Users with administrator privileges can access User Administration Administration (pstsec), which is an interface for performing the following tasks:
- Adding or removing users from the database
- Defining user groups
- Granting and managing user and user group permissions
- Connecting to your organization's user directories (see Configuring LDAP)
Open one of the following addresses in your browser to access the User Administration module:
/pstsec for HTTPhttps://<host><HOST>:
By default, User Administration is configured to run on localhost
. The User Administration module will automatically display the Users panel. Log in with user who has administrative access (or is member of EM Administrator group). Only administrators can access the instance of User Administration shipped with License Server.
Inherited user permissions are grouped and reflect the permission group hierarchies. Any permission can be disabled/enabled based on specific needs. Permissions inherited by a user from different permission groups are separated but linked with the individual permissions.
Administrators can assign the following permissions.
PSTSEC Permissions
PSTSEC permissions provide access to User Administration functionality.
Required to log into User Administration. Provides ability to modify one's own personal data, but no one else’s.
Grants right to edit and modify user and permission groups data.
EM Permissions
EM permissions (Environment Manager) provides access to Continuous Testing Platform and/or Environment Manager (legacy). Permissions for EM are role-based. Choose Role from the Name menu and assign one of the following roles:
Grants access to all CTP activities: testing privileges, provisioning environments, defining systems and environments, controlling access permissions, and test data management. See the CTP User Guide for additional information.
Grants the ability to provision environments and to create and execute test jobs in CTP. Appropriate permissions to the resources is required for both actions. This role also grants the ability to execute all repository actions on test data. See the CTP User Guide for additional information.
Grants the ability to provision environments for sources the user has access to in CTP. This role also grants read-only access to test data. See the CTP User Guide for additional information.
Built-in User Groups
title | Built-in groups cannot be edited |