Parameterizing XPaths
You can parameterize XPaths to reference
Responder suite
variablesreference Responder suite variables, environment variables, and data source values. The syntax to reference variables is ${myVariableName}. The syntax to reference XML Data Bank values and Data Source Values is: ${myColumnName}.
For example, if ${XPath Key} is a data source column name, you could use
/*[local-name(.)="bookstore" and namespace-uri(.)=""]/*[local-name(.)="book" and
namespace-uri(.)=""][child::node()[local-name(.)="title" and text()="${XPath Key}"]]
Handling Empty Elements to Maintain the Integrity of the XML Response
Anchor | ||||
By default, empty elements will not be extracted. This could impact the integrity of the XML response for use in a Writable Data Source. For instance,
Code Block |
<e>5</e> <e/> <e>6</e> |
Code Block |
ROW 1 = 5 ROW 2 = 6 |
- Enable Extract empty elements as.
- (Optional) If you want a "placeholder" value to be added for every empty extracted element, indicate the desired placeholder string in the adjacent text field.
- Select one of the XPaths that specifies what to extract, then click Modify.
- Ensure that the Extract option is set to Content only.
Delete the
at the end of the related XPath(s) For example, if the current XPath isCode Block /*[local-name(.)="Envelope" and namespace-uri(.)="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"]/.../*[local-name(.)="i" and namespace-uri(.)=""][1]/text()
Edit it to
Code Block /*[local-name(.)="Envelope" and namespace-uri(.)="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"]/.../*[local-name(.)="i" and namespace-uri(.)=""][1]
- Repeat steps 3-5 for additional XPaths as needed.