Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SOAVIRT_9.10.4_CTP_3.1.1


  • Firefox Executable Path: Specifies the path to the Firefox executable. On Windows machines, SOAtest and/or Virtualize will attempt to detect a Firefox installation automatically. Linux users will have to browse to the Firefox executable.

  • Chrome Executable Path: Specifies the path to the Chrome executable. Paths set here will be used in web recording wizards and other applicable areas. On Linux, choose google-chrome (e.g. /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome)—not chrome.
  • Safari Executable Path: Specifies the path to the Safari executable.
  • Anchor
    Proxy port
    : Specifies the proxy port. See Proxy Configuration Details Additional Preference Settings  below for more information and tips.
  • Browser communication port: Specifies the browser communication port.
  • Browser Timeout Settings: Specifies the length of delay (in milliseconds) after which SOAtest and/or Virtualize should stop waiting for browser startup or a user action and consider it to be "timed out."

  • Wait Condition Default Timeout Settings: Specifies the length of delay (in seconds) after which SOAtest and/or Virtualize should stop waiting for the activity specified in the wait condition to occur and consider it to be "timed out."

  • Debug Options> Print debugging information: During recording of a web scenario, it is possible that an action taken is not recorded by SOAtest and/or Virtualize. Enabling this option will allow messages to be printed to the message console during recording, with information about what events SOAtest and/or Virtualize handled, any locators that may have been generated, and if applicable, any exceptions that took place during recording.

  • Error Reporting> Report website's scripting errors: Configures SOAtest and/or Virtualize to report scripting errors that occur during scenario execution. In Internet Explorer, the Selenium Web-Driver framework will not report JavaScript errors on the page to SOAtest and/or Virtualize; this reporting is supported only for the legacy engine.

  • Allowable Binary Files in Traffic Viewer and Outputs: Allows binary files with the specified extensions or MIME types to be used in the Traffic Viewer and output. By default, only text files will be allowed.
  • Browser Contents Viewer Rendering Engine: Enables you to specify what browser is used for the Browsear Contents Viewer tool

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    (described in Browser Contents Viewer)

     , which can be attached to the Browser Playback tool.

    • The default option (Same browser used for playback) is generally the recommended option because some web applications generate their pages differently based on the browser used. Using the same browser that was used during the playback can help ensure that pages display properly in the Browser Contents Viewer. Note that if the playback browser was Chrome, the Firefox rendering engine is used.
    • When Internet Explorer is selected, the version of IE that is used depends on what version of IE is installed on the machine running SOAtest and/or Virtualize. The Internet Explorer option is available only on Windows.

    • When Firefox is selected, the version of Firefox that is used depends on what Eclipse is being used to run SOAtest and/or Virtualize. It can range from Firefox 3.0.1 to Firefox 10, depending on what OS is being used.

    • If the particular web application being tested does not render properly in the Browser Contents Viewer, you could try configuring this option to use either Internet Explorer or Firefox specifically (rather than use the default Same browser used for playback option) to see if using a specific rendering engine will improve how the page is shown in the Browser Contents Viewer.
  • HTML Content Fetch Mode: Enables you to determine whether the contents of hidden frames are displayed in the pre- and post-action HTML viewer. This can impact record and playback speed, as well as file size. It is possible to use one mode on some of your team’s SOAtest and/or Virtualize machines (e.g., desktop installation), and a different mode on others (e.g, the Server machine running in command-line mode).

    • Fetch all HTML content Choose this option if you want to see the contents of hidden frames in the pre- and post-action HTML viewer 

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      (in the Browser Playback tool, Browser Contents Viewer, Browser Data Bank, and Browser Validation tool). This is desirable if you want to create validations/extractions in hidden iframes. This mode will significantly slow down recording and playback. Moreover, it will significantly increase .tst file size if your application uses hidden iframes.

    • Fetch content for all content except hidden frames: Choose this option if you do not need to see the contents of hidden frames in the pre- and post-action HTML viewer.

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      (in the Browser Playback tool, Browser Contents Viewer, Browser Data Bank, and Browser Validation tool). In this mode, the browser will still retrieve all frames from the server and it can still perform validations and extractions on the hidden iframes. However, it will not display the contents of hidden frames in the pre- and post-action HTML viewer.


The default host and port for the internal proxy is localhost:55555. Change the port number if this port is already in use using the controls Proxy port field. Do not change this from within the browser.

If your machine is configured to use your own proxy, you should configure SOAtest and/or Virtualize to point to that proxy. This enables SOAtest and/or Virtualize to configure its internal proxy to forward all traffic to the specified proxy configured in Proxy Settings Additional Preference Settings .

Internet Explorer Notes

SOAtest and Virtualize modify the global registry settings prior to starting its instance of the browser. If an instance of Internet Explorer was running on the machine prior to launching SOAtest or Virtualize (not recommended), the global registry settings will not be set in the existing browser instance.


  • Character Encoding: You can enable System default to configure SOAtest and/or Virtualize to use the default character set for the particular system being used. Enable Custom to encode characters from the list of encodings available on the JVM being used.
  • Save settings: Specifies what file format to use for saving project files (e.g., .pva, .pvn, .tst, .changetemplate). 

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    See the following sections for additional information about each type, including performance and forward compatibility: 

  • Default timeout (milliseconds): Allows you to enter the length of delay (in milliseconds) after which SOAtest should consider your FTP, telnet, or HTTP requests to be “timed out.” The default is 30000 milliseconds.
  • Report each duplicate error that occurs on the same line: Tells SOAtest to show only the first instance of duplicate errors that occur for the same line of code.
  • Reset Cookies: Allows you to clear the current global cookies so that next HTTP invocations start a new session.
  • Enable the Automatically backup project files option and specify a file size threshold for .tst and/or .pva files in the Warn on file size large than (MB) field to be notified when the size of the file exceeds the threshold. You can then reduce the size (and prevent performance problems) by dividing it into smaller files.


The Proxy panel controls how SOAtest and/or Virtualize works with proxy servers. It does not control the separate intermediary proxy used for web scenarios (for details on this other proxy, seeProxy Configuration DetailsAdditional Preference Settings ). 

  • If Windows and IE (which use the same settings) are configured to properly use the proxy to access the relevant websites, select Use system proxy configuration.
  • Otherwise, select Enable proxy and manually enter the correct settings. These settings should be equivalent to what you would use in the browser outside of SOAtest/Virtualize.

    • To use an automatic configuration script, select Use automatic configuration script, then enter the proxy address in the Address field.
    • If you want to use the same proxy server for all protocols, check the Same proxy server for all protocols check box, then enter the address and port of the proxy server you want to use in the Proxy Address and Proxy Port fields.
    • If you want to use different proxy servers for different protocols, clear the Same proxy server for all protocols check box, then enter the address and port of each proxy server you want to use in the Proxy Address and Proxy Port fields.
    • If your proxy server requires authentication, check the Enable proxy authentication check box, then enter a valid user name and password in the Username and Password fields.
    • If you want to allow Web traffic from designated IP addresses to pass through directly (avoiding the proxy), enter those IP addresses in the Proxy Exceptions text field. If you enter multiple addresses, use a semicolon (;) to separate the entries.
    • The Proxy Address value should be a URL to the script: either an HTTP(S) URL or a file URL. File URLs should be formatted as "file:///" followed by the file system path where the proxy autoconfiguration script lives. For example, on Windows this could be file:///c:/Users/user/scripts/proxy.pac. On Linux, it might be file:///home/machine/scripts/proxy.pac.


  • Global HTTP Authentication Properties: Allows you to specify global HTTP authentication properties that can be used when configuring HTTP protocols within an applicable tool. Select the Perform Authentication check box and enter the Username and Password to authenticate the request, and select either Basic, NTLM, or Digest, from the Authentication Type drop-down list. For Kerberos, enter the Service Principal to authenticate the request. If the correct username and password, or the correct service principal, are not used, the request will not be authenticated.
  • Kerberos realm: Specify the Kerberos realm associated with your network. By convention, this is typically your domain name in all caps (e.g. PARASOFT.COM).
  • KDC server: Specify the hostname of your Key Distribution Center (e.g.
  • Check Ticket: This will execute a simple test to locate a cached Kerberos TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) to grant access to the service. SOAtest and/or Virtualize will not be able to communicate with the service if it cannot first locate a valid TGT. For more information about Kerberos, see 

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    Configuring Kerberos Authentication in SOAtest

    Additional Preference Settings  and/or

    Configuring Kerberos Authentication in Virtualize

    Additional Preference Settings .

  • Trust all certificates: Enable this option to accept any certificate. This is useful if you want to load pages whose certificates are not "trusted."

  • Use default Java cacerts: Enable this option to accept only certificates from the standard list of Java-trusted certificate vendors.

  • Use client keystore: Enables you to specify settings for both the server side and client side certificates for SSL through the Client Keystore options.


In order to perform operations that use the XML Signature Verifier, XML Signer, or XML Encryption tools, or if using Key Stores, you will need to download and install the Unlimited Strength Java Cryptography Extension. For details, see JCE Prerequisite Additional Preference Settings .

Keystores are specified at the test or responder suite level. If this option is selected, the following options are available in the Certificate and Private Key tabs:


The XML Conversion settings panel lets you register data models for fixed length messages. 

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For details on using this setting in Virtualize, see Fixed Length Message Responder. For details on using this setting in SOAtest, see Fixed Length Client and Fixed Length Call Back.

XML Schema History Settings


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Virtualize Localsettings

There are two ways to define localsettings files:

  • Enter them manually in a simple text file simple text file. There are no name or location requirements. Each local setting should be entered in a single line.
  • Export your GUI preferences, then adjust or extend them as needed. To export, choose Parasoft> Preferences, select Parasoft (the root element in the left tree), click the Share link, specify which settings you want to export.

Localsettings files can specify the following settings.

Licensing Settings

virtualize.license. use_network=true|falseDetermines whether the current installation retrieves its license from LicenseServer.

Specifies the machine name or IP address of the machine running LicenseServer Configuration Manager.


virtualize.license. network.port=[port]

Specifies the LicenseServer port number.


Specifies the type of license that you want this installation to retrieve from LicenseServer.

[edition_name] can be server_edition. To use a custom edition, do not set anything after the "="; simply leaving the value empty.


virtualize.license.autoconf.timeout=[seconds]Specifies the maximum number of seconds this installation will wait for the license to be automatically configured from LicenseServer. Default is 10.
Specifies the local license that you want this installation to use.
virtualize.license. local.password=[password]Specifies the local password that you want this installation to use.
virtualize.license.wait.for.tokens.time=[time in minutes]

Specifies the time that this installation will wait for a license if a license is not currently available. 

For example to make it  wait 3 minutes for license tokens, use virtualize.wait.for.tokens.time=3.

See Manually Adding the License to localsetttings Additional Preference Settings  for additional notes and examples.

Virtualize Settings

server.startupDetermines whether the server is automatically started upon Virtualize startup.
server.port.httpSpecifies the port that the Virtualize Server uses for HTTP.
server.port.httpsSpecifies the port that the Virtualize Server uses for HTTPS.
server.port.monitoringSpecifies the port that the Virtualize Server uses for monitoring.
path=[path1];[path2];[path3] ...

Specifies which jar files and class folders are in the classpath. 

For example:\:\\myjars\\myLib1.jar;C\:\\myjar s\\myLib2.jar

scripting.timeout.minutesSpecifies the number of minutes after which Virtualize will attempt to stop an unresponsive script and log an error message.
scripting.jython.homeSpecifies the Jython installation directory. This must be a single directory.
scripting.jython.pathUsed to add to your path modules that are not in your jython.home/Lib directory. Multiple paths can be listed. the port number for the event monitor. Add this setting to the JVM arguments. If you don't set this property, port 9617 is used by default. If the default number is being used by another application, the even monitor will scan for open ports incrementally starting with the default. the port number for the server statistics collector. Add this setting to the JVM arguments. If you don't set this property, port 9618 is used by default. If the default number is being used by another application, the statistics broker will scan for open ports incrementally starting with the default. a CCSID to connect ot he MQ queue manager. Contact your MQ administrator for additional information.
datasources.jdbc.classpath=[path1];[path2];[path3] ...

Specifies the location of JDBC driver jar files and class folders.

Special characters (spaces, slashes, colons, etc.) must be escaped; for instance:

%20 = SPACE

%3A = :

%5C = \

%7B = {

%7D = }

%24 = $

If listing multiple jars, use \n as a delimiter.

For example,


C%3A%5Ctemp%5Cwith%20space%5C$2 4%7Bexample%7D%5Cjar.jar\n


Lets you globally indicate that you want certain values (such as times-tamps) ignored whenever:

  • you are creating parameterized .pvas from traffic, and
  • requiest body correlations are configured automatically.

Exclusions are specified in the format

traffic.wizard.xpath.ignores=[element name 1]:[value pattern 1];[element name 2]:[value pattern 2];[element name 3]:[value pattern 3]

For example:

traffic.wizard.xpath.ignores=*:[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0- 9]{2}:[0-9]{2}([.][0-9]{1,3})?(([+-][0-9]{2}:[0- 9]{2})|Z)?;uuid:[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}

Note that when the backslash character (\) is used in the regular expression, it needs to be escaped.  For example, the regex [\d], which represents a single digit, would be entered as  [\\d].

Continuous Testing Platform Settings


Specifies the location of the CTP server. Required

Example: env.manager.server=http://em_hostname:8080/

Specifies the name that will be used to label this server on CTP.You can use whatever value will help you identify this server. Optional



Determines whether the Virtualize server notifies Parasoft CTP when virtual assets are deployed. Optional

Example: env.manager.notify=true


Specifies the username for logging into CTP. Optional

Example: env.manager.username=me


Specifies the password for logging into CTP. Optional

Example: env.manager.password=12345

Miscellaneous Settings


Enables autoconfiguration with Parasoft Test settings stored on the DTP server.

Default: false


Determines whether the current Parasoft Test product is connected to DTP.

Default: false

dtp.server=[host]Specifies the host name of the DTP server.
dtp.port=[port]Specifies the DTP server port.

Specifies the verbosity level for the Console view. Available settings are:

low: Configures the Console view to show errors and basic information about the current step’s name and status (done, failed, up-to-date).

normal: Also shows command lines and issues reported during test and analysis.

high: Also shows warnings.


Determines which of the following modes is active:

  • Auto: Allows the product to control parallel processing settings.
  • Manual: Allows you to manually configure parallel processing settings to suit your specific needs.
  • Disabled: Configures the product to use only one of the available CPUs.

Specifies the maximum number of  parallel threads that can be executed simultaneously. The actual number of parallel threads is determined based on the number of CPUs, available memory, and license settings.

parallel.free_memory_limit=<percentage>Specifies the amount of memory that should be kept free in low memory conditions (expressed as a percentage of the total memory available for the application). This is used to ensure that free memory is available for other processes.
parallel.no_memory_limit=true|falseIndicates that you do not want to place any restrictions (beyond existing system limitations) on the memory available to the product.
tasks.clear=true|falseClears existing tasks upon startup in cli mode. This prevents excessive time being spent "loading existing results." The default is true.|falseTells Virtualize that you want it to accept any certificate. This is useful if you want to load pages whose certificates are not "trusted."|falseTells Virtualize that you want it to accept only certificates from the standard list of Java trusted certificate vendors.

Manually Adding the License to localsetttings

To add or change license settings vialocalsettings:

  1. If you will be using a custom edition license, define the appropriate license features in the localsettings as follows:
    [product].license.custom_edition_features= All enabled features
    Note that license feature settings apply only to custom edition licenses.
  2. Define the main license settings in the localsettings as follows:

    Code Block Type of license edition 
    virtualize.license.use_network= Value (true or false) Host name Port number

Here are several examples of properly-configured license settings in localsettings file:

Virtualize network license - desktop edition

Code Block 

Virtualize network license -custom edition with various features

Code Block
virtualize.license.custom_edition_features=Virtualize, Server, Message Packs, Unlimited Million Hits / Day

Virtualize network license -custom edition with various features

Code Block
virtualize.license.local.password=PARASOFT_353E2A7DA4F3D4B2FF142B0A262AF62B9DEC3449 C124773BAF0B4B508FF21139E867D9772F3702716FCE6D8EA16ACE668DE0EE629D154713599203BD85CE1213_7937E7ED374E70FDD62EE8411C2BB2D8EB465019E64BF3EF3A87DE6B67FB10BBCAF8611B08F70 D9420AC574FC5B3E5EB7241B20506DE2C60B0D80462CBEDBD

Note that with local licenses, the enabled features are specified via the generated password.