Versions Compared


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  • Default Browser Playback: Specifies the default browser(s) for playing this test.
  • Browsers Supported: Enable the Browsers specified here only option if you want to ensure that this test is never played in an alternate browser (for example, because the web page structure is significantly different on other browsers and the scenario would need to be constructed differently on another browser). If this is enabled, the test will only be played in the specified browsers, even if it is run by a Test Configuration set to use different browsers. If you want to allow a Test Configuration’s browser playback settings to override the ones specified here, choose Any browser.
    For example:
    • If you select Chrome, Firefox, and Browsers specified here only, then run a Test Configuration set to run tests in all browsers, the test will be run only in Chrome and Firefox.
    • If you select Chrome, Firefox, and Any browser, then run a Test Configuration set to run tests in all browsers, the test will be run in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge (as applicable).
  • Visibility: Describes the visibility of the tests as they playback. This option is inherited from its parent if Default is selected. You may choose Headless or Visible if Custom is selected.
    • In Headless mode, you will not be able to see the tests as they run as the browser will not be visible while the test is running. The following support is available for Headless mode:
      • Windows: Fully supported
      • Mac: Fully supported
      • Linux: Supported on Linux 2.4.21-27.0.2 kernel builds and later (tested on Red Hat, Debian, and Mandrake Architectures)
    • In Visible mode, you will be able to watch in the browser as the test runs and be able to visually verify that the test ran correctly.
titleOpening the browser UI for command line tests

The above options do not apply to tests run from the command line interface.

In command line mode (using soatestcli), SOAtest runs web scenarios in headless mode by default. If you do NOT want to run in headless mode from the cli, use the -browserTestsVisible command with soatestcli (described in Testing from the Command Line Interface - soatestcli).
