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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SVC2023.1

Logging provides visibility into Parasoft JDBC Driver operations (e.g,., for example, events and exceptions). This visibility is helpful when you start your initial database virtualization efforts because it facilitates analysis of configuration problems. It is also helpful when you are trying to diagnose the cause of unexpected behavior.


Log Level

The log level settings specifies specify the logging detail level (verbosity) for the Parasoft JDBC Driver. The logs are routed to the destination provided in the Log Destination Type setting.


0OFF. No logging takes place to any destination.
1Log errors only. Stack traces are included in such errors.
2Log errors and informational events to help debug and analyze issues.
3Include stack traces with each logging entry.
4Include traffic communicated between the Parasoft JDBC Driver and the Virtualize Server, but with no stack traces.
5Includes 3 and 4 data.

Use logging levels 3 and 5 with caution under limited circumstances and scenario runs only. Including stack traces for each informational log entry tends to grow the log file content very rapidly.


FileSaves into the specified log file location (on the machine where the Parasoft JDBC Driver  Driver is installed).
ServerSubmits the logging data to a remote Parasoft Virtualize Server so it can be viewed and analyzed there. This is convenient so that configuration debugging can be performed without having to  to access local log files on the application server where the Parasoft JDBC Driver is installed. The logging events are buffered, then transmitted in bursts every 5 seconds. See Additional Setup for Server Logging for details.
stdoutRoutes Parasoft JDBC Driver logging events to the standard console output.
stderrRoutes Parasoft JDBC Driver logging events to the standard console error output.


  1. Deploy the ServerLogger.pva. file into the VirtualAssets project. You can do this by switching to the Navigator view in Virtualize and dragging that .pva file from your systems file explorer to the VirtualAssets project in Virtualize.
    • The ServerLogger.pva is a specially - configured virtual asset for receiving the Parasoft JDBC Driver log entries and saving them into a file. It can be found under [virtualize installation directory]/proxies/ServerLogger.pva.
  2. Modify the HTTP path of the deployed asset to /ServerLogger (which should make the HTTP endpoint something like
  3. (Optional) Open the .pva file (using the Virtual Asset Explorer view) and modify the local log file destination if desired. The pva is configured to save the logs to recorded_database_data/jdbc_proxy_driver_log.txt, which is a convenient location adjacent to the database recorded data files when working on recording activities.
    Once this setup is applied, the Parasoft JDBC Driver will send its logging (at the specified verbosity and detail) to Virtualize Server, which will use ServerLogger.pva to save the data to a file.


The Log File setting is applicable when Log Destination Type is set to file, and Log Level is set to  to 1 or higher. In these cases, the Log File setting specifies the full path to a text file where Parasoft JDBC Driver logging should be saved.

This property refers to the location of the local log file that is produced for debugging purposes (e.g. for example, events and exceptions coming from the actual JDBC driver). This is NOT the location of the file that logs recorded data. That file is always stored in the Virtual Assets project.