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Connecting to DTP allows you to obtain the network license and extend team-working capabilities, such as:

In addition, DTP aggregates and prioritizes data collected from analysis tools, as well as performs additional analysis to help you optimize development processes; see About the Parasoft Development Testing Workflow for details.

Configuring Connection to DTP Server

The connection must be configured in the .properties configuration file (see Configuration Overview). Set the following properties to configure the connection:

  • dtp.server=[SERVER]
  • dtp.port=[PORT] 
  • dtp.user=[USER]
  • dtp.password=[PASSWORD]

We highly recommend that you use an encoded password to ensure successful authentication and increase the level of security; see Creating an Encoded Password.

Encoded Password
Encoded Password
Creating an Encoded Password

C/C++test can encrypt your password, which adds a layer of security to your interactions with DTP Server. Run the following command to print an encoded password:  

Code Block
-encodepass [MYPASSWORD]

Copy the encoded password that is returned and paste it into the file:

Code Block
dtp.password=[ENCODED PASSWORD]

Configuring OpenID Connect the .properties File

DTP ships with support for OpenID Connect user authentication (see the DTP User Guide for details). If OpenID Connect is enabled for your DTP server, you must configure C/C++test to authenticate users via OpenID Connect.

Configure the following settings in the .properties file where the connection to your DTP server is configured:

  • oidc.enabled=true
  • oidc.issuer.url=[URL of the OpenID Connect server]
  •[ID provided by the OpenID Connect server]
  • oidc.client.secret=[password provided by OpenID Connect server]
  • oidc.keystore=[path to the keystore file that stores the certificate to authenticate the user on the OpenID Connect server]
  • oidc.keystore.password=[password to the keystore file; we highly recommend that you use an encoded password; see Creating an Encoded Password.]

See OpenID Connect Settings for details.

About the Parasoft Development Testing Workflow

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