The following is a list of advanced configuration options you can specify in a properties file. For details on working with properties files, as well as the most commonly-used options, see Server Configuration.
In this section:
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misc.character.encodingSpecifies the character encoding; valid values are any encodings available on the JVM being used. The default is UTF-8. misc.default.timeoutThe default timeout in milliseconds. Allows you to customize the length of delay after which Virtualize should consider your HTTP, JMS, or MQ requests to be “timed out.” The default is 30000 milliseconds. Specifically applies to the Message Forward Tool. misc.project.file.formatSpecifies what file format to use for saving project files (e.g., .pva, .pvn, .changetemplate). Project files can be saved in three formats—XML, binary, and compressed XML. The default is XML. misc.automatically.backup.project.filesTells Virtualize to automatically back up and save the project files you are working on. The default is false. misc.warn.file.sizeSpecifies the threshold at which the REST API will return an error about large .pva file size. You can then reduce the file size (and prevent performance problems) by dividing it into smaller files. The default is 20. traffic.wizard.xpath.ignoresLets you globally indicate that you want certain values (such as timestamps) ignored whenever:
Exclusions are specified in the format:
Default Value*:[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}([.][0-9]{1,3})?(([+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|Z)? Example Usage a comma-separated list of directories where fixed length data model files are located (for use in Fixed Length responders). |
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| || the location of the trust store to be used for Server-Side SSL (authentication of the Queue Manager by the client). This option specifically applies to the Message Forward tool. the location of the key store to be used for Client-Side SSL (authentication of the client by the Queue Manager). This option specifically applies to the Message Forward tool. the MQ SSL Key Store password. This option specifically applies to the Message Forward tool. |
System Properties
You can set the following system properties when executing the startup command to fine-tune server operation.