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In this section:

Table of Contents

Configuring the Settings

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product: (jtest)


 DTP Engine can be configured with settings (see Configuration Settings) that should be specified in a .properties file. The basic settings are listed in the 

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product: (jtest)

  file shipped in [INSTALL_DIR]. 

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product: (jtest)

For your convenience, you can also store common settings in a file in the $USER_HOME directory to overwrite settings stored in the properties file in the [INSTALL_DIR] directory.

You can also create a custom . properties file and pass it to the 

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product: (jtest)


with the -settings switch. 

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product: (jtest)

Use absolute paths to specify the custom .properties file.

You can use the -settings switch multiple times to specify several .properties files. Entries with the same key will be overwritten.

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product: (jtest)
Code Block
jtestcli -settings path/to/  -settings path/to/another/

Settings Hierarchy

General settings are applied in the following order: 

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    : the base configuration file that should not be modified.

  2. Conditional Content
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    : the main configuration file you can use to specify your settings that map contains templates for commonly used settings (license, reporting etc.).

  3. Conditional Content
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    product: (jtest)


    : for your convenience, you can store the configuration file in your home directory to overwrite settings from the [INSTALL_DIR] (for example, to ensure your settings are not affected by reinstallations or updates).

  4. Conditional Content
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    product: (jtest)


    : for your convenience, you can store the configuration file in your working directory.

  5. Custom settings passed with the command line switch -settings path/to/ (e.g., -settings ../

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    6. Custom settings passed with the command line switch -property [key=value]

All of the above settings can be overridden by custom settings that are passed with command line switches (e.g. -report, -config).

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product: (jtest)

Ant and Maven Pattern

You can provide the path to the settings file with Ant or Maven using the following pattern:

Code Block

Settings Hierarchy for Maven

If you use Maven, you can configure jtestcli settings with:

  • -Djtest.[Maven property name] (e.g., -Djtest.settings="").
  • the pom.xml file
  • -Dproperty.jtest.[property name] (e.g., -Dproperty.jtest.license.use_network=true)

Both -Djtest and pom.xml override settings that are passed with -Dproperty.jtest.

-Djtest overrides settings in pom.xml if they are provided as user properties. However, if a setting value is specified directly in pom.xml, it has the highest priority and cannot be overridden by command line settings. For example, the test configuration specified in pom.xml as a user property <config>${jtest.config}</config> can be overridden with -Djtest.config. If it is hardcoded as <config>builtin://Demo Configuration</config>, itcannot be overridden.

See the Jtest Goal page in plugins-manual.html for the complete list of parameters.

It is recommended that you keep all user-level customizations, including custom settings, license, rules, test configurations, compiler configurations, outside of the Jtest installation directory so they are not affected by reinstallations or updates.

Viewing Current Settings 

Use the -showsettings option to print the current settings and customizations, including the origin file for each configuration. 

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product: (jtest)

Ant and Maven Pattern

If you use Ant or Maven, you can use the following pattern to view the current settings:

Code Block

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product: (jtest)
product: (jtest)

JVM, Framework, and Application Setup

The following table describes additional configuration files for setting up Jtest DTP Engine.

jtestcli.propertiesContains the default settings for the Jtest properties.[INSTALL_DIR]
jtestcli.jvmContains JVM arguments that the jtestcli.exe (jtestcli) executable will use when starting Java processes.[INSTALL_DIR]/etc
framework.propertiesContains properties that are passed to the launched Felix OSGI framework. There is typically no need to edit this file.[INSTALL_DIR]/etc
formatting.propertiesContains formatting rules for the default Jtest properties.[INSTALL_DIR]/etc
logging.xmlLogger configuration file; outputs a silent console by default and warn level on the jtest.log file.[INSTALL_DIR]/etc
logging.console.debug.xmlLogger configuration with debug level on the console output.[INSTALL_DIR]/etc