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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space CPPTDESKDEV and version 10.3.2



Specifies whether the report shows requirements, defects, tasks, and feature requests that are associated with a test.


Determines whether the report includes an overview of the number and type of tasks assigned to each developer. The default is true.


Determines whether the report includes an overview of the files that were checked or executed during testing.The default is false.


Specifies the location and extension of the XSL file for a custom format. Used with report.format=custom

For details and examples, see Configuring Reporting Settings.


Determines whether manager reports include details about developer errors.


Determines whether the system generates detailed reports for all developers (in addition to a summary report for managers).

report.format=html|pdf|customSpecifies the report format.

Determines whether HTML reports are generated and saved on the local file system. XML reports are generated and saved regardless of this setting’s value.

The default setting is true.


Determines the start date for trend graphs that track static analysis tasks over a period of time. See Understanding Reports for more details on these reports.


Determines the start date for trend graphs that track coverage over a period of time. See Understanding Reports for more details on these reports.


Specifies whether absolute file paths are added to XML data. This needs to be enabled on the Server installation if you want to relocate tasks upon import to desktop installations.


Determines whether reports are sent as attachments. All components are included as attachments; before you can view an HTML report with images, all attachments must be saved to the disk.

The default setting is false.[email_addresses]

Specifies where to mail comprehensive manager reports. This setting must be followed by a semicolon-separated list of email addresses. This setting is typically used to send reports to managers or architects. It can also be used to send comprehensive reports to developers if developer reports are not sent automatically (for example, because the team is not using a supported source control system).


Specifies that you want to email a compact report or link rather than a complete report.

If trends is used, the email contains a trend graphs, summary tables, and other compact data; detailed data is not included.

If links is used, the email contains only a link to a report (which is available on Team Server)


Specifies the mail domain used to send reports.


Determines whether reports are emailed to developers and to the additional recipients specified with the cc setting.

Remember that each developer that worked on project code will automatically be sent a report that contains only the errors/results related to his or her work.


Specifies any email addresses you do not want to receive reports. This setting is used to prevent C++test from automatically sending reports to someone that worked on the code, but should not be receiving reports.


Specifies whether reports should be mailed to any developer whose email is not explicitly listed in the property. This setting is used to prevent reports from being mailed to individual developers.

report.mail.format=html|asciiSpecifies the email format.

report.mail.from=[email_address OR

Specifies the "from" line of the emails sent.


Specifies the email addresses of developers that you want to receive developer reports. This setting must be followed by a semicolon-separated list of email addresses. This setting is typically used to send developer reports to developers if developer reports are not sent automatically (for example, because the team is not using a supported source control system). It overrides developers specified in the 'exclude' list.


Determines whether reports are sent to the manager only if an error is found or a fatal exception occurs. Developer emails are not affected by this setting; developer emails are sent only to developers who are responsible for reported errors.

The default setting is false.


Specifies the mail server used to send reports.

report.mail.subject=My New Subject

Specifies the subject line of the emails sent. The default subject line is "C++test Report." For example, if you want to change the subject line to "C++test Report for Project A", you would use
report.mail.subject=C++test Report for Project A


Specifies a time delay between emailing reports (to avoid bulk email restrictions).

report.mail.unknown=[email_address OR

Specifies where to mail reports for errors assigned to "unknown".


Specifies the settings for SMTP server authentication.

The realm value is required only for those servers that authenticate using SASL realm.


Determines if C++test reports contain a list of the rules that were enabled for the test.


Determines whether reports include suppressed messages.
The default setting is false.


Specifies a session tag used to label these results. This value is used for uploading summary results to Team Server.

The tag is an identifier of the module checked during the analysis process. Reports for different modules should be marked with different tags.


Determines whether a test's HTML report links to another report that includes source code annotated with line-by-line coverage details.

The following values can be used for [coverage_type]:
FC - for function coverage

LC - for line coverage

SC - for statement coverage

BCC - for block coverage

DC - for decision coverage

SCC - for simple condition coverage

MCDC - for MC/DC coverage

CC - for Call Coverage


Determines whether an XML report with metrics summary information (as well as individual class and method detail data where applicable) is produced. This report will be generated only when a metricsenabled Test Configuration is run.
