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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space DTPDEVEL and version 2024.1


  • Compliance categories and guidelines: These files add the AUTOSAR Compliance option to DTP interfaces, such as widget configuration settings. 
  • Test configurations: These files specify which code analysis rules to execute. You can configure C/C++test to run the local test configuration or to run the test configuration uploaded to DTP when the compliance pack is installed.   
  • Dashboard template: This file enables you to add the AUTOSAR C++14 dashboard 14 dashboard that includes  a a pre-defined set of AUTOSAR-related widgets.
  • Model and profile: These files provide the framework for rendering the report data required to demonstrate compliance. See Profile Configuration for additional information.
  • DTP Workflow: This is the DTP Enterprise Pack artifact that includes the widgets, reports, and processing logic that show violations in the context of AUTOSAR guidelines.   


  1. The AUTOSAR Compliance artifact is installed as part of the Automotive Compliance Pack. See Installation for instructions.
  2. Choose Extension Designer from the DTP settings menu settings (gear icon) menu.

  3. Click the Services tab and choose a service category. You can deploy the artifact to an existing service or add a new service. We recommend deploying compliance pack artifacts to a service within the DTP Workflows category.

    The number of artifacts deployed to a service affects the overall performance (see Extension Designer Best Practices for additional information).  If If you are deploying the artifact to an existing service, choose it and continue to the next step 4. If you are adding a new service for the artifact, click Add Service then specify a name for the service and click Confirm
  4. The tabs interface within the service allows you to organize your artifacts. Organizing your artifacts across one or more tabs within the service does not affect the performance of the system. Click on a tab (or click the + button icon to add a new tab) and choose Import from the vertical ellipses menu in the upper right.
  5. Choose Local> Flows> Workflows> Automotive> Local > Flows > Workflows > Automotive > AUTOSAR Compliance and click Import.
  6. Click anywhere in the open area to drop the artifact into the service. 
  7. Click Deploy to finish deploying the artifact to your DTP environment. 
  8. Return to DTP and refresh your browser.


  1. Click Add Dashboard and specify a name when prompted.
  2. Enable the Create dashboard from a template option and choose AUTOSAR C++14 Compliance from the drop-down associated menu.
  3. Click Create to finish adding the dashboard.


This widget shows the five Parasoft rules with the most number of violations.  Click Click on a link in the Name column to open the the Violations by Rule report report. Click on the more... link to open the Violations by Compliance Category report.


This widget shows the five AUTOSAR guidelines with the most number of violations.  Click Click on a link in the Name column to open the the Violations by Rule report report. Click on the more... link to open the Violations by Compliance Category report.


TitleYou can rename the widget in the Title field.
FilterChoose a specific filter or Dashboard Settings from the drop-down menu. See Configuring Filters for additional information.
Target BuildChoose a specific build from the drop-down menu. The build selected for the entire dashboard is selected by default. See See Using Build Administration for additional information about understanding builds. 

This setting is available in the AUTOSAR Compliance - Guidelines by Status and AUTOSAR Compliance - Status widgets. Choose one of the following:

  • All
  • Required
  • Advisory

This setting is available in the AUTOSAR Compliance - Guidelines by Status and AUTOSAR Compliance - Status widgets. Choose one of the following:

  • All
  • Architecture
  • Implementation
  • Infrastructure
  • Toolchain
  • Verification
  • Design

This setting is available in the AUTOSAR Compliance - Guidelines by Status and AUTOSAR Compliance - Status widgets. Choose one of the following:

  • All
  • Automated
  • Non-Automated
  • Partially Automated
Compliance ProfileSpecify a compliance profile (see Profile Configuration). The compliance profile is used to generate the compliance report.


This widget shows you the general state of compliance. Click on the widget to open the the AUTOSAR Compliance Report


The widget can show five possible states:

  • Compliant: Code meets all guidelines with no deviations or changes to the guideline categories.
  • Not CompliantCode does not meet all required guidelines.
  • Missing rule(s) in analysis: Parasoft code analysis rules documented in your profile were not included in the specified build. Make sure all rules are enabled in C/C++test and re-run analysis.
  • Compliant with Deviations: Code meets all guidelines, but deviations have been applied. Deviations are violations that you have determined to be acceptable (see Deviations Report for additional information about deviations).
  • Compliant with Violations: Code meets all required guidelines but contains violations for advisory guidelines.


This widget shows the completeness of AUTOSAR compliance as a percentage. Completeness is based on number of guidelines being enforced in the profileClick on the widget to open the the AUTOSAR Compliance Report.


GreenGuidelines that your code is complaint.

Guidelines that your code is deviating from but are still considered compliant.

A deviation is when the guideline is not being followed according to the Parasoft static analysis rule , but is considered acceptable because it does not affect the safety of the software. Deviations represent Parasoft static analysis rules that have been suppressed.


Guidelines that your code is considered compliant with, even though the static analysis rules that enforce them contain violations.

Only advisory guidelines can have this status.

RedGuidelines that your code is not compliant with.
MaroonGuidelines that are specified in the profile, but the Parasoft rule that enforces the guideline is missing.


The widget uses the hierarchy established in the model profile to to correlate rules, guidelines, and categories. You can mouse over a tile in the widget to view the number of violations associated with each rule-guidline-/guideline/category.

Click on a rule to see the violation in the Violations Explorer.


The AUTOSAR Compliance Report provides an overview of your AUTOSAR compliance status and serves as the primary document for demonstrating compliance.  It It includes an entry for each guideline, its level of compliance, any deviations and/or re-catorizationscategorizations, etcand so on.

You can perform the following actions:

  • Use the drop-down menus to filter by obligation level, target, analysis, or compliance status.
  • Click on a guideline link in the Guideline column to open the Guideline Enforcement Plan. The link goes directly to the specific guideline so that you can review the Parasoft code analysis rule or rules enforcing the guideline. 
  • Click on a link in the # of Violations column to view the violations in the the Violations Explorer.
  • Click on a link in the # of Deviations column to view the suppressed violations in the the Violations Explorer.
  • Open one of the AUTOSAR Compliance sub-reports.
  • Click Download PDF to export a printer-friendly PDF version of the report data. If you added a custom graphic to DTP as described in Adding a Custom Graphic to the Navigation Bar, the PDF will also be branded with the graphic. 


Table of Content Zone

Guideline Enforcement Plan

The Guidelines Enforcement Plan (GEP) lists the AUTOSAR guidelines mapped to Parasoft code analysis rules and other information to demonstrate how compliance is checked.

This report uses the data specified in the compliance profile (see Profile Configuration). In the profile, you can add notes to the Compiler field, such as “no errors” or specific compiler settings that will be applied to document your plan. These notes appear in the Compiler column.

The Analysis Tool column should refer to the static analysis rule. The Manual Review column should contain any manual verifications that will be performed in addition to the automated checks applied by the compiler and analysis tool.

Guideline Re-categorization Plan

You can change a guideline's obligation level from advisory to required and still claim compliance with AUTOSAR C++14. Guidelines cannot, however, be re-categorized as advisory. If you changed any of the AUTOSAR guideline categories (see Profile Configuration), they will be processed and displayed in this report.

Deviation Report 

A "deviation" is a documented violation of the guideline and supporting rationale for allowing the violation to remain. In the context of AUTOSAR compliance with Parasoft, deviations take the form of suppressed code analysis violations. Your project can have deviations and still be considered compliant if the deviations are documented in the report and do not impact safety.

Your code can contain violations and still be AUTOSAR-compliant as long as the deviations from the standard are documented and that the safety of the software is unaffected. Deviations are code analysis rules that have been suppressed either directly in the code or in the DTP Violations Explorer. See the C++test documentation for details on suppressing violations in the code. See Suppressing Violations Prioritization Tab in the Violations Explorer documentation for information about suppressing violations in DTP.

Click on the Deviations Report link in the AUTOSAR Compliance report to open the Deviations Report.  

The Deviations Report shows all guideline IDs and headers, but guidelines that have been suppressed will show additional information. You can perform the following actions:

  1. Filter the report by obligation level, target, and analysis type (Automated, Partially Automated, Non-Automated).
  2. Enable the Only Deviations option to only show deviations.
  3. Enable the Hide Modification History option to exclude the modification history for deviations.   

Build Audit Report

The main AUTOSAR Compliance Report links to the Build Audit Report, which provides access to code analysis, test results, and coverage information sent to DTP under the selected build. This report also allows you to download an archive of the data, which is an artifact you can use to demonstrate compliance with AUTOSAR during a regulatory audit. The Build Audit Report is a standard report shipped with DTP and is not specific to AUTOSAR Compliance.

In order to download an archive, the build has to be locked. See Build Audit Report for additional details about this report.  


The AUTOSAR Compliance DTP Workflow ships with a model profile (see Working with Model Profiles) configured to monitor compliance with AUTOSAR C++14. The profile include includes information necessary for generating compliance reports reports (see Viewing AUTOSAR Compliance Reports). It includes a field for you to specify your compiler, as well as guideline categorization and re-categoriziation categorization information.  You You can modify the profile if you want to re-categorize guidelines to meet your specific goals or specify additional metadata for your reports. Changes will be reflected in the Guideline Re-categorization Plan.


  1. Choose Extension Designer from the DTP settings menu settings (gear icon) menu.
  2. Click the Model Profile tab and expand the AUTOSAR Compliance menu.
  3. Click AUTOSAR C++14 and click Export Profile to download a copy. 
  4. Click Add Profile and provide a name when prompted. 
  5. Click Confirm. An empty profile is added. 
  6. Rename the exported copy of the default profile and click Import Profile
  7. Browse for the copy and confirm to upload.  
  8. Click on a guideline and specify your changes. You You are allowed to change a guideline's obligation level from advisory to required and claim compliance with AUTOSAR C++14 , but required but required rules cannot be re-categorized as advisory.   
  9. Click Save
