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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space LSDEV and version 2023.1

Parasoft License Server has been tested and certified on Java 11. Your custom Tomcat server must be running on Java 11 when deploying Parasoft License Server to it.

To deploy License Server to a custom Tomcat server:

  1. Extract the contents of the distribution archive and copy the licenseserver.war and pstsec.war files into your <TOMCAT>/webapps directory. The applications will be deployed when Tomcat starts.
  2. Log into License Server at https://


  1. <HOST>:8443/licenseserver using the default username and password (admin/admin). We recommend changing the default after logging in.
  2. Log into User Administration at https://


  1. <HOST>:8443/pstsec using the default username and password (admin/admin). We recommend changing the default after logging in.

In some cases, the default value for the maxHttpHeaderSize attribute for the Tomcat connector is insufficient. It is recommended that maxHttpHeaderSize be set to at least 16384 (16 KB).

Configuring Tomcat to Log User Information with Requests and Responses

If you are upgrading from License Server 2022.2 or earlier, you can configure Tomcat to log user information along with each request and response. This is necessary for some users to be in compliance with certain regulations. This is unnecessary for new installs of License Server 2023.1 or later.

To configure Tomcat to log this information from License Server, you need to:

  1. Add com.parasoft.pst.core.tomcat-<VERSION>.jar (distributed with License Server) to your <TOMCAT>/lib directory.
  2. Edit the server.xml file located in the <TOMCAT>/conf/ directory by finding the default access log valve entry:

    Code Block
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs"
             prefix="localhost_access_log" suffix=".txt"
             pattern="%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b" />

    And appending the following example as a new entry:

    Code Block
    <Valve className="com.parasoft.pst.core.tomcat.DTPAccessLogValve" prefix="ls_user_access_log" suffix=".txt"
    pattern="%t %s %m %U %H %u %S %A:%{local}p %a:%{remote}p %F %{X-Forwarded-For}i %{User-Agent}i %{Referer}i %I" />

Standard Tomcat access log parameters are supported. See for more information.

These logs can be found in the ls_user_access_log<DATE>.txt file located in the <TOMCAT>/logs/ directory.