Processor | 32-bit or 64-bit (x86_64) processor with at least two cores |
Software | Java 8 (Oracle and OpenJDK are supported) |
Memory | At least 1 GB RAM (2 GB is recommended) |
OS | The following versions are supported:
You can install Virtualizeas a standalone, Eclipse-based application or as an Eclipse plug-in.
Standalone Installation
- Run the setup executable that you downloaded from the Parasoft Web site.
- Follow the installation program's onscreen instructions to install the application into your preferred directory (default is C:\Program Files\Parasoft).
The default workspace will be added and set to the <user_home_dir>/parasoft/workspace directory (e.g., C:\Users\username\parasoft\virtualize_workspace).
The default workspace is preselected in the Select a Workspace dialog when you first start the application. If you select a different workspace, the new workspace will be preselected when you start the application from that point forward.
Parasoft software is digitally signed and will not harm your system.
Plug-in Installation
- Choose Help> Install New Software from the Eclipse menu.
- Click Add.
Click Archive and browse for theparasoft_virtualize_<version>_<architecture>_updatesite_p2.zip archive.
- Click Add and select all Parasoft items to install.
- Click Finish and restart Eclipse when prompted.
Double-click the Virtualize desktop icon or choose Programs> Parasoft> Virtualize 9.x> Virtualize from the Windows Start menu to start Virtualize.