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titleMulti-Thread Support

To build a custom Runtime Library with the multi-thread support, add "-DCPPTEST_THREADS_ENABLED=1" to the compiler command line.


Data emitted from the target via the TCP/IP sockets should be captured with the help of a socket listener. The listener is a simple utility program shipped with C/cC++test. It is located in <CPPTEST_INSTALL_DIR>/bin/ engine/runtime/listeners/socket_listener, and it accepts the following parameters:


  1. Add a new file in the <CPPTEST_INSTALL_DIR>/bin/engine/runtime/src/transport directory with the implementation of the custom serial communication. Follow this template:

    Code Block
    #include "cpptest_portinfo.h"
    #include "CppTestTransportRS232Common.h"
    int localRsInitInternalSerial(CppTestStreamParameters *par)
      return RS_OK;
    int localRsUninitInternalSerial(CppTestStreamParameters *par)
      return RS_OK;
    int localRsSendInternalByte(CppTestStreamParameters *par, unsigned char
    byte, unsigned char *is_send)
      return RS_OK;
    int localRsSendInternalStr(CppTestStreamParameters *par, unsigned char
    *bytes, int *nBytes)
      return RS_OK;
    int localRsRecvInternalByte(CppTestStreamParameters *par, unsigned char
    *pByte, unsigned char *is_recv)
      return RS_OK;
    int localFlushInternalRS(CppTestStreamParameters *par)
      return RS_OK;
    void localSetStop(int *stop_bit, int result)
    void localSetParity(int *parity, char *result)
    void localRsSleep(unsigned int msec)
  2. Provide the implementation for the following functions:
    • int localFlushInternalRS(CppTestStreamParameters *par);
      Flush internal Serial port buffer. CppTestStreamParameters described below.
    • int localRsInitInternalSerial(CppTestStreamParameters *par);
      Init serial port.
    • localRsSendInternalByte(CppTestStreamParameters *par, unsigned char byte, unsigned char *is_send);
      Send one byte. Parameters are par (described below), byte to send and result.
    • int localRsSendInternalStr(CppTestStreamParameters *par, unsigned char bytes, int *nBytes);
      Send nBytes bytes. Parameters are par (described below), bytes to send and nBytes sent.
    • int localRsRecvInternalByte(CppTestStreamParameters *par, unsigned char *pByte, unsigned char *is_recv);
      Receiving one byte. Parameters are par (described below), received byte result.
    • int localRsUninitInternalSerial(CppTestStreamParameters *par);
      Close serial port.
    • void localSetStop(int *stop_bit, int result);
      Set stop bit transmission parameter.
    • void localSetParity(int *parity, char *result);
      Set parity transmission parameter.
    • char *localGetErrorText(void);
      Return buffer with ErrorText (if any).
    • void localRsSleep(unsigned int msec);
      Sleep implementation.


Data emitted from the target via the serial link should be captured with the help of a serial port listener. The listener is a simple utility program shipped with C/c++test. It is located in <CPPTEST_INSTALL_DIR>/bin/engine/runtime/listeners/rs232_listener, and it accepts the following parameters:
