the moni-tored messages.

Creating Tests From Sonic ESB Transactions



  • Functional tests for the end-points found in a OpenAPI/Swagger description.
Creating Tests From a OpenAPI/Swagger Definition
TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service

Configures SOAtest to:

  • Monitor transactions that pass through a TIBCO EMS system.
  • Generate functional test cases that replay and check the moni-tored messages.

Creating Tests From TIBCO EMS Transactions



  • Functional tests for the HTTP, JMS, or MQ messages captured in the specified traffic file.
  • Regression controls that validate whether each request continues to have the expected response (the response captured in the file) when the messages are replayed.

Creating Tests From Recorded HTTP, JMS or MQ Traffic記録した HTTP、JMS、MQ Traffic からのテスト作成



  • Functional tests for each service operation retrieved from the query.
  • WSDL tests to ensure that the WSDL conforms to the schema and passes XML validation tests.
Creating Tests From a  UDDI


  • Functional tests for each operation defined in the WADL.
Creating Tests From a WADL


  • Functional tests for each object associated with the WSDLs within the specified WSIL.
  • WSDL tests to ensure that the WSDL conforms to the schema and passes XML validation tests.
Creating Tests From a WSIL


  • Functional tests for each opera-tion defined in the WSDL.
  • Comprehensive WSDL tests to ensure that the WSDL conforms to the schema and passes XML validation tests.
Creating Tests From a WSDL
XML Schema


  • Functional tests  (SOAP Client or Messaging Client) for elements in an XML schema.
Creating Tests From XML Schema
