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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SOAVIRT_9.10.8_CTP_3.1.4


Record TrafficRecords live HTTP, JMS, and  MQ traffic that passes through multiple endpoints.Recording Traffic on the Fly
Generate From Traffic
(Generate Fixed Messages, Generate Parameterized Messages)
Creates virtual assets for the transactions represented in the traffic files.Creating Message Responders from Traffic Files - Overview
Recorded Database QueriesCreates virtual assets for the database behavior represented in the database recording.Creating SQL Responders from a Database Recording
RAMLCreates virtual assets by analyzing a RAML definition.Creating Message Responders from a RAML Definition
OpenAPI/SwaggerCreates virtual assets by analyzing an OpenAPI/Swagger definition.Creating Message Responders from an OpenAPI/Swagger Definition
WSDLCreates virtual assets by analyzing the WSDL.Creating Message Responders from a WSDL or XML Schema
XML SchemaCreates virtual assets by analyzing the XML Schema.Creating Message Responders from a WSDL or XML Schema
Import .pva file | ProjectImports a project that was previously  exported through the Virtualize export feature.

Importing a Responder Suite

Exporting a Responder Suite

Empty .pva file | ProjectCreates an empty project or .pva  "skeleton" to which you can add the desired assets.Creating an Empty Project
Virtualize Java ProjectCreates a new Eclipse Java project that has access to Virtualize's Extensibility API. You can later configure Virtualize scripts and Extension tools to invoke classes from the new Java project.

Using Eclipse Java Projects in Virtualize

Extensibility and or Scripting Basics

Project from Existing Responder suitesCreates a new Virtualize project based on pre-existing Responder suites.N/A
Change TemplateCreates a change template for refactoring your tools/messages in response to service changes.Change Management Virtualize