Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SOAVIRT_9.10.6_CTP_3.1.2


  1. Start the Tomcat server and copy licenseserver.war file into the <tomcat installation>/webapps folder.
  2. In a browser, go to http://<host>:8080/licenseserver.

  3. Log into License Server using the default username and password for Parasoft User Administration (admin/admin). If PSTSec is on a different server than the machine hosting License Server, see Connecting to Parasoft User Administration in order to log in. 
  4. Enter the licensing information provided by your Parasoft representative for each product you want to manage with License Server:
    1. Enter the Expiration date of your license. 
    2. Copy and paste the license code in the Password field or copy and paste the entire license password line as it was sent to you in the open text field.
    3. Click Set license.

Restart Tomcat if you need to change License Server's port number or make any other configuration changes after the initial set up.


  1. Open the PSTSecConfig.xml configuration file located in the /LicenseServer/conf/ directory and set the host and port for the user administration service, for example:

    Code Block
  2. Restart Tomcat.

LDAP Configuration

See Configuring LDAP for instructions on how to connect to an LDAP server.

Starting Standalone License Server on a Cloud-based VM
