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The Parasoft Findings extension is designed to be used in a post-test execution build step that integrates functional and unit test reports as well as static analysis reports and code coverage reports, including support for quality gate checks, generated by Parasoft tools into your Azure DevOps project. The extension can consume the following report types:
- Edit an existing pipeline or create a new pipeline and click Add Task.
- Search for "Publish Parasoft Results" using the search field.
- Select the extension and click Add.
- Review the Results Files field. The predefined minimatch pattern is configured to read the test results, static analysis, and code coverage reports generated by Parasoft tools. You can modify or remove parts of the pattern to suit your needs. See Microsoft's documentation on file matching patterns for more information on working with matching patterns.
- Static Analysis reports require you to install an extension to Azure DevOps to view; see Viewing Static Analysis Reports for more information.
- (Optional but strongly recommended) Configure the Root path to Parasoft tool/Java installation field. You can enter the absolute location of the root path of a Parasoft tool (Jtest, dotTEST or C/C++test contains a Java installation) or a standalone Java installation to significantly optimize the efficiency of report processing and avoid potential memory issues.
- (Optional) Configure the Reference pipeline field. If you want to use specific pipeline as a reference, specify the reference pipeline name. To use current pipeline, leave this field empty.
(Optional) Configure the Reference build field. If you want to use specific build as a reference, specify the reference build number. To use the last successful build, leave this field empty.
Info title About Reference Pipelines and Builds Reference pipeline and Reference build are not supported in a release pipeline.
If you are not using quality gates, the the reference pipeline and build can be used to filter results by Baseline on the Scans tab.
If you are using quality gates, they can be used as a baseline build when the quality gate needs one.
- Choose Save & Queue > Save.
You can set multiple quality gates that evaluate after issues are reported. These gates adjust the build status based on desired product quality, setting builds to 'unstable' or 'failed'. Each gate measures against a specific metric: the number of issues of a certain type and severity. This feature is not supported in a Release pipeline.
- Edit an existing pipeline or create a new one and click Add Task.
- Search for "Parasoft Static Analysis Quality Gate" using the search field.
- Select the extension and click Add.
- Configure the following properties as needed.
- Type: Type of issues to be evaluated for the threshold.
- Severity: Severity of issues to be evaluated for the threshold.
- Threshold: The threshold defines the minimum number of issues that will fail a build. If the actual number of issues is greater than or equal to this threshold, then a build is considered unstable or failed, respectively. Default value is 0.
- Build status if quality gate fails: Determines if the build should be set to unstable or failed if the quality gate is not passed.
- Choose Save & Queue > Save.
You can set multiple quality gates that evaluate after coverage results are reported. These gates adjust the build status based on desired product quality, setting builds to 'unstable' or 'failed'. Each gate measures against the value of code coverage of a certain type. This feature is not supported in a Release pipeline.
Edit an existing pipeline or create a new pipeline and click Add Task.
Search for "Parasoft Code Coverage Quality Gate" using the search field.
Select the extension and click Add.
- Configure the following properties as needed:
- Type: Type of code coverage to be evaluated for the threshold.
- Threshold: The threshold defines the actual value of code coverage that will fail a build. If the actual value of code coverage is less than this threshold, then a build is considered unstable or failed, respectively. Default value is 0.0.
- Build status if quality gate fails: Determines if the build should be set to unstable or failed if the quality gate is not passed.
- Choose Save & Queue > Save.
You can set multiple quality gates that evaluate after test results are reported. These gates adjust the build status based on desired product quality, setting builds to 'unstable' or 'failed'. Each gate measures against the number of test results of a certain type. Please note that the "Newly failed tests" type is not supported in a Release pipeline.
- Edit an existing pipeline or create a new pipeline and click Add Task.
- Search for "Parasoft Test Results Quality Gate" using the search field.
- Select the extension and click Add.
- Configure the following three properties as needed:
- Type: Type of test results to be evaluated for the threshold.
- Threshold: The threshold defines the number of test results that will fail a build. The default value is 0. A build is considered unstable or failed when either of the following conditions are met:
- The number of total passed/executed tests is less than threshold.
- The number of total/newly failed tests is greater than threshold.
- Build status if quality gate fails: Determines if the build should be set to unstable or failed if the quality gate is not passed.
- Choose Save & Queue >Save.
Static analysis reports are collected from the Parasoft report XML files and display static analysis data and rule documentation. This feature is not supported in a Release pipeline.
Viewing static analysis reports in Azure DevOps requires the Azure DevOps extension "SARIF SAST Scans Tab" from Microsoft DevLabs. You can download it for free from the Visual Studio Marketplace. Once this extension is installed, you will have a Scans tab on build details pages.
Code coverage reports are collected from the Parasoft report XML files and display summary information and class-specific coverage data. Only data for the last matched coverage report is shown. This feature is not supported in a Release pipeline.
Viewing Results of the Last Build