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Table of Content Zone


This option specifies an absolute path to the SOAVIRT working directory. If not specified, a default working directory called ‘workspace’ is created in the <SOAVIRT_HOME> folder. We recommend changing the default directory so that the workspace is not under the <SOAVIRT_HOME> folder because upgrading to a newer version of the server could overwrite the workspace.


This option changes the logging level using a built-in or custom log4j configuration. If not specified, the default value is /WEB-INF/default.logging.xml. 

You can specify a configuration using an absolute path or a relative path. The root for relative paths is the <SOAVIRT_HOME> directory location. The server ships with two built-in configurations available in the /WEB-INF/ folder:

  • default.logging.xml: A standard log4j configuration that logs only errors.
  • debug.logging.xml: A standard log4j configuration that provides verbose logging with extended details.

You can modify these built-in configurations as needed; see the log4j documentation for details.

Example Usage


If you unzipped the WAR into c:/wars/soavirt, the server would resolve the relative location of logging.config.file to the absolute path c:/wars/soavirt/WEB-INF/default.logging.xml.



This option specifies the number of minutes after which Virtualize will attempt to stop an unresponsive script and log an error message. The default is 10 minutes.

Example Usage



This option tells CTP which port Parasoft Virtualize Server is listening to for HTTP. You must specify either server.port.http or server.port.https port. This value must match the HTTP port under which Parasoft Virtualize Server is deployed.


This option tells CTP which port Parasoft Virtualize Server is listening to for HTTPS. You must specify either server.port.https or server.port.http port. This value must match the HTTPS port under which Parasoft Virtualize Server is deployed.


This option specifies the location of the CTP server. Be sure to specify the port and protocol (http/ https). Colons must be escaped with the backslash \ character.

Example Usage



Setting the Property with the REST API

You can also set this property after the server has been started using the REST API. Note that settings related to CTP in the .properties file are named "env.manager", which refers to the legacy name Environment Manager. The CTP object in the API, however, is labeled "ctp". These settings refer to the same component.

  1. Start the server and go the endpoint for writing to the .properties file:

  2. Enter the Continuous Testing Platform (CTP) server setting as a JSON object into the input field and click Try it out!.

You can copy the following example JSON, paste it into your input field, and change the values to your installation:

Code Block
  "ctp": {
    "server": "<your-ctp-server>:<port>",
    "name": "<your-ctp-server-name>",
    "username": "<your-username>",
    "password": "<your-password>",
    "notify": false,

env.manager.server. name

This option specifies the name that will be used to label this server on CTP. You can use any value that helps you identify this server. 

Example Usage

Setting the Property with the REST API

You can also set this property after the server has been started using the REST API. See Server Configuration for details.


This option specifies the username for logging into CTP.

Example Usage


Setting the Property with the REST API

You can also set this property after the server has been started using the REST API. See Server Configuration for details.


This option specifies the (plain text or encoded) password for logging into CTP. 

As with the standard Eclipse-based Parasoft products, you can use the  –encodepass <plain password> option in the virtualizecli command line (from the Eclipse-based server) to generate an encoded version of a given password.

Example Usage

We strongly recommend running a command line instance of SOAtest or Virtualize with the -encodepass flag to ensure successful authentication and a secure connection. Examples:

soatestcli.exe -encodepass <your_password> 

virtualizecli.exe -encodepass <your_password> 

The command line tool will generate an encoded string that you can use in place of the password property in the SOAtest and Virtualize Server configuration file. 

See CLI Options for additional information.  

Example Usage


Setting the Property with the REST API

You can also set this property after the server has been started using the REST API. See Server Configuration for details.


This option enables/disables notifications to Parasoft CTP when virtual assets are deployed.

Example Usage

The following example enables notifications:


Setting the Property with the REST API

You can also set this property after the server has been started using the REST API. See Server Configuration for details.

This is a read-only setting used by CTP. 


This option enables/disables the license related to SOAtest functionality. The default is true. If this option is not present in the .properties configuration file, the default is used. If this option is set to false, other license-related settings will be ignored.

Example Usage



This option enables/disables the license related to Virtualize functionality. The default is true. If this option is not present in the .properties configuration file, the default is used. If this option is set to false, other license-related settings will be ignored.

Example Usage



This option enables/disables licensing over a network. If you are using a network license, you must also configure either a connection to License Server or to Parasoft DTP

Configure the following options to connect to License Server:

Configure the following options to connect to DTP:

Example Usage

The following example enables licensing over a network:


This option specifies the type of license to retrieve from License Server or DTP. You can specify either custom_edition or professional_ edition. Contact your Parasoft representative if you are unsure of which edition you should set.

Example Usage


This option specifies a comma separated list of features that should be requested for a custom edition license from License Server or DTP. Contact your Parasoft representative if you are unsure of which features you should specify.

Example Usage

soatest.license.custom_edition_features=RuleWizard,Command Line,SOA,Web,Server API Enabled,Jtest Connect,Stub Desktop,Stub Server,Message Packs,Advanced Test Generation Desktop,Advanced Test Generation 100 Users


This option enables/disables licensing over a network. If you are using a network license, you must also configure either a connection to Parasoft DTP or to License Server (deprecated). 

Configure the following options to connect to License Server:

Configure the following options to connect to DTP:

Example Usage

The following example enables licensing over a network:


This option specifies the type of license to retrieve from DTP or License Server. You can specify either custom_edition or professional_ edition. Contact your Parasoft representative if you are unsure of which edition you should set.

Example Usage


This option specifies a comma separated list of features that should be requested for a custom edition license from DTP or License Server. Contact your Parasoft representative if you are unsure of which features you should specify.

Example Usage

virtualize.license.custom_edition_features=Virtualize,Validate,Performance,Extension Pack,Service Enabled,Unlimited Hits/Day


This option specifies the host name of the DTP server. You must also set the virtualize.license.use_network option to true (see Server Configuration).

Example Usage


This option specifies the port number of the DTP server. You must also set the virtualize.license.use_network option to true (see Server Configuration).

Example Usage



This option specifies the user name for DTP authentication.You must also set the virtualize.license.use_network option to true (see Server Configuration).

Example Usage



This option specifies the password for DTP authentication.You must also set the virtualize.license.use_network option to true (see Server Configuration).

Example Usage


This option specifies the host name of the License Server. You must also set the virtualize.license.use_network option to true (see Server Configuration). This option is deprecated in 9.10.3 and should be replaced with the Server Configuration option.

This option specifies the host port of the License Server. You must also set the virtualize.license.use_network option to true (see Server Configuration). This option is deprecated in 9.10.3 and should be replaced with the Server Configuration option.the Server Configuration option.

Specifies the username for authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the and options. It requires the and options set to true.


Specifies the password for authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the and options. It requires the and options set to true, and the the to be configured.

We strongly recommend encoding your password to ensure successful authentication and a secure connection. You can encode your password by running a command line instance of SOAtest or Virtualize with the -encodepass flag. The command line tool will generate an encoded string that you can use in the configuration file. Examples:

soatestcli.exe -encodepass <your_password> 

virtualizecli.exe -encodepass <your_password> 

The command line tool will generate an encoded string that you can use in place of the password property in the SOAtest and Virtualize Server configuration file. 

See CLI Options for additional information.

This option enables the server to connect to connect to either DTP and License Server or two instances of DTP simultaneously. If set to true, specify a license network connection type with the Server Configuration setting.

This option specifies whether to connect to DTP/License Server over HTTP or over TCP.  HTTP over a secure port (SSL) is recommended.  

Default is http .

Enables or disables authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the Server Configuration and Server Configuration options.

This option requires the Server Configuration option to be set to true.


This option specifies the password for the local Virtualize license. You must also set the virtualize.license.use_network option to false (see Server Configuration).


This option specifies an expiration for the local Virtualize license. You must also set the virtualize.license.use_network option to false (see Server Configuration).
