This topic provides a reference for configuring
SOAtest and Virtualize
for configuring SOAtest and Virtualize for popular JMS providers.
Sections include:
To add the required jar files (listed in the tables below) to the
SOAtest and Virtualize
classpaththeSOAtest and Virtualize classpath, complete the following:
For | For the WebSphere MQ JMS provider | |||||||||||||||||||||
Minimum Required jars | For MQ 6.0 You can find these under [WebSphere MQ installation directory]/java/lib: You need to download these: For MQ 7.0 You can find these under [WebSphere MQ installation directory]/java/lib: You need to download these: MQ Client Download The jars from [WebSphere MQ installation directory]/java/lib are also included in the MQ Client. The MQ 6 Client is no longer available from IBM. The MQ 7 Client is available at | |||||||||||||||||||||
Typical Provider URL Pattern | yourhostname:1414/SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN | |||||||||||||||||||||
Factory class | WebSphere MQ JNDI Initial Context factory class - | |||||||||||||||||||||
SSL Configuration | WebSphere JMS clients can achieve SSL connections by setting the appropriate properties in the initial context. Both WebSphere MQ and WebSphere JMS clients will set the same properties for SSL connectivity. | |||||||||||||||||||||
JMS messaging without JNDI | Under the properties tab, define the following properties:
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Additional Notes | IBM's JNDI provider authenticates itself with the Websphere MQ server by sending the user's login name. This is typically the user name that was provided when logging into the workstation before starting SOAtest/Virtualize. If the MQ server does not recognize the user name, then your tool will fail with the error "javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: MQJMS2013: invalid security authentication supplied for MQQueueManager". This error can be resolved by adding a Windows user account on the Websphere MQ server machine. This account should 1) have the same user name as the account on the local machine where Conditional Content | Product: (SOAVirt) | Product: (SOAVirt) | sv-attr:0A010204015A9054C88481D043445E2F | 0A010204015CF6008A11EEF43AC91334 | SOAtest and Virtualize is whereSOAtest and Virtualizeis running and 2) be a member of the "mqm" IBM WebSphere MQ Administration Group. Alternatively, use a different user name by changing the value of the Java System property. This system property can be configured by starting Conditional Content | Product: (SOAVirt) | Product: (SOAVirt) | sv-attr:0A010204015A9054C88481D043445E2F | 0A010204015CF6008A11EEF43AC91334 | SOAtest and Virtualize using Conditional Content | Product: (SOAVirt) | Product: (SOAVirt) | sv-attr:0A010204015A9054C88481D043445E2F | 0A010204015CF6008A11EEF43AC91334 | startingSOAtest and Virtualizeusing
Conditional Content | Product: (SOAVirt, SOAtest) | Product: (SOAVirt, SOAtest) | sv-attr:0A010204015A9054C88481D043445E2F | 0A010204015CF6008A11EEF43AC91334 0A010204015A9054C886C0AC137B8C01It is also possible to modify Java system properties during test suite execution by using an Extension Tool to call the java.lang.System.setProperty() method from Sun's Java API. For more details on this error, see | ||
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