This tool changes names depending on the format and direction—for direction, for instance, to Convert Fixed Length to XML, Convert XML to Fixed Length, Convert EDI to XML, or Convert XML to EDI.
Sections include:
For example, you might create an XML Converter configured to use the Plain Text format and the conversion direction "From text to XML." . If the tool receives the input "alpha," , then any tools attached to the XML Converter will receive the value "<root>alpha</root>
Or, you might have an XML Converter configured to use the Plain Text format and the conversion direction "From XML to text." . If the tool receives the input "<root>alpha</root>
", it it provides the value "alpha" to its attached tools.
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The primary purpose of the XML Converter tool is to convert from native formats to XML so that the native format content can be consumed by XML-based tools. Converting from XML to a native format is valid only when chaining a tool to the XML output provided by another tool—for tool, for instance, Payload Modeled as XML and Payload Converted to XML outputs. |
The conversion options here are the same as those available in responder or client tools (e.g., such as EDI, CSV, Fixed Length, Custom). For example, options for a custom FIX format might look like this: