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Preventing C++test from Running Out of Memory
To prevent the product from running out of memory, you can add two memory parameters to the script or shortcut being used to start the product:
- The initial size of the JVM (Xms).
- The maximum size of the JVM (Xmx).
Typically, both are set to the same size (for instance, 256MB). However, if you have occasional problems but don't want to always allocate a large amount of memory, you can set the parameters to different sizes (for example, 256MB as the initial size and 512MB for the maximum size).
C++test standalone:
cpptest.exe -J-Xms1024m -J-Xmx1400m
C++test plugin for Eclipse:
eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xmx1400m
Note that the maximum size you can set depends on your OS and JVM.
If you are running the Eclipse plugin under Sun Java 1.5 and get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
error messages, start Eclipse with eclipse -vmargs -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
Limiting the Number of Open Files
The "osgi.bundlefile.limit" property specifies a limit on the number of jar files the Eclipse framework will keep open. In Eclipse 3.5 and later, this property defaults to 100. In Parasoft Test for Windows the value of this property is set to 0 (unlimited). On the other platforms, it is set to 300.
Increasing the value of this property or setting it to 0 (unlimited) has been know to significantly improve performance. However, increasing the value of this property may cause crashes or a "Too many open files" runtime exception.
To return to the Eclipse bundle file limit, start the application with the following parameter:
- standalone:
- plugin:
-vmargs -Dosgi.bundlefile.limit=100
Preparing a "Support Archive" and Sending it to Technical Support
If you are experiencing testing problems such as build failures, the best way to remedy the problem is to create a zip archive containing the source file(s) that caused that failure (if applicable), as well as related test information, then send that zip file to Parasoft's support team. To facilitate this process, you can have the product automatically create an archive when testing problems occur. On average, these archives are about half a megabyte, and are created in about one minute.
By default, an archive is not created when testing problems occur. You can either manually prepare and send a support archive when needed, or you can modify Parasoft archive creation options so that the product automatically prepares and sends an archive when testing problems occur.
To configure the product to automatically prepare and send archives when testing problems occur:
- Open the Technical Support panel by choosing Parasoft> Preferences, then selecting the Parasoft> Technical Support category.
- Check Enable auto-creation of support archives.
- Customize additional options as needed. Available options are:
Includes verbose logs included in the archive. Note that this option cannot be enabled if the logging system has custom configurations.
- Verbose logs are stored in the
file within the user-home temporary location (on Windows, this is<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Set-tings\Temp\parasoft\xtest
). - Verbose logging state is cross-ses-sionpersistent(restored on application startup).
- The log file is a rolling file: it won't grow over a certain size, and each time it achieves the maximum size, a backup will be created.
If you do not want to use the listed archive
location, specify a new one.
4.Click Apply, then OK.
To manually create a support archive:
- Choose Parasoft> Preferences, select the Technical Support category, select the desired archive options, then click Create Archive.
To open the Technical Support Archive Manager, which allows you to review, e-mail, or delete recent support archives:
- Choose Parasoft> Preferences, select the Technical Support category, then click Browse Recent Archives.
When creating a support archive it is best to ensure that it contains all the info which is relevant to the problem and does not contain any unrelated info.
Best Practice: Creating an Archive with the Most Relevant Data
When a technical support archive is created, the complete application logs are included. The logs may contain information from many test runs over a long period of time—but chances are that only a small part of that information is relevant to the problem you are experiencing. To help technical support isolate the cause of the problem, create a technical support archive containing application logs for only the testing session that produces problems. To do this:
- Clean application logs by turning on verbose logging. If verbose logging is already enabled, then disable it and re-enable it.
- Run the testing session that causes problems.
- Prepare a technical support archive.
Adjusting Timeouts
If technical support suspects that your problems stem from network or connection problems, they may advise you to adjust timeouts by adding the following switches to your JVM:
If only parasoft.ws.timeout is set, it affects both socket and connection timeout.
Service Pack Installation
This topic explains how to update your existing installation of Parasoft Test products with a service pack. For standard installation instructions (e.g., running a product installation file that you obtained from the Parasoft download site), see the related product’s getting started guide or user’s guide.
Sections include:
The procedure for updating one or more Parasoft Test products varies depending on what type of Parasoft Test installation you have:
To update one or more Parasoft Test products that were installed as "standalone" products (not Eclipse plugins):
- From the Help menu, choose Check for Updates. Eclipse will then check if any updates are available.
- If updates are reported, select the available updates, click Next, then complete the wizard to install the updates.
To update one or more Parasoft Test products that were installed as plugins to Eclipse 3.5 or higher:
- Configure the update site as described below (in Configuring the Update Site).
- From the Help menu, choose Check for Updates. Eclipse will then check if any updates are available.
- If updates are reported, select the available updates, click Next, then complete the wizard to install the updates.
To update one ore more Parasoft Test products that were installed as plugins to Eclipse 3.4 or higher):
- Follow the update instructions provided in the Eclipse Workbench User Guide (under Tasks> Updating and installing software).
To update one or more Parasoft Test products that were installed as plugins to Eclipse 3.3 or earlier):
- Visit http://updates.parasoft.com, then follow manual installation instructions.
If you are using Parasoft Test as an Eclipse plugin—or if your organization uses an internal update site instead of the public one—you can configure the update site as follows:
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