Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


  • The number next to each rule ID indicates the rule’s severity level. The severity level indicates the chance that a violation of the rule will cause a serious construction defect (a coding construct that causes application problems such as slow performance, security vulnerabilities, and so on). Possible severity levels (listed from most severe to least severe) are:
    • Highest - Level 1
    • High  - Level 2
    • Medium  - Level 3
    • Low  - Level 4
    • Lowest  - Level 5
  • To learn about the rules that are included with C++test, choose Help> Help Contents, then open the C++test Static Analysis Rules book, then browse the available rule description files.
  • To generate a printable list of all rules that a given Test Configuration is configured to check:
      1. Open the Test Configurations panel by choosing Parasoft> Test Configurations.
      2. Select the Test Configurations category that represents the user-defined Test Configuration you want to modify.
      3. Open the Static tab.
      4. Click the Printable Docs button.


  • Publish metrics statistics in reports: Determines whether metrics statistics are published in reports, as well as sent to Team Server.
  • Report tasks for metrics values out of acceptable ranges: Determines whether a task is reported for each metric value that is out of the specified acceptable range.
  • Metrics table: Controls which metrics are calculated during static analysis, and allows you to specify the acceptable range for available metrics. To change the acceptable range, right-click the metric, choose View/Change Metric Parameters, then make the appropriate modifications in the Metrics Parameters dialog that opens.

To see the description of a metric, right-click it and choose View Documentation from the shortcut menu.

Flow Analysis Advanced Settings tab
