You can associate resource groups you created for the project with filters (see Adding Resource Groups to Projects) to enable granular control over how the data is presented in DTP.
- Choose Report Center Settings from the settings drop-down menu and click Filters in the Administration sidebar.
- Create a new filter or click on an existing filter.
- Click Add Resource Group in the Resource Group section.
- Click the add button (+) to associate a resource group with the filter and click Confirm. If resource groups have not been created for the project, the overlay will be empty. See Adding Resource Groups to Projects for information on how to create resource groups.
- Click the delete button (x) to remove the resource group from the filter.
You can click on the resource group name add, remove, or modify resource group patterns in an overlay (see Adding Resource Groups to Projects for additional information).
Note title All Instances of the Resource Group Will Be Modified If you make changes to a resource group, other filters that use the same resource group will be affected.
Changes are automatically saved.
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