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    • Each setting should be entered on a single line.
    • We highly recommend that you use encoded passwords to ensure successful authentication and increase the level of security; see Creating an Encoded Password.
    • If you are importing preferences from settings specified on DTP and you want to override these settings from the GUI, you can clear the Use DTP settings option on the appropriate page, then manually configure the settings.
    • If any settings problems are detected during a test run, details will be reported in the command line output.
    • If you are running cli mode from a developer/tester desktop (as opposed to from a Server machine), use the tasks.clear=false option to ensure that your results from previous runs are preserved.



Determines whether the current C/C++test installation is connected to DTP.

dtp.url=[url]Specifies the URL to the DTP server. 

The default port numbers for DTP are:

  • 8443 for https://
  • 8080 (on Linux) and 80 (on Windows) for http://

If DTP is deployed to a location other than the root of the host server, the URL should include a context path (a relative path from the host name). This may be the case if your organization uses a reverse proxy. Refer to the DTP documentation for additional information about reverse proxy server configuration and context path configuration.

Example: dtp.url=

Example including a context path: dtp.url=

dtp.user=[username]Specifies the username for DTP server authentication.
dtp.password=[password]Specifies the password for DTP server authentication. We highly recommend that you use an encoded password to ensure successful authentication and increase the level of security; see Creating an Encoded Password.
report.dtp.publish=true|falseEnables or disables reporting results to DTP server.
dtp.project=[project_name]Specifies the name of the DTP project that you want these results linked to.
dtp.additional.settings=[KEY1\=VALUE1\nKEY2\=VALUE2...]Specifies advanced settings for reporting results to DTP.

Enables autoconfiguration with C/C++test settings stored on the DTP server. This setting does not apply to the GUI and is ignored during import (see "-settings" or "-property" on the cli Options page for more information about that process).



Allows you to accept the terms of Parasoft End User License Agreement (EULA).

Default: false


Enables or disables retrieving a network license.

Example: cpptest.license.use_network=true

Default: true

(info) By default, C/C++test will try to retrieve a license form License Server on the DTP configured as your primary DTP server; see Parasoft DTP Settings. If you want to configure another License Server, enable the option.

cpptest.license.local.password=[password]Specifies the local password that you want C/C++test to use. 

Specifies the expiration date of the local license.

Default: 0[edition_name]

Specifies the type of the network license that will be retrieved from DTP or Licence Server. This setting requires that the cpptest.license.use_network is set to true.

Acceptable edition names:

  • desktop_edition: The license is optimized for desktop usage.
  • desktop_compliance_edition: The license is optimized for desktop usage and configured to support compliance with coding standards.
  • automation_edition: The license is configured for high-performance usage in server command line mode.
  • automation_compliance_edition: The license is configured for high-performance usage in server command line mode and includes support for compliance with coding standards.
  • custom_edition: The customized license that requires specifying the list of available features. Use cpptest.license.custom_edition_features to specify the list of features.

Default: custom_edition


The following configuration enables the license optimized for desktop usage.

cpptest.license.custom_edition_features=[feature name]

Specifies the features you want to enable in the custom edition of the C/C++test license. You can use a comma-separated list to specify more than one feature.

Acceptable feature names:

  • Assembly Coverage
  • Automation
  • AUTOSAR Rules
  • Code Dependency Export
  • Static Analysis
  • Coverage
  • Coverage Advisor
  • CWE Rules
  • Desktop Command Line
  • DISA STIG Rules
  • DTP Publish
  • Embedded Support
  • Flow Analysis
  • HIC++ Rules
  • JSF Rules
  • MISRA C 2012 Rules
  • MISRA Rules
  • OWASP Rules
  • Requirements Traceability
  • Rule Wizard
  • Runtime Error Detection
  • Security Rules
  • SEI CERT C Rules
  • SEI CERT C++ Rules
  • Unit Test
cpptest.license.wait.for.tokens.time=[time in minutes]

Specifies the time that C/C++test will wait for a license if a license is not currently available. 

For example to make C++test  wait 3 minutes for license tokens, use cpptest.license.wait.for.tokens.time=3.

Default: 0


Specifies the maximum number of seconds C/C++test will  wait for the license to be automatically configured from License Server.

Default: 20|false

Enables or disables retrieving the license from a custom License Server specified with the option.


Default: false[url]

Specifies the the URL to the standalone License Server or secondary DTP that you use to obtain the license. It requires the option set to true.

The default port numbers are:

  • For a standalone License Server: 8080
  • For a License Server on secondary DTP:  
    • 8443 for https://
    • 8080 (on Linux) and 80 (on Windows) for http://

If DTP is deployed to a location other than the root of the host server, the URL should include a context path (a relative path from the host name). This may be the case if your organization uses a reverse proxy. The context path is not supported for a standalone License Server. Refer to the DTP documentation for additional information about reverse proxy server configuration and context path configuration. 


Example including a context path:|false

Enables or disables authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the option.

It requires the to be set to true.[username]

Specifies the username for authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the option. It requires the and options set to true.


Specifies the password for authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the option. It requires the and options set to true, and the the to be configured. We highly recommend that you use an encoded password to ensure successful authentication and increase the level of security; see Creating an Encoded Password.




Enables or disables user authentication via OpenID Connect.

The default is false.

oidc.issuer.uri=[uri]Specifies the URI of the OpenID Connect server where your DTP is registered.[id]Specifies the ID registered on your OpenID Connect server.
oidc.client.secret=[password]Specifies the password provided by your OpenID Connect server.

Specifies the method that will be used to authenticate the user on the OpenID Connect server.

If set to devicecode, a device code will be used to authenticate on the OpenID Connect server

If set to certificate, a certificate will be used to authenticate on the OpenID Connect server.

Default: devicecode


Specifies the path to the custom token file containing user authentication information.

For example:



Specifies the path to the keystore file that stores the certificate to authenticate the user on the OpenID Connect server.

oidc.keystore.password=[password]Specifies the password to the the keystore file that stores the self-signed client certificate. We highly recommend that you use an encoded password to ensure successful authentication and increase the level of security; see Creating an Encoded Password.

Specifies the alias you want to use to authenticate on the OpenID Connect server. You may need to configure this setting if your keystore file contains multiple entries.

Example: oidc.keystore.alias=grs |

This setting specifies the local callback host configured in the IDE to communicate with the OpenID Connect server.

(info) This is an IDE-related setting and is not intended for command line use.

The default is localhost.

oidc.callback.port=0 | [port number]

This setting specifies the callback port number configured in the IDE to communicate with the OpenID Connect server.

(info) This is an IDE-related setting and is not intended for command line use.

0: The port will be automatically configured.

The default is 0.


This setting specifies the maximum time allowed for providing user credentials on the authentication page to authenticate on DTP via OpenID Connect when working with C/C++test in the IDE.

(info) This is an IDE-related setting and is not intended for command line use.

The default is 60.
