- Windows:
cpptesttrace.exe [options] [build command]
- Linux:
cpptesttrace [options] [build command]
Option | Environment Variable | Description | Default |
| CPPTEST_SCAN_OUTPUT_FILE) | Defines file to append build information to. | cpptestscan.bdf |
| CPPTEST_SCAN_PROJECT_NAME | Defines the suggested name of the C++test project. | name of the current working directory |
| CPPTEST_SCAN_RUN_ORIG_CMD | If set to "yes", the original command line will be executed. | yes |
| CPPTEST_SCAN_QUOTE_CMD_LINE_MODE | Determines the way C++test quotes parameters when preparing cmd line to run.
cpptestscanQuoteCmdLineMode is not supported on Linux | all |
| CPPTEST_SCAN_CMD_LINE_PREFIX | If non-empty and running original executable is turned on, the specified command will be prefixed to the original command line. | [empty] |
| CPPTEST_SCAN_ENV_IN_OUTPUT | Enabling dumps the selected environment variables and the command-line arguments that outputs the file. For advanced settings use –cpptestscanEnvFile and –cpptestscanEnvars options | no |
| CPPTEST_SCAN_ENV_FILE | If enabled, the specified file keeps common environment variables for all build commands; the main output file will only keep differences. Use this option to reduce the size of the main output file. Use this option with –cpptestscanEnvInOutput enabled | [empty] |
| CPPTEST_SCAN_ENVARS | Selects the names of environment variables to be dumped or '*' to select them all. Use this option with –cpptestscanEnvInOutput enabled. | * |
| CPPTEST_SCAN_USE_VARIABLE | Replaces each occurrence of "VALUE" string in the scanned build information with the "${VAR_NAME}" variable usage. | [empty] |
-- cpptesttraceTraceComm and | CPPTEST_SCAN_TRACE_COMMAND | Defines the command names that will be traced when collecting build process information. These names, specified as regular expressions, should match the original compiler/linker commands used in the build process. |
Example: Modifying GNU Make Build Command to Using cpptestscan