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You can configure SOAtest and Virtualize so that it is FIPS compliant. This documentation shows how to configure the SOAtest and Virtualize WAR deployment for FIPS compliance using the Bouncy Castle FIPS libraries. FIPS compliance can be configured using other methods, but testing was done using Bouncy Castle FIPS libraries. FIPS mode is only supported for the WAR deployment.

In this section:

Table of Contents


You should have already completed the instructions found on the Installing Virtualize Server page.

You will need to download the following Bouncy Castle FIPS libraries from

  • bc-fips-<VERSION>.jar
  • bctls-fips-<VERSION>.jar

You can place these libraries wherever you choose. This location will be referred to as <BC_DIR> below.

Configuring FIPS Mode

  1. Set the system property that allows only FIPS-approved algorithms. This property must be set regardless of the method used to configure your system for FIPS compliance.

    Code Block
  2. Open the file in the <JAVA_HOME>/conf/security directory and make the following changes: 

    1. Set the list of security providers by commenting out all existing properties named security.provider.<number> and fips.provider.<number>, then inserting the following lines:

      Code Block
      security.provider.2=org.bouncycastle.jsse.provider.BouncyCastleJsseProvider fips:BCFIPS
    2. Change key and trust manager factory algorithms for the package to PKIX.

      Code Block
    3. Change the default keystore type to fips and disable the compatibility mode for JKS and PKCS12 keystore types.

      Code Block
    4. (Linux only) Add the NativePRNGNonBlocking algorithm to the list of known strong SecureRandom implementations:

      Code Block
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Open the java.policy file in the <JAVA_HOME>/conf/security directory and insert the following permissions into the default domain:

    Code Block
    permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "";
    permission org.bouncycastle.crypto.CryptoServicesPermission "tlsAglorithmsEnabled";
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Open the file in the <JAVA_HOME>/conf directory and insert the following Bouncy Castle logger configuration:

    Code Block
  7. Create a new keystore file of type "BCFKS" where server certificates will be hosted. The following options must be included:

    • -storetype BCFKS
    • -providerName BCFIPS
    • -providerclass org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastleFipsProvider
    • -providerpath <BC_DIR>/bc-fips-<VERSION>.jar

      Example keytool command:

      Code Block
      keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias <ALIAS> -storetype BCFKS -keystore keystore.bcfks -storepass <PASSWORD> -keysize 2048 -providername BCFIPS -providerclass org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastleFipsProvider -providerpath <BC_DIR>/bc-fips-<VERSION>.jar
  8. Copy the keystore.bcfks file to <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf.
  9. Open the server.xml file in the <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf directory and add the following attributes to the <Connector> element:

    • certificateKeystoreProvider="BCFIPS"
    • certificateKeystoreType="BCFKS"

    • certificateKeystoreFile="conf/keystore.bcfks"
      For example:

      Code Block
          <Connector port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
                     maxThreads="150" SSLEnabled="true"
                <Certificate certificateKeystoreProvider="BCFIPS"
                             type="RSA" />
  10. Open the context.xml file in the <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf and insert the following line:

    Code Block
    <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager" secureRandomProvider="BCFIPS" secureRandomAlgorithm="DEFAULT" />
  11. Save your changes.
  12. Add the following Java option to your startup command to point to the Bouncy Castle FIPS libraries:

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