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  • SNMP
  • Windows monitors (available only on Windows installations of Load Test)
  • WebSphere
  • JBoss (deprecated)
  • Tomcat
  • rstat
  • remote
  • deployed (e.g.for example, AppDynamics, Dynatrace)
  • custom


Table of Content Zone

Adding SNMP Agent Monitors

Load Test can retrieve data based on the provided OID(s) from the SNMP agents of versions 1 and 2c.

To add an SNMP agent monitor:

  1. Right-click the Monitors node in the Load Test tab and choose New Monitors from the shortcut menu. A New Monitors dialog displaysopens.
  2. Select SNMP from the New Monitors dialog, then click Finish. A configuration panel for the new monitor will open in the right panel.
  3. Type the SNMP agent’s host name in the Host field.
  4. Type the SNMP agent’s community in the Community field.
  5. Enter a parameter by clicking New. The New Parameter dialog opens.
  6. Complete the New Parameter dialog as follows:
    • Parameter Type: Select  Choose OID or Composite.
    • Parameter: Depending on the Parameter Type selected, the Parameter options will vary according to the following:
      • OID: Enter Enter the Object ID that identifies a specific parameter within the SNMP agent community. (Only available if OID is selected in as the Parameter Type drop-down menu.).
      • Composite: Select Choose Processor, Memory, Network, or TCP to collect corresponding data.
      • Counters: Depending Depending on the selection from the selected Composite parameter drop-down menu, displays CPU Utilization (%), Memory Utilization (%), and Network Utilization (%); these counters are calculated by querying a set of OIDs.
        If TCP is selected from as the Composite parameter drop-down menu, you must select a counter from the Counters box.
      • Parameter Explanation: Displays an explanation for the Composite parameter selected.
    • Graph Title: Enter a title for the graph that will correspond to the Monitor you are adding. This title will display in Load Test Progress graphs, and in Detailed Report graphs.
    • Apply operation: Select Select to apply simple operations to values returned by an SNMP agent. Use  Use "*" for "multiply", "/" for "divide", and "%" for "percentage of". For example, if the agent returns the value of the allocated memory in bytes but you want to see it in KB, you would apply a "/ 1024" operation by selecting "/" from the drop-down menu and entering "1024" in the adjacent text field. You could then add "Memory in kilobytes" into the the Graph Title field.
  7. Repeat the above step until the Parameters table shows all parameters you want this SNMP agent to monitor.
  8. Verify the new monitor by right-clicking the related node in the Load Tests tree’s Monitors> Monitors > SNMP branch.

Adding Windows Performance Monitors

To add a Windows performance monitor (functionality which is only available if you have a Windows installation of Load Test):

  1. Right-click the Load Test tab’s Monitors node, then choose New Monitors from the shortcut menu. A New Monitors dialog displaysopens.
  2. Select Windows from the New Monitors dialog, then click Finish.
  3. Type the perfmon’s host name in the Host field.
  4. Enter a parameter by clicking New. The Add performance counter dialog opens.
  5. Complete the New Parameter dialog as follows:
    • Select the performance counter and instance of the parameter you want to monitor. An explanation of the parameter you select displays in the Parameter Explanation box.
    • In the Graph Title field, enter a title for the graph that will correspond to the Monitor you are adding. This title will display in Load Test Progress graphs, and in Detailed Report graphs.
    • In the Apply Operation sub-panel, select an operation and a value to be applied to the monitor data if needed. For example, by selecting the / (divide) operation and entering 1024 in the operation value field, you could convert the original monitor value from Bytes to KBytes.
  6. Repeat the above step until the Parameters table shows all parameters you want this perfmon to monitor.
  7. Verify the new monitor by right-clicking the related node in the Load Tests tree’s Monitors> Monitors > Windows branch.

Adding WebSphere Monitors

Before adding a WebSphere monitor, go to the Security> Security > Global security section section of the WebSphere Administrative console and ensure that the Enable administrative security check box is unselected is not enabled.

To add a WebSphere monitor:

  1. Right-click the Load Test tab’s Monitors node, then choose New Monitors from the shortcut menu. A New Monitors dialog displaysopens.
  2. Select WebSphere from the New Monitors dialog, then click Finish.
  3. In the Project Configuration panel, click Configure. A Configure WebSphere Agent dialog displaysopens.
  4. Enter the Host name, change the Port number if necessary, then click Next.
  5. In the Configure WebSphere Agent panel, enter or browse to the appropriate Path of the WebSphere installation. For example: C:\IBM\WebSphere.
  6. Click Next. The Configure WebSphere Agent dialog displays a table of the required Jar files for the server and indicates whether or not the appropriate Jar files were found.
  7. In the Configure WebSphere Agent dialog, click Finish. The Add Parameter dialog opens.
  8. Select a Parameter from the left GUI panel of the Add Parameter dialog. The Name, Description, and Value for each instance of the parameter you want to monitor displays in the right GUI panel of the Add Parameter dialog.
  9. In Select column from the right GUI panel, check the parameter instances that you want to monitor, then click OK. The parameters you choose will display in Load Test Progress graphs, and in Detailed Report graphs.

Adding JBoss Monitors


JBoss monitors are deprecated and will be discontinued in the next release.

To add a JBoss monitor:

  1. Right-click the Load Test tab’s Monitors node, then choose New Monitors from the shortcut menu. A New Monitors dialog displaysopens.
  2. Select JBoss from the New Monitors dialog, then click Finish.
  3. In the Project Configuration panel, click Configure. A Configure JBoss Agent dialog displaysopens.
  4. In the Configure JBoss Agent dialog, enter host name , and change port number, if necessary, then click  click Finish. The Add Parameter dialog opens.
  5. Select a Parameter from the left GUI panel of the Add Parameter dialog. The Name, Description, and Value for each instance of the parameter you want to monitor displays in the right GUI panel of the Add Parameter dialog.
  6. In Select column from the right GUI panel, check the parameter instances that you want to monitor, then click OK. The parameters you choose will display in Load Test Progress graphs, and in Detailed Report graphs.

Adding Tomcat Monitors


In order to use this monitor, Tomcat should be started with the following Java system properties:


Use the port of your choice with the system property.

For example, you can add the following Java system properties to the catalina.bat Tomcat launch script if you are on Windows:

No Format

If your Tomcat is installed as a Windows service:

  1. Launch Tomcat9w.exe.exe  
  2. Click the the Java tab in the Apache Tomcat Properties window.
  3. Add the Java system properties to the "Java Options" section. Each Java system property must be on a new line.

To add a Tomcat monitor:

  1. Right-click the Load Test tab’s Monitors node, then choose New Monitors from the shortcut menu. A New Monitors dialog displaysopens.
  2. Select Tomcat from the New Monitors dialog, then click Finish.
  3. In the Project Configuration panel, click Configure. A Configure Tomcat Agent dialog displaysopens.
  4. In the Configure Tomcat Agent dialog, enter the host name , and change the port number, if necessary, then click click Finish The . The Add Parameter dialog opens.
  5. Select a Parameter from the left GUI panel of the Add Parameter dialog. The Name, Description, and Value for each instance of the parameter you want to monitor displays in the right GUI panel of the Add Parameter dialog.
  6. In Select column from the right GUI panel, check the parameter instances that you want to monitor, then click OK. The parameters you choose will display in Load Test Progress graphs, and in Detailed Report graphs.

Adding rstat Monitors

To add an rstat monitor:

  1. Right-click the Load Test tab’s Monitors node, then choose New Monitors from the shortcut menu. A New Monitors dialog displaysopens.
  2. Select rstat from the New Monitors dialog, then click Finish.

For rstat monitors to be enabled, copy the djrpc.jar and rstatcl.jar files to the <INSTALL>/plugins/com.parasoft.ptest.libs.web_<VERSION>/root directory and add them to the classpath.

Add the rstatcl.jar file to <INSTALL>/plugins/com.parasoft.ptest.libs.web_<VERSION>/root directory upon installation.

The djrpc.jar file must be purchased and copied to the <INSTALL>/plugins/com.parasoft.ptest.libs.web_<VERSION>/root directory.

Adding Remote JVM Monitors


To use this monitor, the JVM should be started with the following Java system properties:

Use the port of your choice with the system property.

To add a remote JVM Monitor:

  1. Right-click the Load Tests tab and choose Monitors node, then choose New Monitors from the shortcut menu. A New Monitors dialog displaysopens.
  2. Select Remote JVM from the New Monitors dialog, then click Finish.
  3. In the Project Configuration panel, click Configure. A Configure Remote JVM Agent dialog displaysopens.
  4. In the Configure Remote JVM Agent dialog, enter host name and change port number, if necessary and press , then click the Finish button. The Add Parameter dialog opens.
  5. Select a Parameter from the left GUI panel of the Add Parameter dialog. The Name, Description, and Value for each instance of the parameter you want to monitor displays in the right GUI panel of the Add Parameter dialog.
  6. In Select column from the right GUI panel, check the parameter instances that you want to monitor, then click OK. The parameters you choose will display in Load Test Progress graphs , and in Detailed Report graphs.

Adding Custom Monitors

Custom monitors can be implemented by JavaScript or Jython scripts, or by Java class methods. This is especially useful if you would like to collect data from sources that are not listed above.


A channel method must return a java.lang.Number type in order to be plotted in Load Test Progress and Detailed Report graphs.

To add a custom monitor:

  1. Right-click the Load Test tab’s Monitors node, then choose New Monitors from the shortcut menu. A New Monitors dialog displaysopens.
  2. Select Custom from the New Monitors dialog, then click Finish.
  3. Enter a name for the Custom monitor in the Name field.
  4. Click the New button. An Add Channel dialog dialog opens.
  5. Enter a name for the channel in the Channel ID field. The name you entered for the Custom Monitor, together with the Channel ID, will comprise the title of the monitor. This title will display in Load Test Progress graphs, and in Detailed Report graphs.
  6. (Optional) Enter a short description of the channel in the Description field.
  7. Select a language from the Language menu.
  8. Specify the script by doing one of the following:
    • Select the Enable File radio button and click the Browse button Browse to select the appropriate file.
    • Select the Enable Text radio button and enter the script in the text field.
  9. Specify the method you want invoked from the Method menu.
  10. Click OK. The new custom channel is added to the Channels table in the right GUI panel.


Table of Content Zone


Adding AppDynamics Monitors

To add an AppDynamics monitor:

  1. Right-click the Load Test tab’s Monitors node, then choose New Monitors from the shortcut menu. A New Monitors dialog displaysopens.
  2. Select AppDynamicsMonitor from the New Monitors dialog’s Deployed monitor types table, then click Finish.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the Project Configuration panel, click the Properties button and configure the AppDynamics properties.

    • Host – host where the AppDynamics server is installed.
    • Port – port where AppDynamics is listening for REST calls.
    • User Name – user name for REST calls authentication.
    • Password – password for REST calls authentication.
    • Query Interval (Minutes) – time in minutes over which the monitor values are averaged. The minimum value is 1 minute.
  4. Click OK to save the property values in the project.
  5. To add channels to the AppDynamics monitor:
    1. Click the New button in the Deployed monitor panel panel of the Project Configuration tab. The monitor channel selection dialog displays. The top-level nodes in monitor channel tree are applications monitored by AppDynamics.
    2. Expand the top level application nodes until you reach the channel leaf nodes with check boxes.
    3. Ensure that the items you want to monitor are checked.
    4. Click OK to to have selected nodes added to the Parameters table of the Deployed monitor configuration panel. The parameters you choose will display in Load Test Progress graphs as well as in Detailed Report graphs.

Open the Properties dialog and click the OK button to reset the monitor channel selection tree. The monitor channels tree will display the top-level application nodes based on the data provided by AppDynamics. The child nodes will be dynamically constructed based on queries sent to AppDynamics as you click the tree’s expand icons “[+]”.

Monitoring Data Available from AppDynamics Monitoring Extensions

The AppDynamics Exchange site offers a number of Monitoring Extensions. Monitoring Extension data available in AppDynamics Metric Browser will be available in the Load Test AppDynamics monitor.

The screenshots below show the data exposed by the ‘Static’ Monitoring Extension available from the Exchange in the AppDynamics Metric Browser View and the Load Test AppDynamics monitor channel selection view.

Custom FileContentMetric in AppDynamics:

Custom FileContentMetric in Load Test AppDynamics Monitor:


Adding Dynatrace Monitors

To add a Dynatrace monitor:

  1. Right-click the Load Test tab’s Monitors node, then choose New Monitors from the shortcut menu. A New Monitors dialog displaysopens.
  2. Select DynatraceMonitor from the New Monitors dialog’s Deployed monitor types table, then click Finish.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the Project Configuration panel, click the Properties button and configure the Dynatrace properties.

    • Host – host where the Dynatrace server is installed.
    • Port - port where Dynatrace is listening for REST calls. Default port is 8020. Refer to the Dynatrace documentation for more details.
    • User Name - user name for REST calls authentication.
    • Password - password for REST calls authentication.
  4. Click OK to save the property values in the project.
  5. To add channels to the Dynatrace monitor:
    1. Click the New button in the Deployed monitor panel panel of the Project Configuration tab. The monitor channel selection dialog displaysopens.
    2. Expand the top-level application nodes until you reach the channel leaf nodes with check boxes.
    3. Ensure that the items you want to monitor are checked.
    4. Click OK to to have selected nodes added to the Parameters table of the Deployed monitor configuration panel. The parameters you choose will display in Load Test Progress graphs as well as in Detailed Report graphs.

The monitor channel selection view tree is structured in the following way:

  • Level 1: Dynatrace dashboards
    • Level 2: Chart Dashlets in a dashboard
      • Level 3: Measures in a Chart Dashlet
        • Level 4: Min/Max/Avg vales of the Measure

You can monitor either existing Chart Dashlets of Line Chart type or create new ones. You can add multiple Measures (data series) to a Chart Dashlet. See the Dynatrace vendor documentation for more details.


Open the Properties dialog and click the OK button to reset the monitor channel selection tree. The monitor channels tree will display the top-level application nodes based on the data provided by Dynatrace. The child nodes will be dynamically constructed based on queries sent to Dynatrace as you click the tree’s expand icons “[+]”.

Dynatrace REST Query Response Size Considerations

The sizes of the Dynatrace REST responses can be quite large (100KB and more), depending on the Chart and Dashboard configurations.

To minimize the size of the Dynatrace REST query responses:

  1. In the charts of the dashboards that are being monitored by Load Test, choose the following settings in the Chart control panel in the top right corner of the Chart view.
    • Select Timeframe: set to ‘last last 5 minutes’minutes.
    • Select Chart Resolution: set set to ‘10s’ 10s.
  2. To apply these settings to all charts in a dashboard, choose the Apply to Dashboard command in the right-click menu shown in screenshots above.
  3. To estimate the sizes of responses of REST queries of dashboards that are used by the Load Test Dynatrace monitor, open the query results in a browser using the following URL template (after substituting the host, port and the dashboard names to the ones relevant to your environment):

Monitoring Data Available from Dynatrace Plugins

The Dynatrace ‘PLUGIN CENTRAL’ site and ‘Community Plugins and Extensions’ site contain a number of plugins, many of which can be used to extend the out-of-the box Dynatrace monitoring capabilities. The Dynatrace plugin data added as a Measure to a Chart Dashlet will be available in the Load Test Dynatrace monitor.

The screenshots below show a StockQuote sample monitor plugin available from the ‘Community Plugins and Extensions’ site added as Measure in a Dynatrace Chart Dashlet and in Load Test Dynatrace monitor channel selection view.

Custom StockQuote Measure in Dynatrace:

Custom StockQuote Channel in Load Test Dynatrace monitor:

JVM Threads

Adding Remote JVM Threads Monitors

The JVM Threads Monitor allows you to observe threads statistics, as well as record individual thread details of a remote Java application using Java JMX technology. 


titleEnabling JMX Monitoring

To use this monitor, the JVM should be started with the following Java system properties to enable JMX monitoring:

Code Block

Use the port of your choice with the system property.

To add a Remote JVM Threads Monitor

  1. Right-click the Monitors node in the Load Test tab and choose New Monitors from the shortcut menu.
  2. Choose JVMThreadsMonitor from the New Monitors dialog’s Deployed monitor types table and click Finish.
  3.  In the upper-right corner of the Project Configuration panel, click the Properties button and configure the JVMThreadsMonitor properties.

    • Host: host name where the JVM is running
    • Port: the JMX port of the JVM (See Enable JVX Monitoring).
    • Thread Filter: Comma Comma-separated list of strings. If a thread name contains any of the strings in the list, the thread will be processed by the monitor. Thread name matching is case insensitive. (The filter is applied after the monitor receives all available thread data from a remote JVM process.).
    • Thread Dump Mode: Comma Comma-separated list of thread states to be dumped for further analysis. See Taking Selective Thread Dumps for a detailed description.
    • Thread Dump Directory: Directory path where threads should be dumped. See Taking Selective Thread Dumps for a detailed description.

      titleThe JVM Threads Monitor may affect the performance of your application under test (AUT)

      The performance effects associated with adding the JVM Threads Monitor are comparable to using the jvisualvm Java performance diagnostic and monitoring tool. The effect should be negligible in most cases, however we recommend evaluating it by comparing key performance indicators of the AUT, such as CPU utilization, Average and Maximum response times, etc.and so on, before and after applying the JVM Threads Monitor to your Load Test project.

  4. Click OK to save the property values in the project.
  5. To add channels to the JVM Threads monitor:
    1. Click New in in the Deployed monitor panel of the Project Configuration tab. The monitor channel selection dialog displaysopens.
    2. Enable the channels you want to monitor. Channel details are available in the Description column of the channel selection dialog.

About Channel Descriptors

Scroll Table Layout

TotalThreadsNumber of filtered threads.
RunningThreadsNumber of filtered threads in RUNNABLE state
BlockedThreadsNumber of filtered threads in BLOCKED state waiting to enter synchronized statement or method.
ParkedThreadsNumber of filtered threads in parked state due to LockSupport.park() call.
SleepingThreadsNumber of filtered threads in a Thread.sleep() method.
WaitingThreadsNumber of filtered threads waiting to be notified in an Object.wait() method.
NewThreadsNumber of threads that are not yet started.
UnknownThreadsNumber of threads in unknown state.
DeadlockedThreadsThreads that own one lock while trying to acquire another lock already held by another thread. This channel finds locks involving both object monitors and ownable synchronizers, such as java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock and java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock
MonitorDeadlockedThreadsThreads that own one synchronization monitor while trying to acquire another monitor already held by another thread. This method finds deadlocks involving only object monitors.
BlockedTimeApproximate time in milliseconds filtered threads spent in BLOCKED state during the Load Test data collection interval.
BlockedRatioApproximate ratio of time filtered threads spent in BLOCKED state measured in percent.
BlockedCountNumber of times filtered threads were in BLOCKED state.
WaitedTimeApproximate time in milliseconds filtered threads spent in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state.
WaitedRatioApproximate ratio of time filtered threads spent in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state measured in percent.
WaitedCountNumber of times filtered threads were in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state.

All data returned by monitor channels is related to the last Load Test data collection interval.

The NEW, RUNNABLE, BLOCKED, WAITING, TIMED_WAITING, TERMINATED are the states from the State enumeration of the java.lang.Thread class.

For details about JVM thread states, see the Java documentation for relevant Java classes:

Upon initialization, the JMX Threads Monitor checks if thread contention monitoring is enabled on a remote JVM. If contention monitoring is disabled, the JMX Threads Monitor attempts to enable it. If this attempt fails, the BlockedTime, BlockedRatio, WaitedTime and WaitedRatio channels will return zero values.

Taking Selective Thread Dumps

The JMX Threads Monitor allows you to take selective dumps of a remote application's threads and save them to disk for further analysis. This feature helps you catch undesired thread states that appear sporadically or record thread states during the automated load test runs.

The JMX Threads Monitor will only dump threads when a load test is running. Thread dumps will not be taken when clicking Send Request in the monitor configuration view.

Set the following monitor properties to configure selective thread dumps.

Scroll Table Layout

Thread Filter

Only threads matching the Thread Filter will be dumped.

Thread Dump Mode

The following values are available:

  • ALL: Dump all threads
  • NONE or empty: Do not create thread dumps
  • DEADLOCKED: Dumps deadlocked threads
  • BLOCKED: Dump blocked threads
  • PARKED: Dump parked threads

No thread dumps will be taken if this property is not configured (empty).

Enter a comma-separated list of values to configure dumps of multiple thread states: DEADLOCKED, BLOCKED, PARKED

Thread Dump Directory

You can enter either an absolute path or a path relative to the following directory in SOAtest/LoadTest installation:


No thread dumps will be taken if this property is not configured (empty).

The path provided in this setting will be used as a thread dump root (see Examining Thread Dumps).

Examining Thread Dumps

The path provided in the Thread Dump Directory setting will be used as a thread dump root. The JVM Threads Monitor will create a separate project thread dump directory under the thread dump root for each load test run. These project thread dump directories will have the following name pattern: PROJECTNAME_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.

  • PROJECTNAME: the name of the LoadTest project.
  • YYYY: current year
  • MM: current month
  • DD: current date
  • hh: hour of the day in 24-hour format
  • mm: minute
  • ss: second

This format allows you to clearly see which Load Test project a thread dump is related to and when it was created. The PROJECTNAME_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss directory will not be created if the monitor does not find threads to dump that match the threads dump configuration during a load test run.

The monitor will create thread dump files with the following name pattern inside the project thread dump directory: S..S_hh-mm-ss.txt

  • S..S: Elapsed Time in seconds since the beginning of the load test run when the threads dump was taken.
  • hh-mm-ss: System Time when the thread dump was taken.
    • hh: hour of the day in a 24-hour format
    • mm: minute
    • ss: second

Each thread dump file will contain one or more thread stack traces taken by the monitor. A thread stack trace will have the following format:

Code Block

Each BLOCKED thread will be followed by a stack trace of the thread that is blocking it. A BLOCKED thread output will have the following format:

Code Block
      Blocked by:      


Code Block
BLOCKED thread: Clinet Rec: LTPub_0.4104694862292172
    Blocked by:
    PARKED thread: acme_pool-2-UserCodeRunnable-135

Matching Thread Dumps to Graph Points in the Load Test Report

To find a thread dump for a particular point in the Load Test report graph follow there steps:

  1. Hover the mouse cursor over a point in the Load Test report graph
  2. Use either the Elapsed Time or the System Time in the tooltip to find a dump file with the closest Elapsed or System time.

For example, the 3_10-37-37.txt file will be the thread dump file for the graph point highlighted in the screenshot.


  1. Select the Load Tests tree node that represents the monitor you want to query.
  2. Click the Send Request button in the Response View area of the monitor’s configuration panel.


  1. Right-click the Load Tests tree node that represents the monitor(s) you want to verify (either the Monitors node, the Windows node, the SNMP node, the Custom node, or the node that represents an individual monitor).
  2. Choose Verify from the shortcut menu.

Monitoring Behavior During Test Suite Load Testing


Monitor data collected during load testing is saved in the Detailed Report, where it can be viewed together with and correlated to the default data (such as "Number of Virtual Users", etcand so on).)