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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SOAVIRT_9.10.5_CTP_3.1.1


  • Wait for Page Load: This wait condition waits until at least one page load has occurred. However, it will wait until all page loads that happen within one second of each other have finished. Once one second has passed without any new page loads starting, the wait is finished. A page load can either mean the entire page is reloading, or it can mean that a single frame is reloading. A Page Load wait condition is added during recording if SOAtest/Virtualize detects that a page load occurs after the particular user action that causes that scenario step to be recorded, and before the user action for the next step that is recorded.

  • Wait for Asynchronous Requests: This wait condition waits until at least one asynchronous request has been made and a response is received for it. If any other asynchronous requests were begun while the first was in progress, then it waits until all asynchronous requests have completed. For this wait condition, an asynchronous request is defined as a request that is made while a page load is not occurring, and whose response is text-based. An Asynchronous Request wait condition is added to during recording if SOAtest/Virtualize detects that one or more asynchronous requests occur, outside the context of a page load, after the user action that caused that step to be recorded and before the user action for the next step is recorded.          

    Conditional Content
    Product: (SOAtest)Product: (SOAtest)
    titleWait for Asynchronous Requests wait conditions are deprecated as of version 9.7

    This means that you cannot add new ones, but existing ones will continue to function until you convert the associated scenarios to Selenium format. You can replace these wait conditions with "Wait for Interval without Traffic" wait conditions. Be sure to make the interval long enough that the asynchronous request will have occurred.

  • Wait for Element: This wait condition waits until a specified page element meets a specific condition.
    • Page Element: The page element can be specified in two ways:
      • Element for next user action: This option automatically determines which element to wait for by looking at the next step in the scenario and using the element that is configured in that step’s User Action tab. If the current step is the last step in a certain scenario, then this wait condition will not perform a wait.
      • Element specified: This option allows you to manually choose which element to wait for. You can use Element Properties, XPath, or Script to choose the element.
    • Condition: You can set the following element conditions to wait for:
      • Present: This condition waits until the element is present on the page. The element may or may not be visible to the user. This is preferred over the next condition, Visible, in cases where the element does not become visible until a user mouses over some other element. This is the default condition used for element waits that are automatically added while recording.
      • Visible: This condition waits until the element is visible on the page.
      • Not visible: This condition waits until the element is either not present on the page, or is on the page but is not visible.
      • Editable: This condition waits until an input element is editable. If this condition is used on an element that is not an input, it will eventually time out because elements that are not inputs are by definition not editable.
      • Has value: This condition waits until an element has an attribute with the specified value. The attribute could be any attribute supported by the element, or “text” for the text content of the element.

    An Element wait condition (wait for element present) is added during recording as the last wait condition for all tests or actions except those that have a Script Dialog wait condition added to them. Element wait conditions are inactive (meaning that they don’t wait for anything) in the following cases:

    • There are no steps in the scenario after the current scenario step.
    • There are no enabled Browser Playback tools in the scenario after the current scenario step
    • The next Browser Playback tool does not use a page element in its user action.
    • The next Browser Playback tool is configured to use test or actions suite logic. Element wait conditions are not used if the next step uses test or actions suite logic, since the logic can cause the next step to not be run

  • Wait for Script Dialog: This wait condition waits until one of the following script dialogs is detected: alert, confirm, or prompt. A Script Dialog wait condition is added during recording as the last wait condition for all test or actions that cause a script dialog to appear.

  • Wait for Specified Time: This wait condition simply waits for the specified number of milliseconds. This wait condition is not added automatically during recording.
  • Wait For Time Interval Without HTTP Traffic: This wait condition waits until a specified number of seconds have passed without there being any traffic between the browser and the server. For example, if the specified time is 1 second, it finishes waiting once there has not been any traffic between the browser and the server for 1 second. This wait condition is added during recording only in conjunction with an Asynchronous Request wait condition, in cases where an asynchronous request is detected that causes other non-asynchronous requests to occur. 

    titleWait For Time Interval Without HTTP Traffic was the default wait condition Prior to WebKing 6.0.5
    This wait condition was available as a Request Wait Time and a UI Wait Time. The individual times were able to be customized manually, but the defaults were 4000 ms for Request Wait Time and 100 ms for UI Wait Time.
