C++test standalone allows C++test to build and test Green Hills MULTI projects, including projects based on select versions of INTEGRITY RTOS. C++test supports the following Windows-hosted distributions of the Green Hills Software (GHS) compilers:
- Green Hills Software Compiler for PPC v. 3.5.x
- Green Hills Software Compiler for PPC v. 4.0.x
- Green Hills Software Compiler for PPC v. 4.2.x
- Green Hills MULTI v5.0.x C/C++ optimizing compilers for PowerPC
- Green Hills MULTI v5v6.1.x C/C++ optimizing compilers for Embedded V800compiler v2013.1.x for PowerPC
- Green Hills MULTI v6.1.x C/C++ compiler v2013.1.x for INTEGRITY on PowerPCGreen Hills V850 cross compliers v3.4
- Green Hills MULTI v6v7.1.x C/C++ compiler v2013v2017.1.x for PowerPC
- Green Hills MULTI v6v5.1.x C/C++ compiler v2013.1.x for INTEGRITY on PowerPCoptimizing compilers for Embedded V800
Green Hills Software Compiler for ARM v. 2014.1.x
Green Hills Software Compiler for ARM v. 2017.5.x
Green Hills Software Compiler for ARM64 v. 2014_1.x
Green Hills Software Compiler for ARM64 v. 2017_5.x
Green Hills Software Compiler for
PPCV850 v.
Green Hills Software Compiler for
PPCV850 v.
Green Hills Software Compiler for
PPCV850 v.
C++test support for Green Hills projects does not mean the ability to fully integrate with the development environment. Rather, it means that C++test is preconfigured to work with GHS in the following ways: