Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SOAVIRT_9.10.7_CTP_3.1.3


Processor32-bit or 64-bit (x86_64) processor with at least two cores

Java 8 (Oracle and OpenJDK are supported)


At least 1 GB RAM (2 GB is recommended)


The following versions are supported:

  • Windows Server: 2008, 2012, or 2016
  • Windows 7, 8.x, or 10


You can install Virtualizeas a standalone, Eclipse-based application or as an Eclipse plug-in.

Standalone Installation

  1. Run the setup executable that you downloaded from the Parasoft Web site.
  2. Follow the installation program's onscreen instructions to install the application into your preferred directory (default is C:\Program Files\Parasoft).

The default workspace will be added and set to the <user_home_dir>/parasoft/workspace directory (e.g., C:\Users\username\parasoft\virtualize_workspace).
The default workspace is preselected in the Select a Workspace dialog when you first start the application. If you select a different workspace, the new workspace will be preselected when you start the application from that point forward.


Parasoft software is digitally signed and will not harm your system.

Plug-in Installation

  1. Choose Help> Install New Software from the Eclipse menu.
  2. Click Add. 
  3. Click Archive and browse for theparasoft_virtualize_<version>_<architecture> archive.

  4. Click Add and select all Parasoft items to install.
  5. Click Finish and restart Eclipse when prompted. 


Double-click the Virtualize desktop icon or choose Programs> Parasoft> Virtualize 9.x> Virtualize from the Windows Start menu to start Virtualize.
